
the wise warrior

I had a full life, 80 years in my profession reaching this age was an achievement without counting that I was dying of cancer, the bullets from the battlefields did not get the better of me but a cursed liver cancer. It's a good death for an old special forces soldier. I feel death coming a last look at my life, regrets yes I couldn't start a family.... My eyes are heavy where am I my vision is blurry boobs damn I'm drinking milk.....i got reincarnated...a family that will be my goal in this life a family....I didn't think starting a family was going to be more complicated in this life than tje Last one .. 

Steeven_Joseph_9690 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 3 the choice

Grégoire de Palatire, my principal, stared at me with his piercing gaze as if he wanted to look deep inside my being, then suddenly he stood up and told me to follow him. We went to the arena of the orphanage there he took a wooden sword and told me to choose my weapon. I took one too and without even shouting guard he attacked me. With a horizontal blow full of force by reflex I dodged the blow by leaping back but he left me no respite, he was already a few steps away from me and five blows headed straight for my chest right left followed like a dancer. I moved my trunk while trying not to lose my footing. This old man was indeed 80 years old but had lost none of his art, not to mention that he was a 5th level master epeiste, which only 50 out of a billion epeiste manage to do. He had only been attacking me for a minute and it felt like an eternity. I was just running away, avoiding being hit. He looked at me smiling then he let out a word if we were going up the level. His wooden sword glowed with mana. He wasn't going to use that against me ...his look was telling me to prepare for what was to come. I took a breath and concentrated on how I was going to avoid getting my bones broken and I did what I had always done in my past life when retirement was no longer possible, go for it and give my best. I threw my sword at him once I was close enough he dodged it with no problem, I jump to hit him with my punch . He launched a blow to hit me in the abdomen I bandaged the little muscle I had to ward off the impact it was painful but I do not lose sight of my target I hold the wooden weapon with both hands and taking advantage of his stupor, kicked him masterfully in the jaw. But my blow couldn't shake him and he laughed at me before knocking me to the ground with a punch. The pain was excruciating. I gave him my killer look where you could read all my rage.

- That's enough Luster, as you can see you stood up to a 5th level swordsman. Not having talent doesn't make you a good for nothing. I taught a lot of military and you have a lot of potential to surpass a large majority of them. You know how to use your brain, you're one of the few people to beat me at chess. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and raise your head. You have two choices choose to let society kill you or prove to the world that you are more than a talent. The choice is yours. If you choose to live like a man, I myself will recommend you to the Marita military school.

I cursed my luck I wanted to start a family to live a peaceful life now I find myself having to redo the army and in conditions where I start xith disadvantage but I had no choice it is that or live in filth. I knew my hell was just beginning but in a firm voice shaking with pain I answered him.

- I accept the chance you offered me to prove my worth. I was in pain, vomited and lost consciousness, the bastard hadn't missed me.