
The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

A man is reborn as a dragon seed during the times when the "Dragons Danced"

Last_Quincy · Book&Literature
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Chapter 24 - The Feast (part 4)

122 AC

The thirtieth day of the fifth moon

Ulf Pov

I started moving through the constantly shifting crowds and made my way toward the Black faction. While passing through the crowd of nobles I recognized various lords of the realm who would play a major part in the upcoming war.

The ones that I recognized at one glance were the Lannisters. With their golden hair and emerald-green eyes It did not take much effort to guess who they were. While the Tully's too were easily recognizable with their red hair.

I was sure that I was having a fanboy moment seeing the people of various houses whom I had only read about in books.

It felt surreal to actually be present here and I believe it truly hit me that I would live my entire life in this world when I saw the iron chair that everyone wanted to sit on.

But it wasn't just the nobility that was present at the feast. There were all sorts of performers, from jugglers to musicians to dancers, who kept the guests entertained throughout the night. The food was also a sight to behold, with roasted meats, pies, fruits, and pastries of every kind.

The thought of going to Essos did come to mind but then thinking about the dangers present there burst my balloon before it was even full. The assassins, mages and the free cities who would hound for my blood due to my dragon was more than enough to dissuade me. Add to the fact that both the greens and the blacks would untie to put my smallfolk ass into the grave was terrifying to be honest.

"Ulf", I heard the voice of a girl call out to me and as I turned around I saw the soon-to-be bride looking at me intently.

"Are you feeling well?", she asked as she touched my forehead trying to see if my fever had subsided.

"Yes I am feeling better than before princess", I said while blushing. Damn, these hormones. I hated puberty.

Seeing my face I guess she too realized what happened as she quickly looked down while trying to say something but I couldn't understand anything as she was stammering.

"I wish to apologize for what happened in the morning princess. You shouldn't have seen me vomit and the fact that I called you by your name is unforgivable", I said.

"No no it's fine Ulf", she said in a hurry.

"It is not your fault that you got seasick".

She continued saying something but I was not paying attention as I was busy checking her out. Heleana had become a bit plumper than normal girls but that was a plus due to her assets becoming bigger as well. She had worn a beautiful green dress which showed a bit of cleavage as well, while her hair was tied in a beautiful braid. I gazed into her eyes purple eyes as she continued talking.

"Ulf", she said a bit forcefully which broke me out of my stupor. Damnit puberty sucks.

"You have to call me Helaena, otherwise I will be very cross with you".

Seeing her pout I realized how beautiful she looked.

"Whatever your Highness wants", I said while giving her a mock bow after which she started giggling which caused a strand of hair to come undone.

Seeing her smile made my heart skip a beat.

"Fucking hell control yourself", I thought to myself.

It is just a passing crush and anyways she's going to marry her brother in a week. Just forget about it.

But despite knowing that I could not help myself and gently took the strand of her hair which had come onto her face and gently tucked it behind her ear.

"hehe the princess has become a tomato", said a voice in a sing-songy tone.

We both looked at the person who said it and the moment my eyes landed on the person I immediately realized who it was.

The person was a dwarf and was barely three feet tall wearing a god-awful costume along with an equally ridiculous cap that had bells stuck on it.

The man was none other than Mushroom himself. The man who would have made a fortune in writing scandalous articles if he had lived in modern times.

This man should not be thought of as harmless. He was a clever bastard and if the seven had taken his height they gave him enough intelligence to compensate for him. It was difficult for healthy men and women to survive the bloody dance while being away from the fighting but this dwarf managed to survive while being at the center of the war.

He was a person whom I did not want to offend and It would be way better to have him on my side than against me.

"Is it the first time that the white-haired boy is seeing a dwarf?", he asked while giving a bright smile while trying to catch the tail that was attached to his ass.

I tried hard not to laugh at the scene taking place in front of me and somehow succeeded.

I slowly got on my haunches and looked at him intently. Seeing me he too stopped running around.

"I did not wish to make you feel bad about your appearance my friend. I humbly apologize for the distress that I may have caused you", I said while looking genuinely sad.

For a moment I could feel him scrutinizing my every word and action.

"Will you be friends with this foolish dwarf?", he asked while giving me a bright smile and brought his hand forward.

"It would gladden my heart to be friends with you", I said while shaking his hand.

"And you are no fool Mushroom", I said softly while staring straight into his eyes. At that moment the fake smile on his face disappeared and I saw the spark of intelligence twinkling in his eyes.

"Let us meet again and continue this wonderful conversation Ulf", he said quietly in a tone that was vastly different from the one he used in front of other people.

I watched him go, wondering what kind of secrets he held. But for now, I was content to enjoy the rest of the feast, surrounded by lords and ladies of the realm.

As the night went on, the feast turned into a grand ball. The ballroom was decorated with lavish flowers, candles, and golden ornaments. The musicians played the most elegant music that made everyone want to dance.

The noble ladies of the court were all dressed in the most exquisite gowns and had their hair styled in intricate braids and curls. The lords were all suited up in their best attire and danced with their respective ladies.

As I watched the dance from afar, I saw a few ladies who caught my eye. Lady Jeyne Arryn of the Vale was dancing gracefully with Lord Royce of Runestone. Her silver gown shimmered under the chandeliers, and her dark hair was tied up in a bun with loose strands framing her face. Lady Lysa Redwyne of the Arbor was also dancing, her red dress flowing elegantly as she twirled with her partner, Lord Tyrell.

But the lady who caught my attention the most was Princess Helaena Targaryen. She was dancing with her brother, Prince Aegon, and they looked like they were in perfect sync. It seems that the queen had forced her son to attend the dance classes diligently. Helaena's green dress swirled around her as she moved, and her purple eyes shone with sadness. It was evident that she abhorred her brother, and I couldn't help but feel pity for her.

Suddenly, a hand touched my shoulder, and I turned to see Lady Tanda Stokeworth smiling at me. "Would you care to dance?" she asked.

I hesitated for a moment, but then I remembered that I was here to enjoy myself. "Of course, Lady Tanda," I replied, taking her hand.

We moved to the dance floor, and as we started to dance, I realized that Lady Tanda was a skilled dancer. Her steps were light and graceful, and she moved with such ease that I found myself enjoying the dance more than I thought I would.

As we twirled around the ballroom, I saw Lady Jeyne Arryn watching us with interest. I could feel her eyes on me, and I couldn't help but wonder if she was jealous of Lady Tanda. But I realized how foolish my thinking was since Lady Jeyne Arryn was known for swinging the other side.

But then Lady Lysa Redwyne cut in, and I found myself dancing with her instead. Her red dress swirled around her as we moved, and her green eyes sparkled with amusement. She had a sharp wit and a quick tongue, and we spent the rest of the dance laughing and teasing each other.

As the night wore on, I danced with many more ladies, including Lady Elinor Tyrell and Lady Denyse Hightower who danced pretty well despite being in the early stages of the second trimester of her pregnancy. They were all beautiful and charming, and I enjoyed every moment I spent with them. I could not remember the last time I had danced with so many beautiful women in my last life.

But as the night drew to a close, I found myself dancing with Princess Helaena. Her brother had left to dance with another lady, and Helaena was left alone. She looked up at me with a smile, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.

We danced together, and as we moved, I felt myself getting lost in her purple eyes. She was beautiful and kind, and I found myself wishing that I could dance with her forever.

But then the music stopped, and the ball came to an end. They started serving the food as well but I did not feel the need to eat. As I walked out of the hall, I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. The night had been magical, but I knew that I could never have a chance with Princess Helena. She was a Targaryen princess, and I was just a smallfolk who got lucky and tamed a dragon. Damn, these pubescent feelings.

As I walked back to my chambers, I realized that the dance had been a brief moment of happiness in a world filled with war and chaos. But for that one night, I had forgotten about everything else and just enjoyed life.

As I turned the corner, my heart sank as I saw the boy who would eventually become my enemy standing alongside the future 'Kingmaker.' My heart raced as I tried to keep my composure, but my anger and resentment were boiling inside me.

"Ulf," the prince said, interrupting my thoughts. "I wish to talk to you."

I nodded my head curtly, expecting him to lash out at me for our past conflicts. But to my surprise, he simply ignored my attitude while the man standing behind him glowered with anger.

"Why do you not hate me?" he asked me.

I was taken aback by the question. Why would I hate him? I thought to myself. But then I remembered what he had done to Rhaena, and my heart hardened.

"Is this a joke to you?" he continued. "After what I did to her, everyone looks at me like a monster. Everyone does except you."

I could see the pain in his eyes as he spoke, and my heart softened. He was just a boy, after all, and he had made a terrible mistake. But he had the courage to face me and ask for forgiveness.

"On Driftmark, the ones on the blacks as well as the greens looked horrified at what I had done and instantly blamed me for it. Whenever I close my eyes, I see their eyes judging me. As if I alone was to blame for it."

I could feel the weight of his words, and I knew that he was truly sorry. But it was not just his fault, and I wanted him to understand that.

"The reason I do not hate you is that it was not your fault," I said softly. "The one to blame was me. If I had been there, then the brawl between you and the princes would never have happened, and thus Rhaena would not have lost her eye."

The prince looked at me with surprise, as if he had never considered that possibility before. And then he spoke again, with a newfound determination in his voice.

"I wish to apologize to Rhaena," he said. "I was going to, but I could not do it today. That is why I need your help, Ulf."

I really could not believe my ears. Aemond wanted to apologize. By the seven I never realized how much the incident of him not losing his eye would affect him.

An emotionally unstable is less dangerous than a stable Aemond. Would he truly kill Lucerys over Stormbreakers Bay?

Fucking hell if he does not do it then how would the Dance change?

This was not something I had expected. But I knew that it was the right thing to do.

"Of course, my prince," I said, my voice breaking with emotion. "I will do everything I can to help you make amends."

The prince smiled, and I could see the relief in his eyes. He had been carrying this burden for so long, and now he could finally let it go.

But just as we were starting to make progress, the rogue, Daemon, appeared. He was a fierce and dangerous man, and I knew that his presence could only mean trouble for Aemond.

"The only way you get to apologize is when you give one of your eyes in exchange," he said, his voice laced with malice.

But before I could say anything to stop the situation from escalating, I suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over me. My knees gave out, and I slumped to the ground.

"Boy, are you well?" Daemon asked, his voice filled with concern.

I nodded weakly, trying to catch my breath. But I knew that something was wrong. I had never felt like this before.

"It seems that I danced a bit too hard," I said giving him a weak smile.

I could see the worry on Daemon's face, but I didn't want him to know the truth. I didn't want anyone to know. I was scared

"But do not worry, my prince I will become better within the week and win the Squire's melee at the end of the week by defeating him," I said with conviction, staring directly at Aemond who looked equally determined.

Ser Criston, however, had a different expression on his face. He regarded me with a mixture of pity and contempt.

"But do not worry, my prince. I will make you proud," I continued, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling that had crept up in my gut.

"It is a pity, boy, that I will not be able to see you perform at your very best," said Ser Criston, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

My heart sank. Something was not right.

"What do you mean, Ser Criston?" I asked, my voice trembling with apprehension.

"The fucking snake changed the day of the melee," growled Daemon, his fists clenched in anger.

I could feel my blood boiling with rage. How dare they try to sabotage me?

But then, Ser Criston dropped the bombshell.

"The squire's melee will take place on the morrow."

The words hit me like a ton of bricks. I stumbled backwards, feeling as if the ground had been pulled from under my feet.

"No, that can't be true," I muttered, my mind racing with disbelief.

But Aemond's expression confirmed my worst fears. He looked as shocked as I felt.

I had been training for my entire life for this event, and now, they were changing the date at the last minute

"Why?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

But I already knew the answer. Ser Criston's eyes glinted with malice as he spoke.

"Because they know you're not ready. They know you'll lose."

His words stung like a slap in the face.

But then, something in me snapped. The anger and frustration that had been simmering inside me finally boiled over.

"I'll show them," I hissed.

They shouldn't have woken up the dragon.

Daddy's back bitches. I hope you all are doing well. This is my biggest chapter yet and I hope you all like it. I missed writing as well as you guys so I hope this makes up for the past 2 weeks. Like always do not forget to comment.

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