
The wicked Alpha

Olivia's life took a dark turn when, on her 18th birthday at the mating ceremony, she learned she was a Stealer wolf. As a mute, communication was a challenge, and she hoped her mate would bring acceptance and healing. However, fate had other plans, coupling her with Alpha Damien. Alpha Damien, a ruthless foe of her father, brought not only danger but a host of ruthless women seeking Olivia's demise for being with him. When Olivia's desperation leads her to attempt poisoning Devon, events spiral into brutality.

Mira_Harlson · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 11

Devon's POV

The food was sweeter than usual and if she hadn't tasted it with me, I wouldn't have believed that she didn't slip something into it. Everything seemed to taste good and I just felt somehow happy about it.

I decided to go out and check on her if she was training properly. I noticed that she was doing her training well but how she did it would tire her out too quickly. No wonder she was always so tired after training.

I helped her by giving her some tips and I noticed how well she took them. Suddenly I felt dizzy as if my eyes went closed for a nanosecond. I opened it immediately.

Are you okay?

"I feel a little dizzy."

Maybe you should go and rest.

Seriously, seeing her gesture things to me always made me pissed. I sighed and turned to go. Being an Alpha meant having to look okay even when you weren't. So I had to force myself to walk steadily to my chamber. I knew I was being watched by her and I didn't mind.

The moment I entered my chamber, I felt this pang in my head. It was so strong, I almost yelped. Since when did wine make me feel so much pain? Did she get the wrong wine without knowing? I held my head in my arms. I still managed to shut the door but I don't think I could lock it.

I staggered to my bed and fell into it immediately. My vision darkened completely and I fell unconscious.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but when I opened my eyes, everywhere was dark. I saw a figure sitting on the floor, beside my bed with its head resting on my bed.

Who the hell had the guts to come into my room and sleep? I tried to sit up but I felt so weak. Was I sick? I never fell sick! How come I felt so weak? Maybe I should call the doctor.

I tried to move in my bed but everywhere felt so stiff and heavy. I sighed softly. The figure stirred and the head came up. I could see it was a female and the moment she turned to stare at me, I realized who it was.

"Olivia?" I called. "What are you doing here?" Was she no longer afraid of me? How could she just enter my room without permission and fall asleep on my bed?

She bolted up instantly and started pleading with her hands. She had this panicked expression on her face that made me want to laugh.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I don't know why I had to ask, it's not as if I cared if she was fine or not. She put her gaze to the floor and nodded twice.

I tilted my head to the side, staring at her. The way she always acted demurely, stirred up something within me. It made me want to snap her bones to see how weak she was... And to cuddle her close to me and protect her.

What was I thinking? How could I accept a mute as a mate? I shook my head slightly and my gaze hardened on her.

"What are you doing here, Olivia?" I asked. "Came to spy on me?"

She immediately raised her head and shook her head severally. She began to gesture her reason and I stared at her angrily.

"Enough!" I yelled. "Do you know how to write? Can you spell?"

Slowly, she nodded. Her eyes had turned glossy and the warm amber light that reflected against her skin made her look more attractive.

"Good. Open my drawer and take out a pen and a stack of paper." I said.

She did as I said and made to sit down. She was so slow and careful in her movements as if she was afraid I would yell at her to get up. I didn't blame her, if she wasn't so silly, I wouldn't need to yell at her all the time.

"Now, I would ask you questions and you would write the answers down for me. Ensure to number the answers by my questions." I said. "Do you understand?"

She nodded. I was tempted to ask her to speak but for the sake of not getting myself angry and not making her cry which would also make me angry, double angry, I decided against it.

"Now, what are you doing here?" I asked. I watched her scribble some things on the paper and she handed it over to me.

I saw you leave and I felt you were stressed. But I hadn't seen you again, I had to come to check up on you.

"How long was I asleep?"

She scribbled again and handed it over to me. I read it. Nine hours?

"What happened when you came in? How long were you here?"

I was here since I finished my training, I noticed your temperature kept rising so I used a wet cloth to dab around you until you cooled down. I must have fallen asleep while watching you and I'm sorry for that.

At this point, I felt like maybe I shouldn't be so hard on her. She had come in to check up on me and when she noticed I wasn't feeling well, she stayed with me, dabbing me with a wet cloth as if I was a child. She must have been so exhausted that she fell asleep and she even apologized for it.

"Have you had anything to eat?" I asked. I could see the shock on her face. Usually, I don't care if she eats or not. I would never bother myself with such unimportant things.

She shook her head. She hadn't eaten and she stayed here with me?

"Why not? Aren't you hungry?" I asked. My voice had calmed at this point and her surprise was too cognitive, I couldn't ignore it.

"Don't look so surprised, I'm human too," I said. I noticed that those words had some effect on her and she put her gaze down. Okay, what just happened?