
Is Beatrice back?

Tracy normally wakes up to the smells of different kinds of delicious foods and fruits, but today it was different, she woke up to the heavy stench of medicine. She opened her eyes and saw about three doctors by the doorstep sleeping, she chuckled at the sight of it, they looked funny.

She noticed a slight movement beside her, she turned and saw Ariella sleeping at the side of her bed. Not only that, but she was surprised, how could someone be so soft-hearted and carefree like this, staying close to someone who obviously hated you? Furthermore, she vividly remembered what transpired in the garden, but couldn't tell how long she had been asleep.

The noise the bed made as Tracy sat up woke Ariella who was asleep. Ariella on discovering her sister was awake, screamed in excitement and eventually woke up the sleeping doctors. The doctors rushed to Tracy and began to examine her to see if she was completely okay. Ariella rushed out to call her father and others.


It was a moment of celebration for everyone in the kingdom as the two princess were confirmed hale and hearty by the doctors.

But for Tracy, it wasn't a happy moment, she couldn't believe she slept for six straight days, all thanks to that witch she called a sister. Things kept working in her favor and she just couldn't understand why. First, it was her father's heart she stole, then now again her bracelet and all the attention that rightfully belonged to her.

She suddenly had the urge to take a stroll round the kingdom, and she stepped out to inform her father. I know you are wondering why? Right? Well after the incident that led to her unconsciousness, the king assigned heavily trained guards to watch out his daughters and also restricted their movements. No one could go out without his permission.

“Father! I want to take a stroll round the kingdom, it's been ages I did that,” She said straightforwardly when she flew into her father's chamber, ignoring Ariel who was seated on a chair close to his bed.

“A stroll? Why would you suddenly want to take a stroll at this same period we need to be cautious,” Sabastine questioned, bewildered at her daughter's sudden request?

“No! You aren't stepping a foot out!”

“Common Dad, you know nothing would go wrong with all these guards assigned to her. Let her go, please!” Arielle advocated while Tracy rolled her eyes away in disgust.

There was a moment of silence before the king finally spoke; “You can go, but come back before night fall!”

“Thank you father!”

As Tracy explored the kingdom, fairies scampered away in fear at the sight of her. Nobody wanted to be hurt by her. Because of her, the major roads were cleared, every fairy went home or into hiding, so she could pass, but when she got to a particular road, a female fairy stood backing her.

Tracy was infuriated. How dare this fairy obstruct her? Was she crazy? Who was she? And why was she backing her? The guards luckily positioned themselves circularly, protecting the princess, ready for any sort of attack.

“You wretch! Show your stupid face before I send you to the great beyond!” She yelled to the fairy obstructing her. Tracy gasped in shock when the fairy turned – Standing in front of her was the fairy who revealed to her that her sister was the cause of her mother's death, covered in blood like someone who had just been brutally beaten. Before Tracy could utter a word, the fairy fainted.


There was confusion in the castle as the princess came back with one of the guards carrying the wounded fairy and yelled.

“Someone call the royal doctors now!”

There were whispers among the workers all over the castle. Who was this mystery fairy? Why was she wounded? The princess wasn't the type who kept friends, so why was she calling for a special medical attention for the wounded fairy? Maybe the guards wounded her unjustly, but Tracy was not someone to show mercy.

The doctors placed the wounded lass on a stretcher and wheeled into the royal health center and commenced treatment immediately like the Princess had ordered.


At same moment the wounded fairy was brought into the castle, Daisy, who was taking a nap, woke up sharply. She felt the presence of an unusual magic in the castle. It has been ages since she felt an unusual energy…since Beatrice was banished. Was Beatrice back? No! She can't be back! A strong spell was cast by the late Queen to prevent her from stepping her foot into the kingdom, and she was sure that the spell hasn't been broken because no royal blood knew about it save the King and, of course, her and the King would never endanger the lives of his daughters.

Curious about knowing where the evil magic was lurking around, she stood up abruptly from her bed and traced the location of the unusual energy she felt with her magical power. While she flew, she heard whispers from different angles, and she didn't understand why. She finally stopped at the entrance of the medical center.

She saw the almighty Princess Tracy pacing around with a worried look written on her face, she bowed to the princess who in return ignored her. What was the princess doing here, acting uneasy? The Tracy she knew cared and loved no one except her very self. Was the King sick? No! She saw him a few minutes before she went to take her nap, and then she saw Ariella practicing in the garden while on her way here.

She felt the presence of the energy stronger than before as she moved closer to the doorstep of the clinic. Whoever was inside was involved with some sort of abnormal magic. She badly wanted to enter the ward, but she couldn't till the doctors were done.

“Sister! Are you okay?” Ariella asked Tracy worriedly as she flew to her. Tracy looked at her with disdain, scoffed and looked away. Soon, the head doctor came out and announced to Tracy that they were done, and she was free to see the patient. Tracy quickly rushed inside, while Ariel and Daisy followed suit.

“I will make sure whoever did this to you, pays dearly,” Tracy promised the unconscious fairy, while Daisy and Ariella stared at each other surprised.

'Poor girl!" Ariella exclaimed pitifully.

Daisy scrutinized the fairy carefully and to confirm her curiosity she noticed something amiss-the wounds on the fairy's body were not real, they were created with black magic! How did dark magic get into the palace? And who was this girl?

Is Beatrice back?

How did the black magic come about?

Who was this unconscious girl?

Who sent her?