
The White Kingdom Princess

"Do you hate me " I asked her not sure I want to hear the answer she has for me "I hate everything and everyone that has anything to do with Rucubia, and you have a lot to do with them" she answered and I couldn't find anything in her eyes that said she is lying. "But I don't do anything to hurt Rucubia or it's people, because it has nothing to do with my hate, only four people do, from whom two are already dead,but I wouldn't advise you to test my patience, because it's already running out." Two seconds more and she would lose control, and I know she know it just as mush as she knows that I know it. so she quickly turned around going back in the hall. But I saw it.....her eyes....her single tear....her pain...and I know it...she is hurting and then I realized it......Although she is angry, but she is hurting so much more that the pain even covered the anger in her eyes. " Why are you hurting so much Acelina...would you ever tell me" I whispered to myself as I stared at her back while she was walking away from me. _________ she hated him with all her heart while he loved her with his... Could she ever defeat her demons and let go of the hatred that stoned her heart?! would she lose herself while seeking her revenge? ....... I don't own the cover picture * credit to the owner *

BLACK_ROSE_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


I was in my study stamping some papers when the door burst open and in walked Jacob , he looked pretty annoyed.

"Acelina we have a little problem."

"well of course you can come in." he rolled his eyes at my sarcasm.

"what is it?"

"Remember about a week ago when a 20 years old lady was murdered. " I remember that case, I haven't dealt with that scum yet, he is waiting for his turn patiently in his cell.

"didn't you handle that, you brought me the killer a few days ago, he is still in the dungeons, I haven't had the time to deal with him yet."

"Another one was killed yesterday night " Jacob said running his hands through his hair and pulling at the ends like there was no tomorrow.

"WHAT!!… Jacob don't you tell me yo..."

"No princess, No I didn't get the wrong guy, he is the killer I am sure of it...it's just I am also sure that this murder was done by the same person"

you may be wondering why I handle killing cases personally...well I made it a rule a few years ago that me and my team would be handling murdering, rape and kidnapping cases and anyone who is proven guilty of one of these crimes would be personally tortured be me or my team until they die from the pain.

And I must say that was a very effective way to maintain the peace in the kingdom, for in the last few years apart from when I first put the new rules and the case I am handling now there has been almost no cases at all and the kingdom was quite peaceful and pleasant.

"Why are you so sure." I asked Jacob and he handed me a file, the case file, I looked through the two killing cases and sure enough I understood Jacob , this was absolutely done by the same person....or....group

"they are a group, you got one and one made the second murder but I think there was two people at least present during the second murder so that makes three of them and I have no idea if there is more. "

"A group?" I handed Jacob the file again and he skimmed through it "well you are right princess, I don't know how that slipped my mind" Jacob looked at me and I could see his guilt, it's unusual for him to make such mistakes thought, and that little mistake cost the life of another young girl, I was fuming at that fact but I had myself to blame, I should have handled this myself as Jacob had enough in his hands...

" but why do say that there was two people at least in the second murder?."

" look at the girl's wrists there is marks on them, looks like she made some resistance or maybe tried to run away so they held her, but the marks on each wrist are different, they have different shapes and the one on her right hand is a bit wider."

once Jacob released the difference he looked a bit stiff.

"I am sorry your highness, I didn't pay this case enough attention and now this happened, I will bear the consequences of my mistake ."I looked at Jacob's hard face and sighed

"forget it Jacob, I should have handled this myself from the start, you have more than enough in your hands." I looked through the case file again to gather some information about the two victims.

"I will handle this case so go get some rest Jacob, I don't want anymore mistakes."

"But I can hand...."

"No buts Jacob... just send Ralph to me and go get some rest, I can see the black bags under your eyes."

Jacob sighed defeated and went out.

I took the case file and reviewed it once again, something felt off and oddly familiar in this case....I feel that I have come across the killer before. their way of killing is just so familiar.

I pushed those thoughts to the back in my mind when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in "

"your highness, you called for me?" Ralph came in and bowed.

"Yes Ralph, come take a seat" Ralph sat in the chair in front of my desk and I handed him the case file "Last week there was a murder case and Jacob managed to catch the killer but at that time we didn't realize that they were a group and not an individual so another one was killed yesterday and I am positive that they are the same group." I gave Ralph some time to skim through the file and take in what I said "I think there are four or more of them and we already captured one so that leaves three or more of them."

Ralph finished with the file and turned to me

" So I am thinking the next step is to interrogate the one we have, see if we can get anything from him." Ralph said still looking through the file

" And that's exactly what we are going to do"

" you can leave that task to me your highness, I will make sure to get something out of him."

I smirked at Ralph...of course I would leave touring that scum to him, although I would love to do it myself, but Ralph is the best at interrogating, even I sometimes reach dead ends with them, but Ralph....Never!, he always gets something out of them!

" Don't worry I am leaving that to you, I know how much you enjoy torturing people" I laughed lightly and Jacob scratched the back of his head.

"well I can't help it princess, they brought it on themselves." Ralph said smirking evilly.....If I was any ordinary person that smirk would have probably scared the shit out of me...but sadly I am no ordinary person.

" I will leave the interrogating to you, but I will be standing outside the cell, I want to observe something"

"As you wish your highness."