
The Wild Man of Pokemon

"Welcome to the world of Pokemon!" Never had I expected those words to apply to me. One day I was a content eighteen year old, playing on my console; now I'm a four year old stuck in the middle of nowhere. I hope someone left me some Pokeballs somewhere.

TheQuibbler20 · Video Games
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37 Chs

Battle Trade

Inhaling fresh, clean air, I mentally take in my surroundings. My reception field was stretched to the limit, the earth and the leaves upon it became clear.

Having expanded the bubble to it full five foot diameter, I prod along the edges. Thought rays and reception fields were the physical manifestation of awareness. That was the conclusion I made. I release the energy in bursts that remain connected for a distance. This energy collects information; theoretically, it could carry it to.

Once it crosses that threshhold, it dissipates. A reception field was the terrain I could cover constantly. Going farther was near impossible to hold and maintain for long.

Swirling the energy around, I tried to shape it into a permanent shape. Sadly, it collapsed the moment it left my attention.

Sighing, I gave up and move onto another task. Opening my eyes, I observed the nature around me. Specifically the floating motes of light.

Wherever there was plants and trees, the green was there as well.

Am and Da could sense it, but not actually see it. They called it life energy. Grass types are the most familiar and connected to it. Fairy types close behind.

Reaching my hand out, I concentrate to get a hold of fit. All my interactions with the green dust has lead to my fingers to pass right through it.

It was frustrating, to know I have power and be unable to use it.

Sighing once again, I cross my legs and just observe. The dust always floats up into the air before vanishing into nothing. Where it goes, I'm not sure.

Crawling closer to the bush I was watching, I put my hand on the bark, attempting to hold the energy in. It flowed right through it.

'I must be doing something wrong.' I muttered.

Holding my hand there, I try to think through the steps. I know I have some form of plant manipulation. That fight with Roserade proved it. So what am I doing wrong?

'Lets take a step back. Plants are a series of cells that absorb nutrients from the soil, carbon dioxide from the air, and sunlight to perform photosynthesis. Perhaps the problem is, I'm not giving enough blocks to build from?'

Closing my eyes, I try sensing into the plant. Particularly the roots. I think I'm getting somethi… 'What's that?' There was a glimmer. Something just touching at the edge of my consciousness.

'Hey Oliver!' Honedge shouted right next to me.

'Ahhh! Honedge, what did I tell you about doing that!' I placed a hand on my thundering heart.

'Something about not to, I presume.'

'Yes, couldn't you see I was training?'

'You mean sitting around and touching plants randomly?'

I narrowed my eyes.

'Should I reintroduce you to Mr. Acid and the boiling pot?'

'No, no. No need to do something so hasty. The invincible I could see you were doing very serious work.'

Quirking a brow, I wait for him to explain what he really wanted.

'There is a messenger from the Mienshao clan requesting if your available today.'

'Ah, I see. Gather everyone up. Time to go learn something new.'

'Right away.'

Nodding, I watch Honedge sink into my shadow. Normally, the effort to do so would be wasted on errand running, however my shadow crosses the distance between many others. It was like a free expressway. Something Shedinja and Honedge abuse any chance they get.

Getting up, I head to the cave entrance. Kangaskhan mentioned several nearby groves that I could practice in relative peace. A small clearing with many trees and bushes, the ground carpeted in waxy grass.

Nearing the cave entrance, I see a little yellow and magenta creature. It was bipedal and the ears round like Chinese hair buns. Finally within speaking range, I greet, 'Hello, messenger of the Mienshao clan. I am Oliver Drake, traveling scholar and vile toad slayer. I hear you were looking for me?'

'Indeed, Mienshao invites you to the clan grounds. Spread knowledge and to receive similar in return.'

I see, a bargain then

'I would be honored; however, I wonder what knowledge I could give that would benefit a clan such as yourselves?'

'That is for the clan head to decide.'


'If you are ready, we could begin the journey.'

'Ah, just a moment, my companions shall be joining us if that is not offensive to your clan?'

'I see no quarrel.'

Smiling, I wait for everyone to catch up. Minutes later, Honedge, Shedinja, and Croagunk exited the cave.

'Greetings messenger, may we expect fair passage to your most prestigious grounds?' Honedge dutifully asked.

'We have found no quarrel to the arrangement. Follow me.' The little creature walked along one of the many paths to this cave. It lead directly right of the entrance and climbed up in a steep incline.

Climbing the gritty surface, we neared the craggy peaks. A smooth plateau was carved from the dirt. Mienshao and the little yellow ones, Mienfoo, were practicing various moves.

One recognizable Meinshao sat in the back, on a series of rough hewn stones. Not unlike a monk watching their students. Noticing our approach, everyone stopped. Clearing a line for us, we reach the Mienshao in the back.

'Greetings Zangoose Challenger, I welcome you to our abode. We of the Mienshao clan practice our graceful movements into fine arts. We pride ourselves in our peaceful disposition, but brutal retaliation when provoked, reflected by our quick and deadly strikes. Feel free to roam amongst our clan and let the sharing of knowledge be exchanged.'

'An honor, quick strike master. However, I must ask what I could offer in trade for thy's knowledge? I am but a scholar who has just begun his journey. I may know the basics of fighting with a spear and club, but I doubt it would translate well to your precise and honed abilities.'

'Ha, the little human values himself so little. I will humor you and your opinions, thus I propose a challenge. You and your clan will battle some of my kin. We win, you will fulfill a favor. You win we teach you in our arts.' She glanced at each of us.

'I can see the value of such a trade. Perhaps a series of one on one challenges will be appropriate here. Majority wins all.'

'Very well.'

Nodding to Honedge, we clear a space for battle.

A Miefoo enters the ring first.

'Are both challengers ready?' Mienshao asked. They nodded.

'Then begin!'

Honedge charged first. Going for a chop at the neck, Mienfoo hits it away with an outstretched paw. Following up, bronze energy coats the limb and strikes out at the flying sword. Sadly, Honedge has the type advantage here. The paw flows through Honedge and out the other side.

Caught off balance, the Mienfoo trips as Honedge swings his sheath around and strikes the back of the head. While similar in design to his previous one, this one I modified to be extremely heavy.

That Mienfoo just received twenty pounds of weight to the head. It was knocked out.

'Winner, Honedge!'

Hearing the tsk at the end of it brought a modicum of satisfaction.

'Will the next challengers step forward!'

Croagunk tugged at my cloak.

'Go ahead.' I said.

'Thank you.'

He hopped to the ring.

Another Mienfoo joined in as well.

Honedge's battle was a give me. Very rarely can a fighting type catch a ghost type when phasing. This one however should be interesting. It shall be a measure of his progress.

'Challengers ready?' Both tipped their heads.

'Then begin!'

Neither moved. Honedge had a distinct speed advantage, Croagunk relied more on counterattacks that allowed him into someones guard. It was a growing style, but still effective.

Mienfoo got impatient and struck first. Big mistake. The bipedal Pokemon went for a strike to the chest, intent on breaking some ribs.

Croagunk simply shifted to the side and let the attack pass by. Like a rocket, his own fist covered in bronze energy, struck Mienfoo in the chest.

Flying backwards, the Pokemon landed on its feet and grimaced at the pain. A second later, the Pokemon went back in, this time aiming for the head.

Leaning backwards, Croagunk flipped his foot upwards, connecting into Mienfoo's head. It disorientated the Pokemon for a second before it went in to strike the still flipping Pokemon. Hit in the back, Croagunk fell.

Attempting another strike, Croagunk barely rolled from the offending fist.

It was like this for a few moments, Mienfoo keeping Croagunk rolling on the ground, unable to fight back.

Finally, Croagunk got an opportunity. Mienfoo went for a punch to the abdomen. The toxic mouth Pokemon shoved his arms, allowing him to miss a very uncomfortable strike between the legs, and kicked off the ground.

Now upright, Croagunk swung at the fox faced Pokemon. Unfortunately, he did not see its other paw rounding on his face. The smack was loud and jarring.

Mienfoo then started a flurry of attacks on Croagunk. His arms were up guarding his chest and face. Watching a kick throw him back made me wince.

Catching his breath, Croagunk stood up ready for another bout. Taking a stance of its own, the two prepare for another foray.

Croagunk attacked first this time. Purple light coating his digits. Surprised at the move, I smirked. It seems tough battle were just the spark needed to learn Poison Jab.

Widening its eyes, Mienfoo had to dodge each of its strikes. Getting poisoned was always a battle finisher and both participants were too tired to afford such a status.

It was an interesting dance, one trying to hit the other, the other dodging because the consequence would be dire.

However, the bout was not meant to last forever. Slowly, the glow on his palms faded and Mienfoo could attack again.

With a solid, spinning jump kick, Mienfoo sent Croagunk back to the edge of the ring. Still not one to lose after one hit, he got right back up.

Aura's buzzed in excitement. Glad everyone was enjoying my companion being beat down. Still it was an enlightening experience.

Croagunk needed to learn more flexible moves. Perhaps it would also be possible to teach him how to stick to his opponents like a toad to a wall could. That would give him control of their limbs and a unique form of mobility.

Charging back in, Croagunk started a spinning kick of his own. His opponent blocked upwards, however, it seemed that was what Croagunk wanted. Still in the air, Croagunk charge a bronze colored fist, sending it down on Mienfoo.

Just barely noticing the attack, Mienfoo crossed its arms and took the full brunt of Revenge. A dust cloud formed from the opposing forces.

As the dust settled, I see the two Pokemon still standing. Croagunk was stock still while Mienfoo was nursing its aching arms.

I waited for the following return to combat, when I noticed something off with Croagunk aura. It was still.

Observing his body closely, I see the problem. His eyes are vacant and unresponsive.

Sighing, I called, 'The battle is over, call it.'

Mienshao was confused until she saw what I saw. Nodding in agreement, 'Winner, Minefoo.'

The opposing clan all cheered, congratulating their kinsman.

Walking up to Croagunk, I pick him up in my arms and close his eyes. 'My spear.' I commented to Shedinja.

Falling into my shadow, he goes to look for it.

'A spectacular battle!' Mienshao complimented.

'Indeed it was. Now I know what he will need to work on in the future.' I said back.

'You must be proud of him.'

'More than you know.' Memories of Toxicroak coming up.

'Ah I see.' Likely catching onto some of the emotions behind the comment.

'Will your bug friend challenge next?' She asked.

'No, he is not one for fighting and even then, the battle would be anti-climatic. Shedinja has the ability Wonder Guard. You need a super effective move to defeat him and if you did it would be a one strike defeat.'

'Fair enough. Then I presume you will be the tie breaker then yes?'

'That is correct.'

'Then I leave you in the capable hands of my cousin.'

A Mienshao stepped into the ring.

'Fine, I'll try to give an entertaining show.' Shedinja floated out of my shadow, spear in tow.

'I look forward to it.'

Taking my own position, I wait for the referee to start the battle.


We nod.



The Quibbler here with a new chapter. Enjoy!

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