
The Wild Man of Pokemon

"Welcome to the world of Pokemon!" Never had I expected those words to apply to me. One day I was a content eighteen year old, playing on my console; now I'm a four year old stuck in the middle of nowhere. I hope someone left me some Pokeballs somewhere.

TheQuibbler20 · Video Games
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37 Chs

Cloudy Day

'So let me get this straight. From what we have gathered so far, the machine is essentially a matter converter that will devour anything organic and turn it into a toxic cloud that once released will kill anything not related to the poison type.' I asked.

'That is correct.' Golduck answered.

'And as of this moment, any damage done to the machine will prematurely activate the device?'


Golduck was just reporting his findings on the weapon. Luckily, thought rays could transfer complex information into understandable images and intents.

'Do you have any solution? As of this moment, we are sitting of a weapon of mass destruction that could go off at any second.'

'No idea. The information we got so far took stupid amounts of our concentration just to figure out. We may be psychic types, but we are not scientists as you humans call it. We had to simulate each function to the best of our abilities. I doubt we even know the full scope of its uses.'

Ever since we successfully stole the device, I had this itching feeling in the back of my head. There was something else going on while we are running around trying to make heads or tails of the situation.

'Can we at least contain the device? Perhaps bury it?'

'It is possible; however, no organic matter can be anywhere close to it. No plants, no seeds, nothing. I would also advise keeping the Oddish as far away from it as possible.'

'Its too bad we can't just crush it. Am has been feeling stressed lately.' While that did cross my mind, Golduck said it was made of incredibly tough materials. It would take a mountain just to scratch it.

Golduck blanched at the thought. Am was destructive on a good day, we didn't need to see the carnage when she's angry.

'Please do not jest. My heart cannot handle it.'

'Hahaha.' I laughed, 'Don't worry. That is a last resort.'


Dismissing him, I glanced around the room. This was the official leader's office in the bunker. It was empty aside from mats to sit on. They were made from some reeds woven together.

Taking a deep breath, I muttered, 'Enjoying yourself?'

'Mildly so.' Honedge rose from my shadow, 'Your getting better at sensing me in shadow form.'

'With how much you like to prank me using it. I better be.'

'True.' Honedge corrected, 'Any news on Toxicroak?'

'No and its starting to freak me out. We have both damaged his army considerably and taken his weapon. So far, the retaliation is zero. Spritzee are keeping constant watch, but nothing has changed.'

'That is concerning. Perhaps he has another plan?' He suggested.

'Probably, but I can't figure out what. If he planned on confronting us directly, he would be mobilizing forces together. If he planned on getting his weapon back, he would have sent someone to get it by now or even come himself. I don't get it.'

Honedge floated around in his sheath. Looking at it now, it was barely held together. The sticky thread has frayed and the shell cracked. A years worth of battling left it in dire need of repair.

'Honedge, we need to get your sheath fixed.'

'Its fine. This is all the invincible I will ever need.'

'Its about to fall apart and needs to be upgraded.'

'No. Its not necessary.'

'Why? One good hit and that thing will be shards on the battle field.'

'I like it and don't need a new one.'

A Skiddo chose to poke its head in now, 'Sir, Pangoro is requesting an audience.'

'Huh? Send him in.'

Levitating to the wall, Honedge sat down. Striding in, Pangoro peered at Honedge before asking, 'Am I interrupting something?'

'Not really.' Honedge inputted.

Glaring at him, I turned back to Pangoro and asked, 'Whats going on?'

'Respectable leader, I humbly request a battle.'

'A battle?'

'Yes. A chance at redemption from our previous bout.'

'You know I creamed you last time right?'

'All the more reason for me to reclaim my dignity.'

When we were first gathering groups for war, I approached Pangoro thinking he would be a brilliant tank. The Snorlax had vanished, though I know why now, and I was in desperate need of a physical attacker. Anyway, the only stipulation he had to joining was that I beat him in combat. It was tough, but I won in the end.

'Been training with Snorlax I presume?' I asked.

'Yes, he is a worthy foe to fight.'

After our fight with the Scrafty, Snorlax told me about how his people were being forced to fight in this war. Pitying the clan, I offered a deal. I save the hostage Munchlax and he joins our side. Since then, he was hidden in the woods to not tip our hand to Toxicroak.

However, now that I had rescued the heavy eaters, Snorlax returned to the light along with the rest of his clan.

'Fine. Lets make this quick, I have work to do.'

'I'm calling you on that. We both know you planned to go home and sleep in that bed of yours.' Honedge said.

Finally getting the time, I made the bed I promised to Am. Also, I may have had enough for a second one. The Talonflame and Fletchinder down was gloriously plush, and the Scrafty leather soft and pliable. Am and I could be found sleeping there any chance we got.

'I'll have you know, sleep is very important for one my age. It will make me nice and tall.'

'And fat too if your not careful.'

'I resent that statement.'

Pangoro stood there watching, wondering why he looked up to such a childish leader.

'Are you thinking something negative dear, little, Pangoro?' I was up close in his face, a demonic visage replacing his normal mug.

'No!' He quickly defended, 'I was thinking of how you were such a wise person to lead us.'

'Good, good. I would hate for you to end up as a rug. Your fur is so cozy.' Fearing the sanctity of his skin, he backed away.

'Meet you in the training hall.' I said before leaving.

'He's joking right? I'm not walking to my death?' Pangoro pleaded to Honedge.

Patting his shoulder, he replied, 'Your sacrifice will not be in vain.'

He slumped to the floor defeated, feeling both terror and regret for challenging me.

After giving Pangoro a solid thrashing, I returned to the den, ready for sleep away all my woes.


'Sir, wake up we have an emergency!' A Skiddo shouted.

'What…. Whats going on?' I yawned.

'The weapon, it activated.'

Snapping awake, I leaped passed Skiddo, heading to where the weapon was kept. Crossing the dark forest and entering the underground bunker, I run into Gloom.

'What happened?' I asked.

'The Golduck were watching the machine when it started heating up.'

'Do they know what triggered it?'

'They are not entirely sure.'

Glancing to the ancient Gloom, I gave him a command, 'Get everyone together and watch the area. I don't want to be ambushed while we are trying to figure this thing out.'

'Yes sir.'

He left while I followed the corridor. 'Please don't go off. Please don't go off.' I chanted. Storming into the containment room, Golduck were surrounding the floating weapon as steam rolled off its body.

'Status.' I called.

The leader left the circle and answered, 'Its activating. We don't know what triggered it or how long it will take to activate.'

'Seal it up in as much dirt as possible. Pack it into a sphere large enough to keep it from eating anything.'

'Yes sir.'

He relayed my orders to the other psychic users. Something in my gut stated something was not right. Like an overbearing sister, it wouldn't go away until I acknowledged it.

Quickly stepping out of the room, I go to the entrance to see if Gloom found anything. Leaping up the steps, I find Gloom sitting, watching Spritzee and Skiddo report in.

'Any news?' I asked.

'None. Completely bereft of any Pokemon aside from our own.'

'Something is going on. Why would Toxicroak startup using a weapon that he knows we have?'

'To kill us off I presume.'

'That could be true, but he must know that we have ways of preventing it?'

'Then what would you do?' Gloom raised a brow.

Perplexed, I asked, 'What do you mean?'

'If you wanted to gas the whole mountain with a weapon that your enemies know about, how would you do it?'

I chewed on the question for a minute. If I wanted to kill a mountain's worth of life and prevent them from taking my weapon, what would I do?

'First I would secure it with as many resources available.'

'From what I hear, there were not that many.'

I looked at him incredulously.

'Think about it a minute. If I was a sadistic killer with an ultimate weapon, I would never leave it. I would chain it to my back and carry it around if I could.'

My thoughts raced at the implications.

'Then the weapon we got is not the real one. Its a trap.' I blurted.

'A trap for what?'

'For us.'

'Are you sure?'

'Why are you talking in code, just spit it out already.'

'Golduck has already confirmed how the device works. It is a viable weapon that works.'


'But Toxicroak never retaliated. I would even say he never cared about it.'

Realization dawned on me.

'He has more then one.'

'It does make a modicum of sense when you think about it. If you have access to one, why not make more. Why not have an arsenal of them hidden around the place for a rainy day?'

All the pieces were falling into place. After beating almost everyone in his army, a direct confrontation was less then desirable. The casualties would be catastrophic for both sides. An ambush could hit hard, but it was still a toss up who would win.

Therefore, he needed a sure fire way of killing everything without suffering from damages. Lo and behold, a super weapon. Something that would take out the main fighting force in one swell swoop. Any stragglers could be dealt with at his leisure.

However, I'm paranoid so why have only one weapon when the enemy expects that? If it was me, I would have at least three. One to use, one as a backup, and another to give to a friend. Any beyond that was welcomed overkill.

Now everything was set up for our doom.

'Gloom, get everyone. We need all hands on deck. The mountain needs to be evacuated. Do whatever it takes to get them here. I am going to see if I can get a timeline from Golduck.'

'Yes sir.'

Backtracking, I grabbed Golduck and questioned him, 'How long until the weapon is active?'


'Just answer me!' I bit back.

'Thirty minutes.'


'Get that thing sealed up then start evacuating everyone. Toxicroak is planning to gas the mountain and we have thirty minutes to get everyone underground.'

Golduck widened his eyes. Turning he shouted, 'Get that thing buried now!'

I ran out, trying to get to the den as fast as possible. Bounding over roots and rocks, I rolled through the hole in the tree. Sprinting down the tunnel, I cross into the den panting. Five minutes had elapsed.

Perking up the sight of me, I state, 'We need to leave now. Grab as many materials possible and head to the bunker.'

'Whats going on?' Nincada asked.

'Later, start packing!' I said as I grabbed my weapons and any materials I could my hand on. Stuffing them onto my mattress, I tied it up and slung it over my shoulder. Am did the same, while Nincada just climbed and perched in my hair.

Da had vanished to the storeroom to grab all the left over materials with psychic. By the time we finished, seven minutes passed.

'To the shelter.' I called running.

Another five minutes and we reached our destination. Gogoat was directing in both Snorlax and Skiddo as we arrived. A line had formed and Pokemon were not getting in fast enough. Facing Am, I said, 'Use psychic and get them inside. We don't have the time for being delicate.'

Nodding, she opened her ears and a blue light was cast on all the Pokemon. Waving her hand, many were shoved through the opening and then stashed into an appropriate room. Seeing the entrance cleared, I waved Gogoat down, 'How many are left?'

'Not many. A few loose Spritzee checking for any leftovers.'

'Get them back as soon as they see the gas released into the sky. I don't want any of our own in danger because some idiot decided to sleep under a rock.'

'Right away sir.'

Walking into the bunker, I heard total chaos. Pokemon were shouting left and right, trying to find their families. The thought rays was thick and erratic, grating against my senses. Feeling a headache, I braced against the wall, trying to tune out the noise.

Noticing my plight, Am opened her ears and screamed, 'Silence!' The hall quieted.

Thanking her, I stood before all the confused Pokemon, 'Please remain calm. I know many of you has gotten mixed up and are looking for your family members; however, now is not the time to panic. For now, I need everyone to return to their rooms and wait until we can sort things out.'

'Whats going on outside? I thought the weapon was destroyed.' A nervous Munchlax asked.

'That is a good question, but for the sake of keeping the peace, questions will have to wait.' I noticed several wanted to jump in and ask anyway, but the aura coming off Am kept them at bay.

'Please return to your rooms and we will let you know whats going on as soon as we can.' Finished, I walked to the entrance, Am following close behind.

Staring at the night stars, loud pops could be heard in the distance. An ominous cloud formed over the glittering lights.

Clenching my fists, I mutter, 'You win this round. Be ready for my revenge.'

Turned around, letting Am seal the tunnel, blocking us from the surface.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon in any shape or form.


The Quibbler here back with a new chapter. Sorry for it being so late. I ended up falling off the world and had to climb back up with out rock climbing equipment. Do leave a comment, I like hearing from you guys and its a great motivator to write. Hope you enjoy!

TheQuibbler20creators' thoughts