
The tragedy cannot be stopped

Agnes turned sharply when she heard the sound but saw no one. How come the door was open? She vividly remembered locking the door after she came in. Someone must have trailed her without her awareness. She moved to the doorpost, pushed her head out and looked at both sides but saw no one.

“Who was that?” Beatrice asked, immediately Agnes came back.

“It's no one, it seems like I mistakenly left the door open.” Agnes lied. She wasn't ready to be punished by her mistress. No matter where she was, her mistress could easily access her because they had a blood oath which she swore to remain loyal to her mistress until she died.

Also she gave her mistress the right or access to torture her soul, anytime her mistress found out she disobeyed or was not loyal to her.

Beatrice looked at Agnes for some seconds, not satisfied with the answer Agnes gave her. Beatrice searched for any glimpse of doubt on Agnes's face, and when she couldn't find any, she believed her.