

An outlaw named Cayde "The Black Wolf" was tasked to find The Oracle's Tower to get the Great Treasure hidden under The Tower. But he must face the consequences of his Task, as he travels across The Westernlands.

LansJPrince · Fantasy
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4 Chs


After that conversation that Cayde had with The Bossman, he returns to his horse which is tied to a small fence on the back of The Bossman's Fortress. It looks like the horse is normal now, Cayde knows that the horse is not tired anymore. As the horse gives an energetic look to Cayde as soon as he arrives at the fence.

"Good boy." He rubs his hand onto the Horse's back, out of proudness. He then untied the horse to it's fence and rides off the Boss's Fortress. The speed of Cayde's horse was different than it was before. Its much more faster and more aggressive. Cayde noticed. And begins to feel suspicious about his horse.

The normal speed of his horse was much much different than what he's riding right now. His horse is wasn't for any Horse races, he specifically chose that horse for something special. The Black Wolf saw what he wanted and that is his Horse. And this one is definitely not the one he chose when he was a kid.

"What the hell is wrong with my horse." He could remember clearly that his horse wasn't this fast, and it will never be one. He stopped the horse, to analyse the horse that he's been riding for the whole time. "I could remember clearly that there's only one Horse in The Bossman's Fortress and nothing else. I am sure that I took my horse. But this one's different than, Paco"

He leans down to the Horse's shoes to see if its the same shoes that he gave to his Horse, Paco.

And as he looks his face was shocked, the shoes were silver, clean and shiny silver horse shoe.

"I knew it." He whispered to the wind out of anger and disappointment. He slams his hat down to the sand, out of frustration.

He takes a step back, while he rubs his hand on to his brown thick hair. The sun couldn't stop this man's anger. But as he takes another step, a sound of a "Click!" Of a gun stops him stepping back further. He smiles. "Pardon me, if this is your Horse. You can have it now." Said The Black Wolf. While he raises his hands up in the hot desert air, he clearly doesn't want to fight in the middle of a desert.

He heard another click behind his head. As he waits for a response from whoever is pointing a gun on the back of his head. "Come on, just take the damn Horse!" He shouted at The Stranger who's holding the gun and turns around to his see The Stranger's face.

But no man can be seen when Cayde turns his head around. "What the fuck.."

He searches around the area to look for the guy who pointed a gun into the back of his head earlier but the Stranger disappears out of the thin air.

"Mmhh.. This is not good." When he turns his around the Horse also disappeared, like a bubble. He started to feel worried, and pulls out his gun from his leather gun pocket on his thighs. And loads his guns with bullets. And hides it behind his back.

"Come on, show your face now. Whoever you are. I am not here to fight." He tried to lure The Gunman into showing his face. But all he can hear around him is the air that pollutes the entire desert right now. A strong wind from the East.

So The Black Wolf was confused and helpless again. He has no horse to escape this.

But all what he knows right now is that whoever pointed the gun onto his head earlier was here somewhere hiding under the sand. He could something hard under the very sand that he's standing into. He looks down in confused. He tries to step further back of the spot that he is standing right now to take a perfect shot of his gun to shoot under the sand in which The Stranger is hiding.

"BOOM!" The Black Wolf takes a shot aiming directly to the exact spot where he found the hiding place of the Stranger. "Nice Magic Trick.." He said to The Stranger as blood begins to pump rapidly under the sand. "Heh.. Now I gotta find a damn horse for me. Thank god I'm near The Bossman's Fortress. I could stay there for a while." He said to himself.

He begins to walk away from the area to change his plans to return to The Bossman's Fortress, and stay there for a little while as he waits for his crew to arrive at The Fortress. He walks so confidently that he didn't noticed a man's head randomly pops out of the sands.

The Black Wolf was aware now.. He realises a random head of a man staring up from the sand. Like a predator looking at his prey. Cayde stopped walking for a minute. He begins to sweat rapidly, as he slowly turns around at The Stranger's head.

"Cayde.." The Head speaks to scare The Black Wolf away, but Cayde stood still on his place and aims his gun at The Head, and takes another shot of his gun directly aiming to the head. But The Head, was not dead when he took the shot.

And so he smiles at Cayde revealing the Bullet from his mouth, completely been caught by The Head's teeth and spits the hot piece of the bullet out of his mouth. And begins to laugh hysterically.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You thought you could get away that easily from me… stealing my damn Horse!" The Head speaks again, with his high pitch drunken voice. And his face begins to turn white and black. His skin is colored completely white around his face, starting from a wide area from his hairline

And converging to the side of the root of his nose. But his eyebrows are colored black spreading across the outer layer of his eyes to his ear. As if he's wearing a domino mask.

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU, YOU TRICKSTER!" The Black Wolf begins to fall from his fear and starts to unload his revolver to The Head, but the Head kept catching the bullets using his teeth. All of his bullets are completely gone from the barrel of his gun. He has no choice left but to loose to this creepy Head on the sand.

But what actions could The Black Wolf make? what will be his decisions to defeat this Trickster that he had encountered? We will find out Next Chapter