
The will of life

Per the will of the moon goddess, the chosen one will have two mates. For she will be the mother of all and lead her people to peace. Both creatures of the night, the wolves and vampires will follow two kings and one queen. Should the prophecy not be fulfilled, prepare for eternal war amongst clans.

Missy_Alexander · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

I sat looking out the window, looking at the moon and lost in thoughts. I'm 20 years old this year, my birthday was last week September 20.

I celebrated it with my boyfriend Mark de Silva jnr and my mother, Mark and I went out on a picnic and he gave me a beautiful bracelet engraved with my name on it, later he dropped me off at the front yard and gave me a hungry kiss and I knew what he wanted, it been long and I know it not fair on him but each time I want to give myself to him.. how can I put it.

We've been going out for 5 years, see Mark is older than me by 2 years, he's 22 and is also the young Alpha of our pack, the West Winter pack located in Silver lake.

The name has a ring to it once you think of it, the name Winter is because it always cold in this area but it bearable and in Winter you don't wish to go out, but we are one with nature it unbearable if you haven't shifted yet, but the irony of it all is that it doesn't snow but the cold seeps through your bones.

Even though Mark and I have been going out for 5 years, we love each other true but... there's that invisible barrier between us, that it seems almost like we are both waiting, perhaps him waiting for his true mate and me, well you see the reason I'm up at dawn and everyone else is still sleeping is because after officially being introduced to the young Alpha I've been having these dreams.

They started out blurry, but as time went by I managed to make out the visuals.

I always dreamt of a figure glistening with bright lights and leaving an infant deep in the woods and before that figure leaves, the words that are left behind are 'with time' what confuses me the most is, what are they saying before that because I can clearly see the hands moving as if doing some signs. I always break out in cold sweat when I try putting this together, my mom told me how I was discovered.

Every night it the same thing, then it changes I would see my wolf. That right, I have a wolf it only comes out/speak to me, when I'm in danger and disappears without a trace.

I thought I didn't have one or it premature because everyone shifts at 16 but this ancestor at 15 made an appearance when our pack was going to be attacked by rogues. Like a speed of light only thing I heard was "Child it will do you good to stay indoors tomorrow, for you shall face a calamity".

What a child with unknown origins to do, ofcourse I listened to the voice, at 16 years I didn't shift, 17, 18 still nothing but all senses are heightened, from speed, brilliance, eye sight, hearing you name it.

I once asked this little buddha guiding me if they will come out all I was told is "mate hasn't recognised us", that small piece of news gave me great joy atleast that means I have a mate, which brings me to question whether could Mark be my mate or should I go to other packs to check?

I love Mark, but I can't shake the feeling that when his true mate comes he will leave me. I know at 20 years I shouldn't be thinking about these things, but it a feeling I can't shake, also what if he is my mate and he's wolve can't communicate with mine since it is sleeping.

All these unanswered questions are just frustrating, I should go back to sleep and head out to the pack sorcerer seer tomorrow to consult.