

Love is truly precious so when you do receive it, value it we women need to normalize watering our soul mates with knowledge, we need to advise our partners and help them where we can, for them to be the best versions of themselves.

Do not be fooled by society, you do not fit in the crowd, the crowd fits in with you. Be the best that you can be so that even your next coming generation will know what to look for in a wife, let us watch how we communicate with each other let's build our partners because we don't know half of the battles they go through it kills me to see how our men fall into depression because they are told to behave a certain way. Let's leave that mindset in the past that men don't cry stupid mindsets that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Bottling things up inside turns our men into violent people that do not know how to deal with their emotions. Ladies let us groom wise men and build them in such a manner that they won't have to use violence to voice their pain.

We need to remember that we are guiding our children on the right paths they have to follow. So let us be the best that we can be so we do not have to raise broken children. Let us remind them on a daily basis that they should remember their true purpose on earth and that is to be happy.

Let us be great role models to our daughters let us be wise and let us learn our roots so that our daughters will also know how to groom their kids and for our sons to know what to look for in a wife.

A lot of us were told that we should go to school and then go to university so we can earn an honest living most of us just follow to please the world rather than being true to ourselves. Then we lose ourselves on the way most of the time not knowing where we are truly heading that could do more damage than good hence it is always important to know who you are what is your purpose in life and where are you heading. 


Likewise with marriage many tell you the things you want to know about marriage, but what many do not tell you what to do and what you should know in order to be the best that you can be in your marriage in order for you to be happy, you need to find yourself when you are finding yourself you do not rush the process because you may stumble and fall not because you are stupid far from it, but because you are learning everything you need to know about yourself you are discovering your strengths and weakness.

You need to build a strong bond with your mother if you a female and father if male so that they can pass their knowledge down to you the moment you do that then there is no turning back you will be able to deal with any situation placed in front of you heads on. I have seen so many marriages end in a blink of an eye because people rushed things got married in a young age without getting to know themselves first without seeking proper guidance from their elders.


How can you learn or even vow to stay true to your partner who you yourself do not even know yourself. How could you love anyone when you did not give yourself time to discover yourself to love yourself without seeking love from anybody else?


 I learned a lot from past bad relationships, not to play the victim to anyone I had to stop telling people all my problems and my weakness I had to stop seeking advice in all the wrong places. Rather I stayed strong because it is my faith that made me unshaken it is powerful, and my faith allows me to overcome anything I prayed endlessly.

Many fail to understand where I get so much strength not knowing that my Creator has never left my side. And for that, I will stay loyal to him till I take my last breath. It was through that journey of finding myself where I discovered things what makes me strong and what matters to me. It is no secret that I could have not done this alone.

We still haven't told everybody else that Ezile came back the boys were fast asleep by the time he arrived. Ezile called me last night and Phumzile and Gran were still in disbelief so I guess we will be surprising everyone in the tomorrow with a braai or something to welcome him back.

I was hoping we could have a braai and then have a treasure hunt in the garden with the boys. You don't know the importance of something till it's no longer there. I was going to prepare breakfast before the family woke up, I woke very early I'm pretty sure Gran is exhausted we stayed up till late last night catching up

"Good morning," said Phumzile

"Good morning babe" I said

"Good morning baby," said Gran as she made her way to the dining room

"Morning mommy," I said

"Girl where is Ezile I thought he would be here by now?" said Phumzile

"Wait what Uncle Ezile is back and I am only hearing about this now?" said Vuyo with his eyes popping out of his little skull and he had this huge smile on his face

"Yes he came back yesterday," I said the little champ did not even wait for me to finish off my sentence he bolted to get the phone so he could call his uncle we all really missed him.

It's been a rough couple of months our home was empty without him the sound of all that giggling as they were making their way to join us for breakfast. It was a beautiful morning all my problems vanished for a moment my heart was at ease the only thing that was missing was him I won't lie it has been really rough without him.

The week went by in a blink of an eye I invited Ezile and Gugu and Zakes over for the braai I'm so excited I still haven't told everybody else that he is back and they missed him dearly as much as they do not like talking about him but I could tell and they always asked about him so I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see him. But Phumzile and her big mouth told them before I could so well everyone knew now.

"Girl look at you are glowing one can tell that the love of your life has returned!" Said Gugu

"Was I that bad? I said

"You were horrible Ezile please don't you dare put her through that again she looked like she was about to have a mental breakdown!" said Gugu as she burst out laughing

"Is that so princess?" Said Ezile as he wrapped his arms around my weightiest and kissed me on my neck

"Throw me under the bus it's okay," I said as I rolled my eyes and giggled

"Then you should have seen how I looked!" Said Ezile

"But I doubt you were bad as me," I said

"I was watching your every move you looked like an angel you just need to cut down on the wine when you are stressed." Said Ezile as he kissed me on the back of my head and walked away as freaky as that sounded I felt a whole lot safer than scared.

"I'm pretty sure you could not believe it was him the moment you saw him?" said Gugu

"There are no words in the world that could describe the joy I felt when I saw him it felt like, I felt the same way I felt when he took me out on our first date and he bought me pink roses, it is true what they say you never know how special something is until it is gone," I said

Before we could even finish our conversation Vuyo's friends arrived and were excited to see them the day was great the boys were exhausted so they called it a night Ezile and Zakes were packing up whilst I was washing the dishes

"So have you guys decided when the wedding is and where it is going to be held?" said Gugu

"I was thinking and I wanted something small just us as a family hopefully soon we still haven't set the date," I said

"Okay that sounds great the sooner you guys are official the better." Said Gugu

"Yes, girl I hear you," I said

Before Zakes came to fetch her then they left having them around reminded me of the importance of making things official.