
The White Garden

Heed the dead, follow up the past, and the souls of the people would again grow great. But, what is courtesy to a man without love? Rules grants a responsibility upon the soul of a man, a purpose to live up to the expectations of his maker. A sinner would one be if one walks the wrong path, a sinner is a dead flower and a dead flower belongs to a black garden, a garden of emptiness and loneliness. Fated enmity was a pain to the protagonist’s ass. His kind had always been at war with the Vampires, creatures of the night that always vied for blood, a liquid tissue that soothed their throats and granted unto them, immortality. That was a trait his kind lacked, they were only considered as strong as their archenemies whenever they had an advantage in numbers. Fate had always proven to be a provider of an oddity. Amongst thousands of Werwolves, he was but the only odd one which might have been due to his origin. Envious was his kind of him for he possessed immortality but they could do nothing to him since he was their sire, an entity that had lived as long as the oldest Vampires. He had never participated in the war between the two races for he was a hater of battles and lover of peace. The peace ended when a mortal appeared in the plot. Loved was she by the resident of the white garden but hunted was she by the resident’s enemies. Her blood was proven to be useful to them but how could the protagonist let his hope be hurt by fate? The mortal was the only redemption he had left, for the sins he had committed. So, he yearned for a white garden, one filled with endless peace.

Michael_Millan · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A Brewing Storm I

(•Silvia Argent•)

Before we did leave the Clave, Nathaniel knocked the Vampire out. The five were all clad in blue tuxedos, Ariel claimed it was a custom of theirs as warriors to be dressed in a matching outfit and he did urge me to dress in one but I resisted. After minutes of finding every unreasonable reason to be clad in a blue tuxedo, I succumbed to avoid being disturbed. And very soon, we exited the Clave, the House Of Bones. I wondered how they knew about Michael's location but I wasn't too surprised for they claimed they had been monitoring every Supernatural within Los Angeles, for days. Seconds after passing through the portal to access the outside world, a smile appeared on their faces and curious was I but my curiosity got eliminated just at the moment Nathaniel blurred away from my sight, it appeared they were with the intention to race to Michael's garden.

Samar, Maria, and Karin took off right after Nathan, leaving behind Ariel and I. Before I knew it, my waist was grabbed and I felt the wind assault my face. I tried absorbing the fun derived from the supernatural speed just as he went past many objects, which I couldn't recognize due to the speed at which he moved. It was fun, I couldn't deny but it ended after seconds. Ariel and I were both standing on the soil of a forest after which he withdrew his arm. A second after, Karin and Maria appeared right beside us. Two seconds after, Samar appeared. Three seconds passed and Nathaniel appeared with a smug expression. I really was about to erupt into laughter for the situation was quite funny. In a clear sense, he was much slower than others. `No one can steal that position from you, Nathaniel.' Ariel laughed at him after he tapped his right shoulder.

We walked for minutes before we managed to get sight of a very beautiful mansion that towered above the tallest trees within the forest. A huge fence and twin gigantic gates obscured it's interior part from the world. Few seconds after catching sight of the mansion, a white fog streamed in and canceled off my sight. My senses were inactive but just as Ariel's hand grabbed mine, I regained some. `What a powerful creature! My senses are getting weaker as we approach, what's this?' Nathaniel panicked as we approached the figure that stood within the heart of the fog, a white tuxedo clad figure whose white shoulder length hair looked charming. His white Italian shoes complimented his sense of fashion as he turned around to look at us. `Welcome to my garden, visitors.'

I was the first person he gazed at, his gorgeous pair of eyes roamed the entirety of my body. A smile appeared on his face as after he cancelled off his investigation on my body. I was curious about how he knew we would be visiting his home. `To cut a long story short, is Vincent Malcolm with you?' Michael's face remained calm with no hint of answering Nathaniel's question. It was only after few seconds did he reply. `Yes.' I felt confused for he told me the man was dead. `But, you said you killed him.' I mentioned and his eyes fell on me. `Yes.' Maria got impatient and fired her anger at him. `Be serious, young man.'

A frown appeared on his face as he gazed at Maria. `You come to my home to question me with such attitude? I might not favor conflict but it will do you well to be patient. After the answer, you all leave, but Silvia stays. He's dead but his body is with me. His death was but a result of my anger but consider it a mistake. I felt like he deserved being buried in my garden for his death wasn't justified. So, that's it, leave.' His tone evolved to an ethereal one as he spoke but Ariel got dissatisfied with his behavior so he retaliated with gentle words. `I considered you a man of honor but why must you be so demanding? You want us to leave but Silvia remains, it's her choice to make, you have no control over her life. And, why should we believe you, in regards to the truth about Vincent's existence?'

`And, why did you believe the Vampire? I assure you that he's dead but if you want to dig up his remains, I could grant your wish. And, you're right. It's her choice. Silvia, stay with me.' Just as he gave a reply to Aaron, he gazed at my body. The atmosphere grew tense but I knew not what to do for my decision was the key to ending it. Seconds passed and the silence remained but it was broken by Nathaniel's outburst. `Who do you think you are? Ever since we got here, you've been in control of the conversation. Is this how a honorable man treat his guests? I could as well put you in a coffin whilst you rot.'

After his outburst, his body became a blur as he covered the little distance that separated us from Michael with a punch aimed at his face. Just when the punch was a bit away from hitting it's target, it stopped. Nathan's arm had been grabbed by Michael and a twist was it he served to the comical Warlock's arm. Immortal Supernaturals could not be capable of dying but they were indeed capable of screaming. Michael ignored his scream and adjusted his arm upwards with the intention of grabbing his neck. The movement of his slender fingers was a blur as they found their way towards their prey. I squinted my eyes and focused them on Michael's fingers and discovered that they had already evolved to claws.

His claws dug into the Warlock's neck! A scream escaped the poor man's mouth but that did nothing to curb the violence. Michael's left hand became blurry as it advanced towards it's owner's prey. Nathan's neck was contained within the grip of the mysterious gentleman's right arm but when the left arm advanced upwards to provide an assistance to the right arm for easy control over the prey, his neck got snapped. When Nathan's body fell to the soil, we were all shocked for the violent action happened within the span of few seconds. It took him little time to put a strong Warlock down! I already knew each Warlock present was much older than Michael but I was curious about why he seemed stronger. Weren't the older ones meant to be stronger?

Furious were the rest as they launched their fiery gazes at the unconscious body that laid at the feet of the lone wolf. `I want no trouble, friends. Ariel Serena fed you a lie and I'm sure you know it but your curiosity got the best of you. I'm no pushover, trust me. I don't know what race you all belong to and your arrival is disturbing so please take your leave but she stays.'