
The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

A man is reborn as a dragon seed during the times when the "Dragons Danced"

Last_Quincy · Book&Literature
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Chapter 51 - The Gilded Falcon

124 AC

The second day of the tenth moon

Isembard Pov

As I stood on the balcony of my majestic manse, overlooking the sprawling city of Gulltown, a sense of profound pride surged through me. The legacy my grandfather had built, after bravely breaking away from the main branch of House Arryn, was nothing short of remarkable.

Recalling the tales of his early days, I couldn't help but smile at how his cousins in the Eyrie had initially mocked him for his choice of marriage into a traders' family. Little did they know that this supposedly unwise decision would eventually lead to the accumulation of immense wealth through flourishing trade. The very cousins who had once jeered at him for counting coppers were now envious of our House's prosperity.

Our newfound wealth was symbolized proudly in our coat of arms—a golden falcon on a sky blue field, distinct from the traditional colors of House Arryn. Through my efforts and connections, forged by years of trading, I had cultivated friendships with influential figures throughout the world. The Sea Lord of Braavos and the Archon of Tyrosh were just a few among many powerful allies I had secured in various free cities.

Yet, despite our success, I couldn't help but cast my gaze longingly towards the Eyrie—the seat of the main branch of House Arryn. They had fallen on hard times, ruled by a woman who seemed disinterested in the development of the Vale. Her focus was solely on fucking the harlot from Redfort, while the others bestowed on her the ironic title of the "Maiden of the Vale."

Such incompetence and frivolous behavior would not befit a true ruler, and it was evident that the Vale was suffering under her lackluster leadership. I knew that the only way to restore House Arryn to its former glory and elevate it to new heights of greatness was to take matters into my own hands.

Ser Arnold Arryn and his son became key players in my plan to secure the future of our house. They were my instruments to deal with the woman in the Eyrie, whose reign threatened our very existence.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over Gulltown, I resolved to act swiftly and with precision. I would show the main branch of House Arryn the true strength and potential of a falcon. With determination burning in my heart, I knew that the future of our house was within reach, and I was ready to seize it. The time had come for House Arryn of Gulltown to rise and reclaim its rightful place with me sitting on the throne of the falcon.

"Lord Arryn, a woman is waiting for you outside, alongside a man who appears to be Tyroshi. She says that she is a trader and that her name is Marilda," said Marco, the leader of my guards.

"Very well, let her in. After all, one never says no to business," I replied, intrigued by the unexpected visit.

Marilda entered the room, and after exchanging pleasantries, she took a seat. "Lord Arryn, I am from Hull on Driftmark, and I own three different ships for trading. I have a business proposition for you," she said, getting straight to the point.

"Why me?" I inquired, genuinely curious about her reasons for seeking me out specifically.

"Because you are the Gilded Falcon, my lord," she answered with a knowing smirk, acknowledging my reputation.

Her response amused me, and I chuckled at the nickname that had become synonymous with my success. It seemed that my reputation had indeed preceded me in the trading circles.

As I glanced towards the man with the pink hair and pale lilac eyes, I asked, "And what about this gentleman?"

"He is a sellsail I hired. Despite being mute, he is one of the strongest men I have ever known," Marilda explained.

Her words piqued my interest further. I had been contemplating hiring mercenaries to bolster our defenses and secure our interests. A formidable sellsail, especially one with such a physical presence, could prove to be a valuable asset for House Arryn of Gulltown especially for what I had planned against the whore who called herself the Maiden of the Vale.

"I am intrigued by your proposal, Marilda. Please, tell me more about your business proposition and how this sell sail can be of service to our house," I inquired, leaning in attentively.

Marilda proceeded to lay out a plan that involved expanding our trading routes and tapping into new markets. Her expertise in maritime trade and her fleet of ships presented an opportunity for House Arryn of Gulltown to to increase its wealth and influence even further.

The sell sail, she explained, could lead a contingent of well-trained men to safeguard our assets during these lucrative voyages. His strength and skills would ensure the safe passage of our goods and deter any would-be pirates or competitors from interfering with our operations.

As the discussion progressed, I found myself increasingly impressed with Marilda's knowledge and shrewdness in business matters. It was evident that she was not just any trader but a highly capable and astute entrepreneur.

After thorough deliberation, I decided to forge a partnership with Marilda, accepting her proposal to expand our trade routes. Her ships and expertise, combined with the prowess of the sell sail and his contingent, would undoubtedly strengthen House Arryn of Gulltown's position in the trading world and beyond.

With this newfound alliance, the banner of the Gilded Falcon would soar to even greater heights, solidifying our place among the wealthiest and most influential houses in the Vale. And as the sun set on Gulltown that evening, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the prosperous future that lay ahead for House Arryn of Gulltown.

As I made my way towards the bustling tavern, where I was scheduled to meet with Ser Arnold, the memory of the Tyroshi man with his distinctive pink hair lingered in the back of my mind. There was something oddly familiar about him, yet I couldn't quite place where I had seen him before. Was it during one of my trading expeditions, or perhaps at a gathering of influential figures in a distant free city?

My curiosity got the better of me as I replayed past encounters in my head, trying to unearth any clue that might link me to this enigmatic sellsail. I had traversed the seas extensively, and my connections with various traders and dignitaries had introduced me to countless people from diverse backgrounds. Nevertheless, this man's face stood out, and the sense of familiarity only grew stronger with each step I took towards the tavern.

As I entered the bustling establishment, the aroma of ale and the cacophony of lively conversations enveloped me. The patrons, mostly locals and sailors, paid little attention to my presence, which suited my intentions just fine. I sought to find Ser Arnold discreetly and without drawing undue attention.

At a dimly lit corner table, I spotted Ser Arnold's familiar figure, his stern expression softened slightly by a subtle smile as he noticed me approaching. As I took my seat, I greeted him warmly, but my mind remained preoccupied with the mystery of the Tyroshi man.

"Ser Arnold, it's good to see you again," I said, masking my underlying distraction as best as I could. "Before we delve into our matters at hand, tell me, have you ever encountered a Tyroshi sellsail with distinctive pink hair and pale lilac eyes?"

"As a matter of fact, I did," Ser Arnold replied, recalling a past event with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "There had been a brawl in the marketplace, and this man with pink hair single-handedly defeated a giant of a man, strong enough to twist steel bars. Quite impressive, I must say."

"I believe that we should hire that man," I suggested with a devious smile. "He could prove invaluable in dealing with the impending issue we face."

"I agree," Ser Arnold replied, his eyes narrowing with anticipation.

"Let us retire to a private room," I said, beckoning the tavern owner with a silver coin to secure us a more discreet setting. Once secluded, we could speak openly without fear of prying ears.

And now, in the seclusion of our private room, I continued to feed Ser Arnold's fervor for revenge, stoking the fires of his ambition until they consumed his every thought.

"So, how is the recruiting going?" Ser Arnold inquired eagerly, his eyes alight with anticipation.

I leaned back, a sinister glint in my own eyes. "Oh, quite successfully," I replied with a smirk. "I have gathered about twenty mercenaries, each skilled in the arts of combat and deception. And when we combine them with the thirty knights you already command, our forces will be more than sufficient for the ambush on our dear 'Maiden of the Vale.'"

The mere mention of her title seemed to fuel Ser Arnold's rage. He clenched his fists, his jaw set firmly. "I will sever the bitch's head from her body," he declared with an unsettling determination. "She stole my birthright, and I will see her pay dearly for it."

"I understand your anger, Ser Arnold," I said with a pretense of sympathy, though the truth was far from it. "But remember, we must be cunning in our approach. Simply killing her outright would expose us, and the repercussions would be dire. The Vale would descend into chaos."

He scowled at my words, but he knew that I spoke the truth. "Then what is your plan?" he demanded impatiently.

With a wicked smile, I laid out the elaborate scheme that would bring about the downfall of the Maiden of the Vale while ensuring that Ser Arnold unknowingly played a key role in his own demise.

"When she and her retinue are traveling from Heart's Home to the Eyrie, our men will stage an ambush," I explained, my voice dripping with malevolence. "Dressed as mountain clan savages, they will attack, swiftly and violently. In the chaos, they will abduct her, making it appear as if she has been taken hostage by these 'savages.'"

Ser Arnold's eyes widened with realization. "And then what?" he asked, leaning in closer.

"After her abduction, our men will take her deep into the treacherous Mountains of the Moon," I continued, my words deliberately drawing him further into the web of deceit. "They will 'execute' her there, leaving no trace of her existence, and creating a power vacuum in the Vale."

"A power vacuum that I shall fill," Ser Arnold proclaimed, a cruel grin forming on his face.

Ah, the fool played right into my hands. "Indeed," I agreed, raising my own mug of ale in mock celebration. "Cheers to that, my friend, to the future Lord of the Vale."

"To the future Lord of the Vale," he echoed, but little did he know that he was merely a pawn in my grand design.

As I drank, my laughter resonated with sinister delight, hidden beneath the guise of camaraderie. Ser Arnold was blinded by his desire for vengeance and glory, and he failed to see the true puppeteer orchestrating his every move.

Soon, the Vale would fall under my control, and Ser Arnold's dreams of ascension would be shattered. He would meet his end in the very web he helped weave, and I, Isembard, the mastermind behind it all, would emerge from the shadows to claim the ultimate prize – the Vale and all its power, secrets, and wealth.

I hope you liked the above chapter albeit it was a bit small but nonetheless let me know your thoguhts. Also, I was quite interested in the politics of the vale while reading Fire and Blood and the clusterfuck that took place after Lady Jeyne's death.

Last_Quincycreators' thoughts