
the wise warrior

I had a full life, 80 years in my profession reaching this age was an achievement without counting that I was dying of cancer, the bullets from the battlefields did not get the better of me but a cursed liver cancer. It's a good death for an old special forces soldier. I feel death coming a last look at my life, regrets yes I couldn't start a family.... My eyes are heavy where am I my vision is blurry boobs damn I'm drinking milk.....i got reincarnated...a family that will be my goal in this life a family....I didn't think starting a family was going to be more complicated in this life than tje Last one .. 

Steeven_Joseph_9690 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 11 the kingdom of metal automata

The prince had put an astroplane at my disposal which dropped me off in the town of Bilko, built 20 kilometers from the dungeon of the same name. The circular city was surrounded by a thick wall that protected it from monster infestations that could occur when too much energy was stored in the dungeon. I had been given a royal pass which exempted me from the checks of the adventurers guild. I had read during the 28 hours of flights all the information that the Altar guild had on the Dungeons monsters and memorized the maps available for the first 10 levels. I had been provided with a quantity of materials that I kept in my sub space, (I think the prince exaggerated on the quantity) I had in my sub space enough to fill 2 storage sheds. Sword, spear, bow, arrow, healing potion, mana potion, food and water. Buffalo even has room for 3 barrels of wine according to him the adventure is not complete without a little alcohol.

As I did not feel tired I covered the distance between the city and the dungeons, there was already a line of adventurers waiting their turn. One of the guards probably noticed me because of my equipment: brand new helmet, breastplate, shin guard and wristband, I think if he knew it was myrthil he would take me for a noble.

- Green boy must reach rank B to have access to that dungeon. I smiled at him and handed him my royal past. He turned pale, excused himself and bowed a little. My face showed confidence but the stress and excitement was eating me from the inside. I place my self on the entrance ring and was teleported to level one, known as the Automata Realm.

I found myself in a small enclave with a door in front of me. A statue of a soldier armed with a spear stood guard. I knew it was an automaton waiting for me to approach the door to activate.

I used inspection to confirm my readings, all the soldiers in level 1 were category c and the boss level was category B and sometimes under certain conditions became category A.

I could see :

automaton soldier C-level Metal affinite Talent spearmen

I had memorized many spells but hadn't had the chance to experience them. I was a magic swordsman after all. I didn't give the automaton soldier a chance to move, I formulated the spell "hell column" and a column of fire was built on the automaton, instant destruction. So that's the power of a level 5 formula.

i went through the door and found myself in a larger room, one would say a Roman-type arena. There were 5 automaton soldiers (two spearmen with rectangular shields protecting 3/4 of the body, two archers and a swordsman). All of level c. Like the previous one, they were waiting for me to arrive in the center of the arena to go into action.

But I didn't want to hang around in level 1 of the dungeon. I said" shadow bands"and the shadow of the automatons immobilized them and I threw a shower of steel spears. 25 steel spears materialized and pierced all automatons without letting them react. The front door opened, I looked at what the automatons had left as treasure (the monsters once destroyed in the dungeons could leave materials, weapons whose quality went from ordinary to legendary) I found an art book. .automatons and golems I launched inspections.

Book of skill in the art of manufacturing Golem and metal automaton. level rare. Prerequisites: Higher Level Metal Affinity Holder.

The other object left by my opponents a crossbow inspection Ordinary level crossbow weapon. I placed my winnings in.my.sub space and went to the other room.

I found myself in a closed space but larger, I faced an automaton squad 50 spearmen with armor and 20 horsewomen. They didn't give me a chance to think the 20 horsemen rushed at me. I threw "wall of earth" but the horsemen broke my defense (inner note the metal wins over the earth element in defense mode), I launched a second spell"wind tornado", the 20 horsemen found themselves swept away and crashed between them buy the wind. the 50 spearmen were on my heels I pulled a sword out of my sub space and boarded the automaton formation

ager to see what 5,000,000. of force is worth in practice) my jump allowed me to fell in the middle of their formation, my.sword split them like butter my.fist and my feet crushed them. Massacre is the word. Until then, it was a walk in the park, I was going to collect my gain.( ordinary sword, magic shield reflects magic attacks against the attacker special, rune heart rare that can power an automaton for a thousand years. ) I placed them in safety and I walked towards the other door knowing that I was going to face the boss a 3 meter tall automaton with 4 arms each containing a shield, a spear, a net and a sword. when entering the space it looks like an old abandoned church the torches lit when I walked through the door and to my surprise in addition to the colossus there was a 5-headed metal cerber 4 meters high Decidedly the creator of the dungeons had a problem of excess. My two opponents were category A. Finally, some exercise worthy of the name.