
Twist of fate

Jason ran like he was going crazy and embraced Ariella. He cared about nothing anymore or no one else.

How was she alive?

That didn't matter anymore, what matters was that she was here with him now.

Daisy flew to Ariella and joined in the embrace. She had thought all hope was lost, but the creator was cooking something beautiful without her knowing.

Isabella stood afar, feeling unworthy to talk to Ariella. But she was so happy that Ariella was alive.

Jason no longer needed the result of the last test to be announced but, however, he collected the result from the laboratorian.

Jason dismissed everyone, and they went back to their various duties.

Jason carried Ariella in a bridal style, he didn't want her to walk or stress herself. He was going to take care of her and keep her by his side.

Jacinta couldn't believe her eyes. How was Ariella alive?

Ariella died!

The doctor confirmed it.