

Ariella found herself in an empty alley. It felt so terrifying, there was no noise, no person. It was just her.

She has never been here before, where was this place?

The buildings that made up the alley were old looking.

She kept walking through the alley and when she got to the end of the alley, she found herself standing in front of a gate that was slightly opened.

Behind that gate stood different, well-structured and new buildings. They were so captivating, that no one could resist entering the gate.

Ariella entered the gate, and the alley where she came out from strangely disappeared.

She was supposed to be tensed that she was trapped, but rather she felt this calm inside of her.

Ariella began to walk on a straight road that she saw. There was no one on this road too like the alley, and she felt a bit confused.

This city was highly advanced in development than even the wolf kingdom, but how come no one was living in it.