
The Wild Man

Shadows556 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter Four


Mae Williams


I was startled awake when the lightening cracked across the sky, and the thunder practically made the whole hut shake. I looked around and realized that hadn't woken anyone else up. What the hell? How did they not wake up to that? Just the vibration had rattled me to the core. How am I was going to go back to sleep, I do not know. I settled back on the floor, closing my eyes and attempting to fall back asleep. But just as I nearly fallen back asleep, I heard it.

I shot straight up, and I listened as carefully as I could. It was silent for a long moment, and I wondered if it had been a figment of my imagination. Maybe I am just imagining things. But then, I heard it again. It was a cat meowing, and I could tell it was in distress. I carefully crawled over to the opening of the hut, not wanting to wake anybody up. I peaked down and though it was dark, I scanned the area, trying to find out where the sound was coming from. Lightening cracked across the sky and that is where I saw a poor little kitten at the base of the tree, and it was making sounds of distress. I can't just leave it down there. It could die.

"Mae, what are you doing?" Allison whispered, looking at me from where she was laying.

"There is a kitten at the bottom of the tree, crying in distress." I explained, carefully lowering the rope, "I can't just leave it there."

"You're going to get soaking wet." Allison protested, "I understand but it's just an animal. They have ways of surviving."

"It is a baby!" I retorted, "like I said, I won't leave it to die."

Before she could protest even more, I carefully started lowering myself down the rope. Almost immediately, I was soaked to the bone. Me and my love for animals. I just can't leave it out here to die. It just isn't in my nature to do so. Once I reached the ground, I quickly looked around and saw the kitten a few feet from me. It was huddled so close to the tree, trying to protect itself from the rain. I knelt down, holding out my hands.

"Come here, kitty." I murmured softly, "I'm not going to hurt you."

The kitten peaked up at me, and my heart absolutely melted. Slowly but surely, it came to me, and I picked him/her up and cuddled it close to my chest.

"Mae, did you get it?" Allison called down.

I looked up, the rain pelting across my face and I said, "yes, I did. I'm coming u-"

And that's when I saw it.

Not even a few feet away from me, was a massive shadow in the dark and all I could see were piercing amber eyes that glowed in the dark, peering at me. My heart began to race, and I held the kitten closer to me. The mass didn't approach or even attack though, which didn't make any sense. It could've killed me with my back turned. As I stared into the eyes of it, it almost seemed... human. Like it was reading me through my eyes.

I took a step back, and I heard a growl come from it. That thing would be on me before I would be able to even get up that rope to safety. What am I suppose to do?

"Mae, what's going on?" Allison demanded.

"There is something else down here." I whispered.

"What?" Allison said, confused, "what did you say?"

"There is something else down here." I said louder.

And then, the mass was gone.

Where is it? I quickly looked around, and I knew it wasn't gone. I need to run. I need to find a safe place and fast.

"Allison, I need to find a safe place and fast. There is something out here." I told her, "I will come back in the morning. I can't climb it though. It'll get me before I can."

"Are you serious, Mae?" Allison was concerned, "I'll wake Taylor and Adam up. Don't move."

"There's no time." I said, "there is something there. I gotta run before it comes back. Wasn't there a cave near here?"

"I believe so." Allison replied, "a few minutes north. But Mae-"

"Thanks, Allison, I'll be back." I murmured before I quickly headed off in the direction of the cave.

The kitten was quietly meowing in my arms and I know there would be no point in telling her to shush because well, she is an animal. I just need to get to this cave and fast. Hopefully I can figure out where it is even in this dark. The rain was slowly seceding so that was a good thing. I just hope that thing wasn't following me.

After a while of walking through the forest, I spotted the small cave that we had seen earlier. Thank the lord. I walked inside the cave a little ways in, but close enough that I would see the entry way. I sat down by the way, pressing my back up against it. The kitten settled in my lap, slightly purring.

"We will wait till morning." I said softly, petting her, "then we will go home. I promise."

Who knew how wrong that was going to be.