
The Wild Man

Shadows556 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter One


Mae Williams

Unloading off the rusty old bus that seemed to have seen older days with my backpack on my back, I couldn't help but look around this new scenery that I have still not gotten use to seeing. Instead of the tall buildings and the open lands with no trees in sight, all you can see is trees in a dense forest surrounding this small village. The roads were made from dirt instead of concrete and the buildings were all made from wood. The villagers were much different than us. We had paler skin while the majority of them had darker, tan skin. By the looks we were receiving, we were definitely outsiders.

Now why are we here in this village? Glad you asked.

My friends and I attend college and we are taking a humanities class. Though the college pays for us to go, we had to choose a different place in this world and study the people and the animals that live in that area. My friends and I chose a remote village in the Amazon Rain Forest called Xoila. It was on the outskirts of the Amazon Rainforest but we would learn a lot for sure.

But before we get into that story, let me tell you a little about me and my friends.

My name is Mae Williams and I am nineteen years old. I have long, wavy brown hair and green eyes. I am 5'7" and I am slim but I do have pretty nice assets I like to think. I am single - unfortunately - and I have three close friends that I have been friends with since middle school.

First is Allison Smith. She has long, straight blonde hair and blue eyes. She is 5'6", and she is curvy. She is the ideal kind of person I would love to be like. She is beautiful and kind and everybody loves her. I envy her sometimes because most of the time, she is something I can't be. She can have whoever she wants but she is so kind and sweet and treats everyone nicely even if they are mean to her.

Next is Taylor Hilton, he is Allison's boyfriend of two years. He is 6'3", and he is pretty buff even though he doesn't play any sports. He has short brown hair and grey eyes. He loves Allison so much, and treats her like she is the only girl in the world. I wish I had a guy like Taylor who would do that for me. A girl can dream right?

And lastly is Adam Jackson. He is 6'3" and muscular. He plays football at the school. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. Adam is a nice guy and not a player like most football players. I know he has a thing for me but I see Adam too much like a brother but I just don't know how to let him down gently.

Anyways back to what I was saying, we had arrived in Xoila and everything was going well so far. We were waiting on our tour guide who would meet us here at the bus station. Allison wipes her forehead, looking up at the darkening skies.

"We got here a lot later than we should have." Allison commented, shaking her head, "I wonder if the tour guide came here and then left when we didn't arrive."

Taylor wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close, "I don't think so. They should know if the bus doesn't show up, it's going to arrive sooner or later."

Allison snuggled closer to him, and nodded, "well I hope you are right."

I sent Adam a "gag motion" at Allison and Taylor's comments and movements right about now. Adam chuckled, knowing exactly what I felt at that moment. Both of us single while Allison and Taylor have been happily together.

Don't get me wrong, we are happy for them. We just like to mess around about what they do and stuff.

"Shut it." Taylor said to me, rolling his eyes but there was a smile on his face.

"Hello, are you the college students we are picking up?" A deep accented voice said, catching our attention.

We all turned, a little surprised, and saw an older man and a younger girl standing there, kind expressions on their faces. We weren't a hundred percent sure who our tour guides were going to be, so I'm guessing this is them.

"Yes, we are." I told them, shaking their hands, "my name is Mae and this is Allison, Taylor, and Adam."

"It's nice to meet you." The man murmured, smiling at us, "I am Aoi and this is my daughter, Kate. We are so excited to have you guys in our home. So please, follow us."

We followed them down the dirt road, and as the sky got darker, I couldn't help but notice people boarding up their homes and going inside. Well that is a bit strange. Maybe I will have to ask Aoi about it once we get settled down in their home.

A few moments later, we arrived at a decent sized home and I noticed it was a lot bigger than most of the other homes around. As I scanned it up and down, I saw most of the windows were either boarded up or barred. Aoi seemed to notice me looking and explained.

"There are creatures that lurk at night that you don't want coming into your home." Aoi explained, opening the door, "but we are all safe. Don't worry about that.

I exchanged a nervous look with my equally nervous friends. But we walked inside the home and Aoi shut the door behind us, and I noticed there was a lot of locks. Well that is very reassuring.

"Well the rooms have been prepared. Girls have the rooms on the top floor and boys have the rooms on the bottom floor." Aoi told us, "I have dinner prepared so just go and settle in and then come to the dinner table and we will talk."

Allison and I went upstairs and we chose which room we would want. I set my bag on the bed and I pulled out my phone, seeing if I had any messages, but as usual, no I don't. I felt a little crestfallen but what did I really expect anymore from them. They don't care about me.

"You ready?" Allison asked me from the doorway.

"Yeah." I murmured as I stuck my phone under my pillow.

I followed her downstairs where everyone was seated around the table. I looked at the table full of food and my mouth practically watered. I sat down next to Adam who smiled slightly at me. I can't believe that Aoi made all this food for us. It smells and looks so good.

"You guys can dig in." Aoi told us, grinning.

I piled food onto my plate, practically starving cause I hadn't had anything all day. Aoi seemed amused by us and he made himself a plate as well. Kate hasn't spoken at all since we had met her. She seemed to be pretty nervous but I don't blame her. We are strangers. We are in her home.

"So Aoi, what exactly is everyone here afraid of?" Adam asked curiously.

Aoi seemed to have paled (though that was a little hard) but he did answer, "they fear the spirit who guards the forest not far from here."

"A spirit?" Allison asked, eyes wide.

Aoi nodded, "yes, the spirit known as Talon. He is the protector of the forest. He comes in the form of a giant leopard. All those who dare to enter his forest will never be seen again. He is merciless because humans have destroyed the forests because of their own greed for money and land."

"But why do you have to be afraid?" I asked him, "we aren't in the forest?"

To my surprise, Kate answered, "we may not be in the forest, but we are near. The spirit is known to leave the forest to find humans to kill who live near so they can't threaten the forest in a later time. A couple of times, those who didn't board the house up or were out late, were found ripped to shreds. After that, nobody took the chance ever again."

"It must be something else cause well, spirits aren't real." Adam murmured, shrugging, "could be a leopard but I don't think it's a spirit."

"Oh it's real. And it wouldn't hesitate to kill you." Kate retorted, "don't be foolish and not listen to us. If you don't, you will die."

The rest of the dinner was eaten in silence. Adam and his big mouth sometimes. He does not believe in spirits or anything like that, but don't just stand there and tell someone they are wrong basically. That is highly disrespectful.

Up in my bedroom, I had changed into my pajamas and I crawled into bed, pulling the blanket up. It was a little warm but I can't sleep without a blanket. It just feels weird to me. I turned over and was about to go to sleep when there was a knock on my door.

"Um, come in." I murmured.

The door opened and I was surprised to see Adam shirtless. I sat up slightly as he closed the door behind him and carefully approached my bed. I was confused though as he sat down by my side and stared down at his hands. He looked distressed, but why?

"Are you okay?" I asked him curiously.

"No." He admitted.

"What's the matter?" I wondered, carefully sitting up more.

"It's you." He muttered.

"What?" I was even more confused.

I didn't even know what to do when Adam cupped the back of my neck and drew me closer, pressing his lips against mine in a soft kiss. I was frozen solid, not knowing how to respond to what he just did. He is kissing me?

Adam pulled back, gazing into my eyes, "Mae, I love you so much and dealing with these feelings is so hard. I'm not asking for an answer right now but please consider if you would be with me or not. I promise to treat you like a Queen. To me, you already are."

Before I can utter a word, he stood up and left the room. And all I could do was stare at the door and think to myself...

What the fuck?!

Adam just kissed me.

Adam just confessed his feelings for me.

What am I going to do?