
The White Demon


pleaseignoreme · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Team 0?

Hasais POV

As I woke up I felt so much better that yesterday. Today was the day we were put in teams. I hope I won't be placed on Aimis team for her own good. She needs to concentrate on the fight and not me. I yawned as I walked down the hall and into the bathroom. As I opened the door I was greeted with a half naked Nao. We stared at each other for a good few moments then we broke the eye contact. We are like brothers. We even saw each other completely naked. But it was when we were only three or four.

Oh well. I washed my face with cold water and then looked into the mirror. My hair looked like a birds nest. I looked around and could see Nao walking down the hall and desappeared into the kitchen. Instead of doing what every person would have done and brush my hair I snipped with my fingers. In the next moment it was in its usual way. I smiled in a happy way and walked to the kitchen where Nao was already eating breakfast. I sat down in front of him and started eating my portion.

After we were done we walked out of the house in complete silence. It was unusual for us and the people around knew that. Mostly we would be running around and joking but not today. We looked completely serious. Our perents and sensei didn't prepare us for this day. After a while I couldn't stand it.

" Nao what schould we do?! What if we will be placed on different teams? What schould we do oh holy flying macaroni!" As I panicked I didn't notice Naos face. As I stopped my rant about what we should do we were already at the academy. We shared last glances and walked in.

Well here we go.

As we walked in we noticed that Iruka was already here. Nao and I innocently smiled and walked over to our places. As I sat down I noticed a certain Uzumaki sitting few rows away from me. Gasp he was sitting near Duckass! As I was thinking about different things I didn't notice how Iruka walked out of the room.

I looked at Nao with a look but I could clearly see that he wasn't listening either. You could see panic in our eyes. Before we could run after Iruka sensei we could hear our names. We looked over and could see that Maseki was the one who called us.

" I'm sure you idiots weren't listening. So that just you know you're on a team with me." She smirked and walked off. Nao and I shared a look and rushed after Maskei.

---- Time skip ----

" Boring!" I looked over to Nao and dead panned. It was his hundredth time saying boring. I'm sure of that. Before he could say the word boring one more time, the door opened and a tall and muscular man walked in. He had black hair and green eyes. He stared at us and we stared back.

" Meet me at the training ground one" And with that he disappeared. Nao and I looked over to Maseki because we knew she could use this technique since she was trained under one of the legendary sannin. She just shook her head and walked out of the room, Nao and I close after her.

As we finally arrived at the training ground one we could see the rude baka sitting on a bench.

As we approached him he looked from the book he was reading a few minutes ago and looked at us.

Rude bakas POV ( sorry I just couldn't resist :))

As the three brats sat in front of me I had to resist the urge to smile. I perfectly knew that I had strong brtas sitting in front of me. They were completely silent. I took that as the signal to start.

" How about we introduce ourselves to each other?" I smirked when the blue haired boy looked at his friends I suppose, as an signal that he wants to start.

" Sorry sensei but could you be more specific about what you want to know?"

" Just say your likes dislikes and your dreams? " They stared at me for a few seconds.

" How about you to start?" This te the girl of the group spoke up. I nodded.

" Well my name is Takeshi Chinen. I like reading and cats. I know what you're thinking that it's not really common for ninjas to like things like that. But everyone is unique. My dislikes are people who think they are better then others. So if one of you is like that, you can go home now. And for dream I haven't really though about that. " As I finished I could see them staring at me. I wanted to ask if someone of them is going to start but it was completely unnecessary because the boy with wierd hair started speaking.

" My name is Hasai Yoshida. I Iike reading and cats too. But also I really like to prank people and my friends of course. I also dislike people who think they are better then others and I hate losing fights. My dream is to protect my friend and family and bring peace into the world!" I stated at him for a few seconds. Those were sure big dreams for a young man like him. As next the blue haired boy spoke up.

" My name is Nao Yoshida. I like pranking people and my friends. I didn't really hate anithing. As for my dream it's the same as Hasais but also I want to be a good clan leader in the futer and have Hasai as the second leader." I nooded and looked over to the last member of the team.

" My name is Maseki Syntengi. I like my friend and snakes. I hate only one thing or should I say person. I hate my father for turning the Syntengi clan against me and banning me from our village. My dream is to kill him and protect my loved ones." Well that escalated quickly.

" OK barts you have to find tree bells that I hid around this training ground. You have two hours to find them. If you don't have the bells after two hours you'll be send to the academy." And with that I opened my book and started to read. After twenty minutes the tree brats were standing before me with Hasai in the front of the other two. As I looked closer I could see tree bells lying in his palm. With that I closed the book and stood up.

" Well I see you passed. So the team 0 is starting their missions tomorrow. Our meeting place will be this training ground." As they walked away I couldn't stop but think what an interesting team I got. As their sensei would do everything to help them and make them to stay on the right way . I won't do the same mistake twice.


A/N What do you think did Takeshi wrong in his past? You didn't know oh well. But I do! Hehe he. I wish everyone a nice day or night :)