
The White Enigma

Elowen Hakan, scion of the Hakan dynasty, opens his eyes to an unfamiliar realm. His mind weaves a tapestry of knowledge and experiences from another existence—an advanced civilization from a distant dimension. Yet, the reason for this cosmic inheritance eludes him. As golden sunlight bathes the palace, Elowen grapples with questions. Who is he? Where does he belong? The answers lie in forgotten corridors of memory. But this newfound existence isn’t merely about memories. It’s a journey through treacherous politics, cryptic artifacts, and rival factions. Elowen’s odyssey begins—a quest where power flows like magic, waiting for the rightful heir to wield it. Will Elowen reclaim his past and shape the future? Or will the veil of mana conceal truths that could reshape the entire kingdom? His fascinating life awaits, and the world trembles at the dawn of a forgotten legacy.

aiken_nights · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

In the Eastern Verdawn Kingdom, the day was bright, and birds sang in the gentle breeze. Despite the peaceful scene, tension filled Verdawn Castle. A new member of the Hakan royal family was about to be born, and everyone was anxious.

Inside the castle, maids rushed about as the lady went into labor. Courtiers gathered outside the birthing chamber, whispering nervously. The lord and his eldest son paced, worry etched on their faces. Outside the castle, people waited eagerly for news, sharing the excitement and anxiety of the moment.

After several tense hours, the head maid emerged with a broad smile. "The lady and baby are safe," she announced. "It's a boy."

Joy erupted throughout the castle. Celebrations began, and a holiday was declared across the nation. The news spread quickly, and everyone rejoiced.

In the birthing room, the newborn cried before being gently placed in his mother's arms. The baby opened his eyes for the first time.

"Where? What is this place? My head hurts. Why can't I speak? Who am I? Who are these people? I feel so lost... What's this warmth? Who is this beautiful woman?"

A woman with hair as dark as the midnight sky, straight and untamed, cradled him. Her skin was a harmonious blend of moonlight and desert sands, radiant and soft. Holding the baby, she whispered, "My sweetheart."

At that moment, the lord and his eldest son entered, their faces glowing with excitement. The lord took the baby in his arms and declared, "From this moment, he shall be known as Elowen. Elowen Hakan.

"Happiness filled the room.

"Elowen," I murmured internally. "Is this my name?" Confusion swirled within me. I couldn't grasp what was happening. Amid the chaos in my mind, a white, warm luminance began to calm my soul. This comforting presence felt familiar, yet distant. I started sensing a unique power within me, matching the people around me. The world burst into vibrant colors, with glowing strings and lights coming from everyone.

Many people took turns holding me, and a young boy gently cradled me, saying something I couldn't understand but caught the name "Elowen" amidst his excited chatter.

The beautiful woman took me back, murmuring softly, "I'm your mama..." The man echoed, "I'm your dada," and the boy shouted something, but I couldn't understand his words.

One thing was certain—there was something strange about me, something I couldn't yet understand.