
The Hunt

“Mistress, you sent for me,” Agnes bowed before Beatrice. Beatrice has been moody and upset for days now, but Agnes never knew why because her mistress never told her the reason.

“Tell the soldiers to prepare, we are going on a hunt for someone,” Beatrice ordered.

“Yes Mistress,” Agnes said and made to turn when a thought came into her mind,

“But Mistress, why are we going on a hunt when you have your mirror?”

“Stop reminding of my broken mirror!” Beatrice yelled at Agnes. Broken? But she always repaired it whenever it got broken, so why was she yelling? Maybe there was something else her Mistress was keeping away from her.

“I'll kill Ariella if I get her!” Beatrice said loudly to herself and Agnes, who was already leaving, stopped in her track. Ariella was alive? No! That wasn't possible. The sword used on her had the breath of a dragon. If it could kill the king, who was she that it couldn't kill?

Agnes shrugged and left with many thoughts in her head.