
His release

The one thing that is getting harder to find every day is true love or genuine friendship and true support without one seeking something in return. When you find it, you should appropriate it wholeheartedly you should respect and protect it. Speak life into it and let it grow, and pray endlessly for it because it is not everyone that wants to see you happy let it be your place of peace in the busyness of our everyday life there's so much one goes through daily, protect your peace at all cost because you value your peace.

Your soul is the most beautiful thing and most people can paint you out to be a bad person to try to break you, a lot of people will resent you for your honesty but always stay true to yourself. Remember that your sanity comes first so block out any negativity that disturbs your peace. The best thing you could ever do for yourself is to stay true to yourself do not fit in with the crowd. Be different and let your honesty be remembered for a lifetime so your presents will be felt without you saying a word.

Love should be a genuine connection with protection, respect, loyalty, and understanding it should not be forced love grows stronger every day if you appreciate it on a daily bases.

So one should never settle or tolerate disrespect in any form the moment you allow someone to overstep your boundaries they will not stop, people treat you the way you allow them to so be careful how far you allow people to overstep your boundaries. I am no longer available for things that place me in awkward situations or disturb my inner peace.

I am no longer available for things that do not bring me any peace it does not matter even if it is a relationship because a relationship without peace is a bondage that I refuse to be a part of. I love myself too much for that, I recall many moments in my life whereby I settled I settled for any type of love because I never realized my true worth. Now I will cut off anything or anyone that is toxic in my life, I do not have time for things that will make me feel less of a human anymore my sanity comes first.

No one should ever feel like they are being emotionally drained by anyone. Many people enjoy draining the life out of you because they already know their fate and hate to see you happy. So they will do anything and everything to break you.

You have the power on deciding who and what stays in your life do not ever for a moment feel like you are not in control. For so many years I allowed myself to be placed in the worst situations and that had to come to an end now. I have come to realize that I have the power of allowing or dictating who stays or what stays in my life. So I am no longer available for things that mess with my peace if we listen closely to our hearts and pray for guidance. We become the best version of ourselves passing through the stages of growing and unfolding our true strength, we often do not even realize how much progress we have made we hardly take a second to reflect or to look back at the great achievements we have accomplished in life. This is the biggest mistake that I will not repeat you see it is that progress that I saw that kept me going.

The growth stage is important to acknowledge and embrace because this is where we do our deepest work. That is where we see where our true path is and that is where we find the true purpose of living and we find the true purpose of our existence we are all running this race because time is not on our side but one needs to rest to regain our strength, the reflecting stage and acknowledging your true power gives you more strength to that we create new paths and that is where we get new courage to keep us going for our next steps.

When we regain our strength and we are given a reason to cope and we are given more hope because we will be given a tool that's only for our use. You may see something finally blossoming in your life as we approach the new paths because the seed you have planted is finally blossoming and you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

One needs to realize we were all born for a purpose and the moment you find it there's no going back.

One needs to know the moment you have planted that seed of success, there is nothing or anyone who can stop your growth. Failure is part of it because you learner but remember those detours are only meant to build you to groom you into becoming the best version of yourself.

Things may be falling apart or coming together, depending on where you are on your journey. Most of the time you may feel overwhelmed and feel like you are drowning but the end goal is to not give up growth is very uncomfortable because in the growth stage, we lose a lot of people that at some point meant the world to us. Growth may expose us to many things it may make us very vulnerable and we may not know how to deal with everything that will be happening in our lives.

Many of us may feel abandoned or stranded at some point in our journey because the people we had expected to grow old with us vanished along the way. Whilst others were only there to watch you fail and the moment you didn't they no longer saw a reason to stay.

Growth exposes us to people's opinions but you should never let their thoughts about you make you lose your focus remember you are not meant to fit in with the crowd the moment you realize that you will grow into being something one could only dream of becoming and remember the person who could provide you with real protection is God. That is where our true strength comes from staying true to ourselves will allow our souls to discover what is best for us.

Growth is endless it is not a once thing each day is a day for rediscovering our true purpose in many moments during our growth period we always learn our strengths and weakness, and we discover things that we never thought we were able to achieve.

It is exciting and scary at the same time as we constantly grow and learn new things, we discover our true strength.

We grow and learn every day till we take our last breath.

It is taking each day as it comes and being open-minded to learning new things that will assist our growth. We may not know what tomorrow has in store for us or if we are coming or we going but knowing that the growth stage will help you find your true path will make the process more enjoyable. As we continue our life journey feeling empowered even when the fear of 'not knowing where we are going takes place.

We stay strong and continue fighting because this is our race no one could complete it for us. It is our past experiences and faith that will keep us going. A lot will tell you which path you should go because they had been in your position before but it is your journey and you are the only person who has the final say. So make decisions that will allow you to grow with no regrets decisions that will help you have a clean conscious.

Never be too hard on yourself because we are only human and we are bound to make mistakes along the way. I had to love myself more and I had to set boundaries time and energy is precious so I had to choose how I should use it wisely. You can teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won't accept.

So I decided to do what was best for me and my sanity by putting myself first.

I saw an incoming call and my heart was pounding I don't know what was scarier knowing he was behind bars because of me or my biggest fear that he would leave me once again. And what hurts me the most is I never got any answers, to begin with.

"Good morning," I said

"Morning," said Ezile

"How are you?" I said

"I'm good, look I am coming over," said Ezile

It was an awkward moment of silence for a moment I tried to reach out to get answers but clearly, he was not going to give me any I knew I was losing him again I could tell by the way he looked at me he was so cold. I made breakfast I figured he would be coming over. I heard him pull in I have been preparing an apology in my head all morning I heard him coming down the stairs there could be no other better time to talk about this than now before the children came back from their vacation.

"Ezile the bag wait, what, where are you going are you leaving me again? You promised you promised to never leave me again," I said with tears pouring down my face

I could not believe I was going through this again

"I'm sorry princess," said Ezile and left

I still did not why all of this is happening I guess the devil would be happy now he finally accomplished his mission and that mission was to make my life a living hell but it doesn't matter because I know what is meant for me will stay and what isn't will leave.