
Chapter 138 was so barbaric

Machine Translation

The had even said that the Young Madam was uncouth and average-looking. How come she looked so stunning at this party?

After Chen Yisheng overcame his shock, he remembered to entertain Gu Ruochu. "So it's Mrs. Huo. Forgive me, I was rude."

"Yes. The Young Madam is really low-key. We didn't expect it to be you." Deng Tingting smiled apologetically. She knew that the female celebrity she had arranged for Huo Nanchen would probably not win him over.

There had been many rumors about the Young Madam. It turned out many of them were not true.

However, Chen Yisheng was still unconvinced. So what if the Young Madam was very beautiful, she was still not favored. Men liked women like Liu Feishi, they were pure and unrestrained.

After confirming that the lady beside Huo was the Young Madam, Chen Yisheng put his heart at ease.

Gu Ruochu merely nodded in response. To these people, the noble one would always be Huo Nanchen. Naturally, they didn't pay much attention to a woman like her.

She did not like to interact with this group of people. Yang Xi also seemed uninterested in this party. The two of them looked at each other and smiled. They stood at the side and chatted casually.

Huo Nanchen glanced at her and let her go.

"Ruochu, you should come out more often. Don't you find it boring staying in the Huo family home every day?"

"It's all right. You can ask me out in the future." Gu Ruochu raised her wine glass and clinked it gently with Yang Xi's. They both smiled.

"Really? Then I'll ask you out in the future. Don't reject me." Yang Xi puffed up her cheeks and looked very playful.

Yang Xi was about the same age as her. She had a rebellious personality. However, she was quite in line with Gu Ruochu's expectations for her friends.

Not far away, Liu Feishi focused her attention on Gu Ruochu and Huo Nanchen.

Liu Feishi felt that an opportunity had arisen when she saw Gu Ruochu leave Huo Nanchen's side. So what if Gu Ruochu was prettier than her?

As legend said, a person of such a lowly background must be uncouth.

Chen Yisheng was also a very perceptive person. When he saw Liu Feishi walking over, he introduced her. "Master Huo, this is Miss Liu whom we've invited over today."

"Hello, Mr. Huo."

Liu Feishi thought that she was elegant and generous. She was waiting to make flirtatious eye contact with him when she saw that Huo Nanchen had actually frowned.

Seeing that this Buddha was in a bad mood, Chen Yisheng did not dare to utter another word. He could only accompany Huo Nanchen as they walked towards the hall.

Liu Feishi had never encountered such a situation before. There were jeers and looks of amusement coming from all directions. All she wanted to do now was dig a hole and hide in it.

Beauty Liu's face was gloomy as she slammed the goblet in her hand onto the envoy's tray. She blamed all the humiliation she had suffered today on Gu Ruochu.

When she saw Gu Ruochu talking and laughing merrily, a malicious smile appeared on her lips. She gracefully lifted the corner of her skirt and dashed towards Gu Ruochu.

Everyone present knew what Liu Feishi and Chen Yisheng were thinking. Now that Liu Feishi was walking towards Madam Huo, they all waited to see what drama might unfold.

Yang Xi saw the bawdy look on Liu Feishi's face and knew what she was up to. She clicked her tongue and took two steps back. A disdainful look flashed in her eyes.

She must have thought that Gu Ruochu was easy to bully and had come to bully her.

"This must be Miss Gu, right?" Liu Feishi deliberately ignored her title as Lady Huo and smiled. "Why are you here all alone?"

"Who's all alone? Are you blind? Can't you see that I'm standing here?" Yang Xi's face was filled with a fierce look. She looked ready for a fight. Liu Feishi's face stiffened. She never thought that the Longyan Group's daughter would be so barbaric.