
The Will Of A Beast

Humans originally stood at the top. Facing many adversities. Wether it’s other humans, beasts, disease, lastly Mother Nature. Yet is all came crashing down when mana a magical like energy evolved humans and beasts alike. Join Khan on his journey for oh so sweet revenge and join his beloved goddess in the heavens

PumkinWarrior · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Character sheet & magic system sheet;). SPOILERS


Main protagonist: khan was from a high familia that birthed geniuses but when his mother gave birth she realizes along with her husband he barely has any mana for a baby or future adult so he's given to his fathers grandparents.

Claudia: khans mother and one of his revenge targets. First wife of the current Don of the Ghengis familia.

Ghengis Kuula: khans father also a revenge target current Don of the Ghengis familia has 3 wives and a very hypocritical man

Camilla: khans fiancé who cheated and kill khan.

Luca and Andrea Ghengis khans half siblings despise him to their bones aswell fighting to be the Don of the familia

Habana Ghengis is khans older sister although she is a devout man hater all that turns around when she's near khan. Although she tried to help khan thorough out her childhood her mother scolded her and Kuula sent her away from him.

Sonia Ghengis: although not naive to the world she is one of the sweetest people and strongest in the world atm also dotes on khan

Alfon Ghengis: grand elder of the familia he and Sonia are his grandparents who hella dote on him and give him familial love

Ishtar: goddess of love and animals and is also khans lover along with habana kekeke