
Ariella's premonition

The long-awaited day finally came, but for some unknown reason, Ariella woke up feeling sad. It felt like she was about to lose something very dear to her.

This was the third time in her life she was having this same feeling. The first time she had this feeling was when she was still a child, and her mother died that very same day. Since few nights ago the prophet visited, she has been restless and now this feeling was making her more restless. She wished she could foresee the tragic event that was prophesied about and stop it.

Daisy walked into the room and noticed Ariella sitting down deep in thoughts, not yet dressed for the occasion. She wondered why. This was the very same event Ariella had been all excited about, so what was this sad mood for?

“What's going on with you, dear?” Daisy inquired, gently rubbing Ariel's back. Ariella opened up to Daisy and told her exactly how she felt.