
The First Quest

The Shattered Lands held more than a thousand nations. Kingdoms, Duchies, Baronies, Republics, Oligarchies, Magocricies, Theocracies, Tribal Federations, Dictatorships, and lands with no law at all could be found. Each individual nation was independent. So called kings had no more authority beyond their borders than a baron or high priest did. There were alliances and treaties, but no ruler ever swore fealty to another. The human nations shared a common tongue, a number system, a calendar, and a coinage system; but there was no single law or authority. Wars were constant, as were crime and sickness. Monsters roamed the land, as did bandits, while many people feared their own rulers even more. Nations were born and swallowed up. It was a world filled with magic and bloodshed.


One of these nations was called Alteroth. It was located near the very heart of the Shattered Lands. It was among the largest and most powerful countries; for it was a land of Dark Mages and dark magics. Undead soldiers patrolled the borders and enforced the laws. The dead served and the living obeyed. Those who could use black magic held absolute power.


Seven families ruled here. Though suspicious of each other, they were bound together by mutual need. The rest of the world hated and feared them, and would gladly have destroyed them if they could. The neighboring nations were too divided to form a coalition, and would not dare challenge Alteroth's might. So long as the Seven Families stood united they were far too powerful to attack.


For those who practiced the Dark Arts Alteroth was a sanctuary and a haven. The Seven Great Families sought influence and wealth in the wider world. They reveled in the fear and terror they inspired, and treasured their reputations. The Seven Families thrived on the dread they inspired and did all they could to appear terrifying, both to their own people and to the world in general.


That was the reason the Council of Seven was meeting.




Within the vast council chamber, six men in black robes sat about a round table eying one other. There was no leader of the Council, no one was allowed to stand one inch higher than the rest. Each member was the head on one of the Great Families, and a master of the Dark Arts. They were not friends and they did not trust, they worked together because of need. Enslaved elven maidens poured wine, eyes cast downcast and properly attentive. There was an uncomfortable silence as attention flickered to the single empty seat.


"This is dangerous," Lothas Blackwater muttered. "Not announcing a meeting to one of our own."


"I sent a message," a sickly man with rotten teeth said. "I suppose the slave was slow in delivering it. I'll have him killed in apology."


"That's not going to fool anyone Dante." Baldwin Blooddrinker said. He had forest green eyes and ears that were slightly pointed. His features were smooth and delicate, almost feminine.


Dante Poisondagger offered a putrid smile. "I know that, but it's enough to cover us. Mistakes do happen."


"We need to come to a decision before she arrives." Gawreth Wormwood said.


The others all nodded wearily.


"We should just kill him!" Darius Heartless shouted. "He's a disgrace! An embarrassment! He has no place among us!"


"He is heir to one of the Great Families and you cannot deny he has skill with magic." Xilos Soulbreaker said.


"You call what he does talent?" Heartless challenged.


"Well he can use magic," Soulbreaker said defensively. "Some of his spells are quite effective."


"Oh I've seen the things he can do." Heartless said with contempt. "It's white magic. He will never make a fitting head of family! Much less a member of this council."


"None of us are arguing about that," Gawreth said. "The question is what do we do about it?"


"Kill him," Darius said flatly.


"How?" Gawreth asked. "The boy never leaves the castle. I swear he is better protected than a virgin sacrifice."


"Is there any way we could convince her to choose another heir?" Xilos suggested.


"Have you ever tried changing her mind about anything?" Dante asked in annoyance.


"Can't Walter be the heir?" Darius demanded.


"Don't be stupid, Walter is dead." Gawreth reminded.


"He's only mostly dead."


"The dead cannot rule the living." Baldwin stated in his usual, well-bred manner. "Heads of families must meet certain criteria. For instance, how exactly would Walter father an heir?"


Darius shrugged. "He could stitch one together I suppose. He would still be more fitting than that miserable disgrace."


"Who's a miserable disgrace?" A cold voice said from the doorway.


The six men turned to the new arrival, the seventh member of the council, and the most powerful necromancer in all Alteroth; Lilith Corpselover. Pale alabaster skin, long straight raven hair, with a full feminine figure that her tight fitting black robes showed off nicely. In her hand she held a wand carved from human bone. Drawing a wand was always a provocative step, the other members all carefully placed hands on their own. No one actually drew one out though, none of them wanted to provoke her.


"Just who is a disgrace?" Lilith repeated, gripping her wand with both hands.


"I think you know who." Darius told her.


"Lilith, the time has come for us to address the situation." Blooddrinker said with a calm friendly air. "Let us sit down and talk about this rationally."


"The fact is your youngest cannot be your heir." Soulbreaker said.


"Since when does the council decide who the heir of a Great Family is?" Lilith demanded. "That has always been the choice of the family head."


"Lilith," Baldwin said sounding pleasant. "Even you must admit he is not someone who could replace you, either as the head of the Corpselover family or as a member of this council."


"Why?" She demanded. "Because his blood isn't pure enough to suit you? I can name someone here whose ancestry isn't exactly unmixed." She stared pointedly at his ears.


Baldwin spread his hands before him. "His parentage is not the question here Lilith, we are not uncivilized after all. Whatever it is that runs through my veins, no one has ever questioned my ability as a Dark Mage. It is your son's talent that is the issue."


"He has immense natural talent. He can do things even I can't manage."


The six men looked at each other.


It was Dante Poisondagger who decided to force the matter. "Your son is a White Mage."


Lilith snapped. She grabbed the small man about the neck with her free hand and began to shake him as a dog would a rat. Instantly the other five were on their feet pointing their wands at her. Despite having the advantage none of them dared cast a spell.


"Say that again you rotten mouthed dove!!" Lilith screamed into his face.


"Let's just calm down, shall we?" Baldwin said serenely. He had his wand pointed at her and a killing spell on his lips. "I'm sure Poisondagger did not mean to insult you. Isn't that right Dante?"


"That's ri… right," Dante managed to get out as he was being rattled. "Pl… please forgive me."


"Fine," she spat out and released her grip, dropping him unceremoniously onto the floor. Though only slightly appeased she knew there were limits to what even she could get away with. "I shouldn't expect anything better from a Poisondagger."


"Why don't we all sit and calm down?" Baldwin suggested.


Nodding, Lilith took her usual seat; the others put away their wands and returned to theirs. Poisondagger looked paler than usual and avoided even glancing in Lilith's direction. As soon as they were all seated Baldwin spoke again.


"Lilith, you know how important it is that we guard our reputation as ruthless and powerful Dark Mages. Fear is our shield. Were the other nations to see any sort of weakness they might try to attack us."


"Especially Avalon and the Alliance." Darius put in.


Baldwin nodded. "I beg you; see this from our point of view."


Lilith shifted in her seat. It had to be Baldwin who brought that up. It would have been so much easier if it had been Darius with his bluster or Dante with his usual double talk. Baldwin was always sensible and as fair as anyone here could be. "I am willing to admit my son is a bit unusual for a Dark Mage, but he has the potential to be extraordinary. He will definitely prove to be a worthy successor."


"Do you truly believe that Lilith?" Baldwin asked, a sudden glimmer in his eyes.


"I do."


"In that case," he slowly. "Would you agree to a test of his abilities?"


Lilith frowned. "What sort of test?"