
Su Ke Xin 1

But whatever it was, Zhu Yunqing couldn't be bothered to think about it again. At this point, she really needed a way to distract Wei Chujiu from this particular topic.

Suddenly Zhu Yunqing thought of something.

'Since she likes shopping so much….'

"Ah~ I guess maybe we should just skip shopping for today, huh?" Zhu Yunqing said in a casual tone.

As soon as Wei Chujiu heard what Zhu Yunqing said, her eyes went round.

"What?! No way. Let's go~ we have so many things we need to buy," she yelled without sounding pushy.

"We have to show those shameless people that they can't mess with us. You have to look extremely stunning at school tomorrow. So, come on~" Wei Chujiu urged Zhu Yunqing. Her voice was laced with excitement as she strolled off and pulled Zhu Yunqing along behind her.

'There are definitely a lot of things that I still need to learn. The originals memories will not be enough if I have to deal with them using so many underhanded means. So going to this school would probably be the best choice,' Zhu Yunqing thought with a faint smile on her face while taking one last glance at the tap as Wei Chujiu was pulling her along.


Shen walked into one of the stores in the shopping mall wearing a brand new and clean tailored suit with Wang li and his bodyguards following behind him.

He was on his way to meet up with his mother and younger sister earlier on before that incident happened. So, he had to clean up and change into a new suit before meeting them since he needed to return to the office.

As soon as Shen Zihao and his entourage came in, the assistant manager of the store immediately rushed forward to welcome him. Then, he ushered him to where his mother and sister were shopping.

When Shen Zihao was close to them, he could hear indistinct voices talking and laughing amongst themselves. Two of them he recognized to be his mother and sister but there was still another delicate voice he couldn't recognize.

His expression darkened a bit as a thought crossed his mind. Nevertheless, he continued walking in the direction of their voices.

As soon as Xia Liqin saw Shen Zihao, she immediately called out to her son, "Ah! Zihao, you are here! We've been waiting for you for a while now. What took you so long?"

"Hmm! There was an incident I had to take care of." Shen Zihao hummed before replying to his mother.

"Oh, alright, then. It's good you are here now," Madam Shen responded, smiling affectionately.

"Hello, Madam Shen," Wang Li greeted Xia Liqin from behind Shen Zihao with a gentle smile on his face.

"Ah! Wang Li, it's good to see you. I hope Zihao does not have you totally buried with work. How is Old Man Wang, by the way?" Xia Liqin inquired with a fond look.

"Not at all, Madam Shen. It is just a little busy at the company right now. My grandfather is doing fine. He still has enough strength to chase my sister round the entire city," Wang Li chimed.

"Hehe! I am sure your old man will soon find a way to make her stay put. Maybe he might find a suitable match for her soon," Xia Liqin joked lightly.

"And you! Zihao, you should learn to free up some of your time. I know that you are a workaholic but don't just bury yourself in your work!" Xia Liqin softly scolded her son.

An excited young lady popped out from somewhere with some clothes in her hands. "Oh~ Brother, you're here! Brother Li too," she politely greeted.

"Hello, Young Miss Shen," Wang Li greeted with a friendly smile.

"Brother Li, I have always told you that you don't have to refer to me like that," Shen Zihao's sister whined. Without waiting for a response, she continued as she was too excited to tell her brother the good news. "Never mind that. Brother, you would never guess who just came back? Sister Xin!" Shen Zihao's sister beamed.

Xia Liqin gently tapped her temple before saying, "Oh, right! Xin'er just came back. She had grown into a beautiful young girl since the last time we saw her."

As they spoke, a dainty looking young girl wearing a simple turquoise flowery off-shoulder gown stepped out from behind them. She walked with grace and elegance. Her face almost split into two with how broadly she was smiling.

"Hello, Brother Zihao. It's been a long time. It is good to see you again," Su Ke Xin spoke in a softened coquettish tone. She greeted Shen Zihao with a gentle yet dazzling smile on her face. Her eyes twinkled like a young maiden, who was seeing her first love after a long time.

Xia Liqin is the name of Madam Shen, who is the mother of Shen Zihao. While as for Shen Zihao's younger sister, her name will remain a mystery as for now. But in a few more chapters, everyone will know why I did not mention her name yet. Please bear with me. A little bit of suspense would be good. Don't you think?

Sorry I have been having a hard time piecing my story together.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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