
The White Wolf of Aquintaine

The year is 1587 and the Aquintanian Empire is at a crossroads. Various political and noble factions are competing in supporting their candidates for the imperial crown, ideologies and people are at their boiling point for change, and the threat outside has become more apparent. In the west, the kingdoms are looking at the imperial crown for the taking, in the north are barbarian groups and hordes are approaching the empire’s borders, in the east are empires and kingdoms wants to expand to the imperial lands, and in the south is the nomads' raiding villages and towns. But amidst the chaos, Champions are born. Some become heroes while some become villains. One of them is the young lord of Arignon who would be swept in the raging chaos and struggles in the empire. It is up to him to save the empire from collapse or create one under his banner. Follow his journey, facing harsh challenges and obstacles. To show the world that he is the White Wolf of Aquintaine.

WewWar25 · War
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29 Chs

Informations and Characters (A)


Constance von Arignon – known as the White wolf of the North, a young man who is consider as one of best swordsmen in his generation in the Empire.

He has red eyes and white hair that is seen as evil or bad by the purist noble factions in the empire.

A graduate from the Imperi Aquintania Militari Academi, graduating a top student in his year.

Former Commander of the newly established 21st legion who was once a border militia/army in the Norsland Peninsula. Lead them for more than six months during the entire Northern / Nors Campaign.

Emile Duguelux – known as the Black wolf of the North, was a renowned warrior and served as part of the personal retinue of Constance von Arignon.

Former cavalry commander of the newly established 21st legion during the Nors Campaign.

His red hair and sharp dark eyes radiate his warrior and experience instinct and is feared by his enemies after the martial strength and valor shows in the battlefield.

He is a battle junk and a drunkard, has a very vulgar and crass personality.

Rex von Antoini – an imperial knight, part of the personal retinue of the emperor. A man with a brown hair and a scar on his face.

Trained Constance in the art of the spear.

He has a daughter named Isabella who eloped with his squire, Matthew.

Emperor Frederick XI of Aquintaine – 43rd emperor of the Aquintainian Empire

Aldrik von Guttenheilm – butler of the Emperor Frederick XI, head of the shadow guards and head of security of the emperor's personal guard.

Prince Alexander Aquintaine – Crown Prince of the Aquintanian Empire, the second son, third child of Emperor Frederick XI.


AQUINTANIAN EMPIRE – CAPITAL – AQUINTAINE - the largest empire on the continent of Aegoria. Located in the center of the continent. It is one of the most powerful states in the world with its powerful shock cavalry and knights.

SUN PALACE – Palace of the Emperor

EARTH PALACE – Palace of the Empress

MOON PALACE – Palace of the Crown Prince or Heir

STAR PALACE – Palace of the entire Prince and Princess

CLOUD PALACE – Palace where imperial guests or visitors would stay.

IMPERIAL PALACE – Located in the heart of the Capital, it is an enclosed large land where the Sun, Earth, Moon, Star and the Cloud Palace is inside. It has thick walls surrounding it to ensure security and show the might of the Imperial Family.

FREDERICK II PLAZA – the largest capital plaza in the middle of the city, the statue of the Great Emperor Frederick II of Aquintaine is located.

HALL OF NOBLES – imperial assembly building, where the imperial meeting and assembly would be held.

KINGDOM OF FRANKIAS – west of the Aquintanian Empire, known as the kingdom of knights.

People from the Kingdom are called Frankians.

SLAVINIA CONFEDERATION – east of the Aquintanian Empire, a barbaric and nomadic group of people living in tribes and groups.

People from the Confederation are called Slavins.

CONFEDERATE TRIBES OF NORSLAND – north of the Aquintanian Empire, a barbaric group of tribes living in the frigid north in the Nors peninsula.

People from the Norsland are called Nors.

AEGORIA – One of the seven continents, where the Aquintanian Empire, Kingdom of Frankias, Empire of Britania and the Kingdom of Castilla are located.

MARGRAVE OF ARIGNON – a noble family of the Aquintanian Empire, their fief is on Evicella continent. The starflower, a pink flower that can only grow in the arid and desert land of the continent of Evicella, is the coat of arms of the Margrave of the Arignon.

EVICELLA – one of the seven continents, south of the continent of Aegoria

MOUNT VLADIA – highest mountain in the continent of Aegoria

DIOVORI – a division of men, 1000 men in full strength. Every diovori is commanded by a Diovor who acts as division officers in the battle. Every 10 diovori has 1 Laetori that acts as the field army commander in the battle.

LAETORI – battlefield army commander of 10 diovoris, guarded by 10 cavalry soldiers to deliver commands and order across the battlefield especially if it is chaotic and noisy.

IMPERI AQUINTANIA MILITARI ACADEMI – the largest school for young nobles and prestigious people of the empire. In the imperial capital, Aquintaine.