
The ball of truth

Ariella's eyes widened in shock when she realized what had just happened. She was supposed to be dead, but instead a flower-like hut was built over her, and it shielded her. The balls of fire melted and disappeared when it came to the entrance of the hut. Another weird and shocking occurrence in less than a week.

Ariella saw Tracy looking at her with more anger and hatred as she flew towards her angrily. Tracy screamed in pain and fainted when her body came in contact with the entrance. Tracy's scream attracted the attention of the royal guards, and they came running in. The chief guard rushed to Tracy, carried her and left without caring to know what transpired between the two sisters, and a few of the other guards followed him. For now, the princess's well-being was his concern, later he will investigate.

Ariella sat still inside the hut, shaking in fright vigorously like someone who was down with a high fever. She feared going closer to the entrance, that side of the hut just made her sister unconscious. Was she trapped in here forever? God! She needed to be beside her sister right now. It was all her fault, Tracy wouldn't have been hurt if her powers hadn't popped out of her when she shielded herself out of fright.

“Princess! Are you okay?” Daisy called out and made to enter the hut. “Wait!” Ariel screamed, but it was too late, Daisy was already inside and was unharmed. Ariel was dumbfounded. Some guards followed Daisy and entered the hut.

“She seems to have gone into shock, and we need to take her to the medicine men immediately” one of the guards concluded after seeing the motionless posture of the princess. Ariella couldn't find words to say. The entrance that hurt her sister did not hurt other people. They entered freely, she was unable to understand, it wasn't her because she didn't know how to use her magic for protection, someone close by protected her from her sister. One of the guards carried her and flew out of the hut and Daisy trailed along, leaving the remaining few guards alone in the garden.


“What news do you have for me, Agnes?” Beatrice asked her maid servant.

“I stalked the older princess all through the week and found out she is desperate to become ruler of the kingdom and would do just anything to see she achieves her desire.”

“Hahahaha that's good, her thirst for rulership shall lead her to us easily.”

Beatrice was thrilled to hear how much the princess wanted to succeeded in becoming Queen. Desperation made way for a lot of negative attack from enemies. She was desperate, and would use her as a means of gaining her freedom into the kingdom again.

“Make her your friend Agnes and bring her here,” Beatrice ordered.

“Mistress, the princess is a very difficult fellow to be with. She's arrogant and mean and doesn't seem to be the type to be interested in friendship with anyone.”

“Nonsense! Nonsense!! Must you always be dumb? Give her a mouthwatering offer that she cannot be able to reject. Her desperation will get the best of her.”

“Yes mistress!” The maidservant bowed and flew out.


King sabastine looked blankly at the wall. His world was slowly falling apart and he couldn't control it. It's been three days now and Tracy was still unconscious, Ariella became withdrawn. She hasn't spoken to anyone for days except for occasional few words to Daisy. He was going to train his guards harder than ever, He felt very defenceless like never before. A thought popped into his mind and he grinned happily. He was going to call for most skilled and gifted fairies in every family to be brought to the palace and trained, then he will pick out the best ones and hire them to protect the kingdom and its people until the said Messiah shows up.

Although as the king, he was the most powerful of all fairies, but it's been ages he fought because he closed his gate of energy, and he knew how consuming his powers could be, and he wanted his kingdom to know for its harmony and serenity. He will begin to use his powers again, his daughters, especially Ariella were his topest priority. An enemy will have to go through him before he/she gets to his daughters. But there was a problem, his gate of energy had to be opened by someone else, not him, because it was closed by his late wife when he instructed her to. He needed someone as powerful and royal as his wife to open the gate.


At night, Ariella who was asleep, charged up in a hasty manner and climbed down her bed. She sat on the floor and folded her legs like a monk meditating. She was possessed by a strange spirit. Her blue eyes became darker and glowed like the moon light.

She began to chant. Her mouth moved, but no words were heard. One who see will have thought she was going insane. While she chanted, there were things happening to her father.

**her father's room**

Sabastine tossed around uncomfortably in his bed. The voice of his late wife kept ringing in his head, she was chanting words that will open the gate of his energy. She was dead, but he just couldn't help knowing it was her voice. He couldn't be mistaken. He thought he was in a trance, but later realized it wasn't a trance. Although, he was awake and his brain functioned perfectly already, he couldn't leave his bed. He felt glued to the bed and was in excruciating pains, his body felt like it was on fire. His energy was slowly flowing and taking its position in his body.

He clenched his fist and groaned in pain when his energy fully took it position in his body.

“The dead wasn't capable of opening gates of energies,” he thought inwardly. Someone was using his wife's voice, and he was going to find out who!.

****At morning***

King sabastine woke up late because of the long, painful night he had. He felt as strong as a youth. He even tasted his powers to see if it was as fierce as it used to be, and as expected, it was.

“May the great protector bless that person who helped me open my energy,” He prayed.

He made a whitish looking magical ball that was visible to him and invisible to others. The ball was a powerful means of finding out a person behind an act. The ball usually floats on the air and directs its maker to the unsuspecting culprits, when it gets to the culprits, it stands above the person's head and moves no further. It was called the ball of Truth.

“The ball of truth lead me to the one that restored my energy,” The King commanded.

The ball began to move, the king left his room and followed it. While the King walked past, he met many of his subject who bowed and paid respect to him and expected the ball to stop, but it kept moving. Coincidentally, the moment they approached Ariella's room, she came out from her room then the ball stopped and stood above her.

The King froze, minutes past, and he couldn't hide the shock. He opened his mouth wide like someone who had just seen a ghost.

“Dad! Are you okay? Is there something wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?” Ariella asked, a little scared.

Just yesterday, Ariella wasn't as active as this and then this morning she was soundly active. And according to the ball of truth, she opened his energy last night. He would have disagreed that the ball lied, but the ball of truth has never been wrong, that meant he was missing out on something. Was his still daughter normal? Was she possessed? Did she have a secret teacher/master helping her learn new magical skills? Was she safe? Was he safe? Was the kingdom safe?