
Chapter 1: Dawn

Caswiir, always dreamed of becoming the strongest slayer in the kingdom of Vladhel. Without the slayer corp, the kingdom of Vladhel would be devoured by the creatures of darkness that lurked outside vincity of the kingdom. Slayers are very strong warriors equiped well with magic and special training that enhanced their power beyond what an ordinary human can ever hope to achieve.

Far from the capital city of Vladhel, a small village named Giant's lock was located at the foot of a mountain. Here, our protagonist was born, Caswiir was however unfortunate as his mother died shortly after she gave birth. Whereabout his father was rather mysterious and less asked as Caswiir mother was a traveller that happened to settled in Giant's lock. Caswiir was just another village boy, nothing extraordinary in aspects of life although he is remarked to be very stubborn at times. He was brought up by the village blacksmith. The Blacksmith was an old man, despite the ambience of heat and rustiness, He was quite soft in heart and loved by all. Caswiir and the blacksmith relationship was more of a beautiful friendship rather than parental bond. It could be said that it was due to Caswiir being always around his childhood friend Erini, another young and lively girl of his age and the only of his age. Erini family was the wealthy one of the village, well prosporous and not missing in terms of family structure. Caswiir always spent his time playing around Erini house and with his persistent intrusion ever since the young age, He had made himself another addition of the lovely family.

Erini father was a former slayer, not a well known one but he performed well enough to able to retire in Giants lock with his beautiful wife and family. Although, the slayer organisation has grown tremendously in the past ten years , Erini father trained Caswiir and Erini in the hope that both of them may be able to get into the Academy of slayer. In the world where creatures of darkness are constantly threatening the lives of humans, Being a slayer guaranteed safety and strength to protect oneself and others.

Caswiir showed passion and enthusiasm in the tales of Slayers and their heroic deeds, while Erini doesn't seem much interested in those adventure but was driven a strong motive to make her father proud by becoming a remarkable slayer that her name shall reach every corner of the world. Caswiir trained alongside Erini everyday. Erini father, Hennok focused on teaching them the basic of swordmanship and to master the fundamentals which Erini showed immense growth which showed how talented she was meanwhile Caswiir was much further away and the gap in talent can be seen even without contemplating on their training on regular basis. Caswiir was however catching up slowly by putting double the amount of effort Erini does. He won't give up easily, he was blinded by the excitement of traveling away from Giant's lock to become slayer.

Giant's lock vincity was well protected by regular slayer patrols and outposts since the trade routes are closer to the village and Giant's lock did always serve as a resting inn for the frequent merchants and travellers. Many slayers would also stopped by Giant's Lock for restocking their vitality and the sight of slayers had always been a joy for Caswiir, he would enagaged in random conversation with them. For one could say, no one was as passionated as Caswiir in Giant's lock in becoming slayer.

However, time was nearing for them to leave Giant's Lock and Slayer academy entrance test was only few weeks away. Both of them have finally reached the age of 16 to be able to take part in the test. After years of guidance under Hennok, Caswiir caught to the level of Erini skill but still Erini far exceeded overall in terms of relfex,integrity of fundamentals and judgement skills. What awaited them in enrtance test was going to turn the world of Cashwiir around.