
The White Outbreak

(This is my first story so much feedback would be nice!)

In this story we follow a city cop who is devoted to his job of keeping the people safe and helping others but everything would change one day and he has to step up and make difficult choices for his own survival. Will he survive?

An alarm bell rings out causing Joe to wake up from his bed Joel was a young man who served in the police force and was a responsible officer. Joel yawns and gets ready for the day. He washes his face and gets out ready for the day ahead of him. He goes to his workplace, the police station. Upon arriving he checked his time 7:30AM he was not late for his morning patrol. He enters through the glass doors and into the police station. He looks around and sees Officer Lee at the desk having his usual morning coffee.

"Hey morning" Joel greeted him.

"Nice to see you here on time" he said.

Joel leaves the entrance area and goes to the locker room . He opens his locker and grabs his blue police uniform and wears it. He exits the locker room and heads towards the Armory and grabs his equipment. He got his vest, a radio, his sidearm and a baton. Joel after getting his gear looks at himself in the, makes sure he looks good in front of everyone and to fix his uniform. Joel also checked if he had forgotten anything. After checking himself he exits and finds Officer Lee waiting for him outside the Armory room.

"Hey by the way I forgot to tell you that the RSU is in the city."

"What reason are they here for, don't tell me its new virus that been spreading lately"

"Yea you got it, They are researching the virus and have told us that its very contiguous and it is fatal to its hosts and can spread quickly so you're going to enforce the lockdown rules like social distancing and advising the public to follow the RSU recommendation of masks." Joel nods and leaves the station.

The RSU (Research Security Unit) were a research private company dedicated to researching viruses and preventing them from spreading and saving lives; they were funded by the government to insure the safety and wellbeing of the city.

He goes to the police garage and gets his patrol car's keys out, He enters the vehicle and starts the engine and drives out of the garage and out of the station to the street. "Patrol unit 27 10-8." Joel says to his radio telling dispatch that he was active and ready for service. "10-4 Patrol Unit 27 good luck." Joe drives around the city and as he looks he sees that people are starting to wake up and get on with their daily commute. Around the city were posters informing citizens of the lockdown and advising them to social distance, wear masks and to wash their hands to prevent the spread of the virus and to beware of the virus. Joel drives around and relaxes as he did not have to stop or do anything as nobody was breaking the law. The city was peaceful and because of that Joe often found himself bored and stopping minor traffic violations during his patrols or issuing fines to them.

"Unit 15 here I got a 10-56 (Intoxicated Pedestrian) in my location I need some backup and 10-52." (Ambulance)

Joel heard his radio beep. "Copy." he says, turning his flashing red and blue sirens on and stepping on the gas pedal.

Joel drives through the streets of an empty city as it seems most people are staying indoors like the RSU advised them, This however made Joel life easier as he did not have to get past traffic. Joel went to the location the officer said but Joel as he drove to the destination he felt it was a bit eerie as the city was too quiet. Joel turns a corner and sees unit 15 cruiser pulled over next to some buildings with posters. "Officer arrived on scene dispatch am going to assist with unit 15 with a 10-56."

"10-4." Dispatch said as Joel put his cruiser to a stop and exited the vehicle. As Joel walked towards the other car he looked around and was surprised to see nobody but just the cruiser. Joel looked inside the police car to see nobody inside. He saw tiny droplets of blood on the road. Joel felt unnerved as he stood alone in the road. Joel pressed his radio and said to unit 15 " Hey am at the location where are you?" Joel said, walking around. There was no response on the radio. Joel felt uneasy and decided to go back towards his car and call dispatch. "Dispatch I might need some assistance. I got a possible 10-65 (Missing person) in my location to send units. Joel drew his firearm and walked on the pathway and looked inside the buildings to see if anyone was there. Then at the very end of the pathway Joel saw someone walking he moaned and stumbled onto the ground. Joel walked towards him putting down his weapon.

"Hey you alright sir?" Joel said to the man he did not respond but began to cough off blood. Joel ran towards the man and helped him up.

He tried to carry him but the sick man yelled "NO!" and shoved Joel to the ground. He turned around then fell, having a seizure.

Joel got up and looked at the man. "10-52 to my location now!" Joel yelled and he quickly got back to the man and tried to calm him down and prevent him from hurting himself.

As Joel got closer to him the man's eyes became darker and white. Joel realised and stopped himself from going towards him. "Shit he has the virus." Joel said to himself backing away from the sick man. He knew that this virus was dangerous. Before he could think of what to do, gun fire erupted. Joel turned to check if there was anyone. but then he heard a growl and the sick man ran towards him.

"STOP!" Joel yelled but he was tackled to the ground. Joel wrestled with the man trying to get him to stop but he would not. His face was red and he growled and yelled like a madman. "AGH FUCK!" Joel yelled as he tried desperately to get the sick man off of him. Joel looked awhile to make sure none of the saliva of the infected man got onto him, he pushed the man face out the way and then turned to his side causing him to be on top of the sick man. As Joel wrestled on top of the sick man he heard screaming around him and gunfire. Joel felt something was wrong and decided to get the hell out of here. He got his baton out and bashed the sick man's face in. Joel got off and ran towards his car. Panicked Joel Franticly put his car keys into the ignition and drove off.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Courscantguardcreators' thoughts
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