
The Wielder and His Sword

| A BL Romance Novel | The story revolves around Sano Isamu, a skilled Chisato Clan warrior known for their unwavering loyalty to the King of the empire. Sano is always on a mission to serve the King and defend his people. However, one night, everything changes when his village is attacked and burned to the ground by the Kingsmen. Sano is devastated that everyone, including his family, has perished in the attack. The only person who survived is his best friend, Nakatomi Hachiro. Unfortunately, the Kingsmen capture Naka, and Sano is forced to flee, leaving his friend behind per Naka's request. While on the run, Sano stumbles upon a sword, but it's not just any sword. It has the soul of a male attached to it. The flirtatious soul offers to help Sano gain the power to seek revenge and save his best friend. Sano agrees to contract with the soul, gaining immense power and strength. With his newfound power, Sano sets out to avenge his family's death and save his best friend. However, as Sano delves deeper into his journey, he realizes that the sword's soul he has contracted with has its secrets. Sano must learn to control the power that comes with the blade while dealing with the flirtatious soul attached to it. Will Sano be able to seek revenge, save his friend, and expose the King's corrupt regime? Or will he succumb to the power of the sword's soul and lose himself? | I do NOT claim the cover art |

Midnight240 · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Sano raced into the forest and slowed down once he noticed the men gone. He laid his back against a tree to try and catch his breath. He was panting heavily as the thought of Naka came to his mind. Sano couldn't believe what he had done, leaving his friend behind, but he was determined to get him back, pushing away the thoughts that told him Naka was already dead. He flinched at the sudden pain that rushed into his arm, forgetting that an arrow had shot him. Sano applied pressure to his wound, groaning in pain as he did so.

His eyes scanned around to figure out where he was, but he had no idea, only seeing trees. He felt raindrops begin to fall but didn't want to head back just yet. Sano didn't know if the soldiers were still there and didn't want to take the chance of finding out. He took a moment before he decided on his own to continue deeper. He knew he was in what they called the Ancient Forest or Forbidden forest. Sano knew about all the claims, but he had no intentions of believing them. He wasn't superstitious, as he thought ghosts didn't exist. Although, his chest began to feel heavy.

The people that had gone missing were all the same. They all wanted to leave the Chisato Clan and live their own life. For that reason, Sano believed those people didn't die in the forest but just used it to escape their duties. Looking over the environment, there was nothing scary or exciting about this forest as far as he traveled. The rain poured down, the bleeding in his arm worsened from all his movement, and he knew he needed to find a place to rest. Luckily, a cave inside what seemed to be a mountain came into sight. Not caring about what dangers may be inside, he decided to use it for shelter.

His eyes widened once he entered, seeing all the beautiful colored crystals that spread across the cave and onto the walls and ceiling. The crystals were like lights, glowing brightly to light up the inside of the cave. Sano also noticed how oddly warm it was, just enough to be comfortable. His eyes scanned the cave walls and saw text written in a language he didn't understand, "Where am I..?" he questioned himself out loud. His eyes gazed over the room until spotting a stone with what looked to be a sword stuck inside. Sano covered his mouth as he coughed into it. The heavy feeling in his chest began to worsen.

Quickly he made his way over to the sword, curious. He could run back with the sword and fight off the kingsmen if he was quick enough. He placed both hands on the head of the blade and used all his strength to pull the sword out. He stumbled back with the sword in hand once it had been released. He was surprised at how easy it was, considering his arm was also injured. However, the blade in his hand vanished into thin air before a male appeared in front of him. Confused, Sano stood dumbfoundedly. He stared at the individual with light blonde hair with one red stripe running down the side. His eyes were silver and sharp enough to pierce through one's soul. However, the person didn't look any older or younger than him. They were the same height and looked the same age as well.

Sano backed away from the being, confused, "Where..? How..?" he asked as so many questions flooded his mind. The unknown male moved closer to Sano, staring him down before a slight smirk appeared on his face, "You're pretty cute," he commented, throwing Sano off guard. He wasn't expecting this random being to admire his looks, "Who are you?" Sano quickly asked.

"I'm Kylone De Lin. Also known as The Sword of De Lin. You may call me Kylo~" he smiled, still having that flirtatious smirk.

"The Sword of De Lin? You're the sword I was holding?"

"Yes, I am. You never heard of me before?" Kylo's face shifted into a more confused expression as he moved closer to Sano.

"No, I haven't..." Sano tried to process the situation, but none of it made sense to him. How is this person a sword? He wanted to oppose that stupid idea and call the other a fraud, but how could he when he watched it happen in front of his own eyes? However, the more Sano thought about it, the more he began to realize how much Kylo could help him, "So... that means your powerful, right?"

"Of course I am. That is what I'm known for, after all. So why did you wake me if you weren't trying to find me in the first place?" Kylo asked.

"I thought you were just a random sword left behind. So I figured I could use it to get my friend back..." Sano's voice trailed off as the image of Naka appeared in his mind again. Kylo chuckled, interrupting Sano's thoughts, "I see. Do you wanna make a contract with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you bound yourself with me, you'll be able to use me and my power to get your friend back," Kylo responded.

"What are the conditions that apply?"

"Great question~ I thrive off of death and powerful emotions, which means if you lose control at any point, I will consume your body and soul," Kylo explained.

Sano sighed softly as he thought about the other's offer. It would be stupid to make such a contract knowing his life was involved, but he didn't have anyone else left besides Naka. He couldn't let him die alone, especially in vain. Sano had concluded that he would save his friend and kill the ones who destroyed his village and murdered his family in cold blood. Kylo grinned as he noticed the determined look Sano suddenly gave him. The look of someone who was out for revenge and nothing more. Kylo knew this look better than anyone, "So?" the sword asked.

"You won't betray me?" Sano questioned.

"Betray you?" Kylo chuckled softly, "Of course not. After you contract with me, I have no interest in harming or ruining your plans. It gains me nothing. After all, what is a sword without its wielder?"

"What's in it for you?"

"I get to leave this damn cave and explore the world again" Kylo smiled, but it was genuine.

Sano began to cough as the heavy feeling in his chest became painful. Kylo furrowed his brows, "You should make that contract with me..." his tone becoming serious.

"Then... I agree to the conditions." he spoke, unsure if he was making the right decision, but he wanted his friend back and the King to pay for what he had done to his family, "Let's make a contract. I want you to help me find my friend and kill the ones who betrayed me, my family, and my people." Sano replied in a cold, sharp tone, but it was weaker than usual due to the piercing pain in his chest.

Pleased with Sano's response, Kylo took the male's hand and pulled him closer. Then, without warning, he pressed his lips onto Sano's, kissing him deeply. Sano was about to pull away from him as he did not agree to share a kiss between them, but Kylo held him in place. A surge of power went into Sano's body, making him feel heavier and weaker than he already was, but Kylo held him up in his arms so he wouldn't fall. As soon as the being finally pulled away, a burning sensation stayed on the back of Sano's hand before fading away while he gasped for air. The painful, heavy feeling in his chest disappeared instantly.

"Why did you do that!?" Sano argued as he shoved Kylo away but stumbled back as he did so. If it weren't for Kylo's quick reaction to catch him, he would have fallen again.

"Because you said you wanted to make a contract with me," he chuckled. "That's how it's made silly~" he teased, before grabbing Sano's hand and holding it up for him to see, "Look, this mark shows that the contract has been completed. This is my symbol, just like the one on my neck" he explained as he used his other hand to pull the collar of his shirt down enough for Sano to see the mark, "It matches. Which means you are now my wielder, and I am now your loyal weapon~." he pressed a soft kiss onto Sano's hand where the mark lied.