




The daily light shone it's blossom beauty on the city, the street was busy as always, people going to work, students going to school, the sound of buses, gangsters being chased by the police, and other things.

An alarm was ringing in a room, with a young boy sleeping on a white soft bed, the sound of the bell was high, yet he was still feeling comfortable. Suddenly, he jumped up from the bed, he was donned in blue sleeping pajamas.

" Damn!, 8:10am? and lecture starts by eight, I'm so f**ked up" He said, then rushed his way to the bathroom, he put a paste on a red toothbrush, then he started brushing his teeth very fast, looking at his face at the mirror placed on the wall. He is Kenneth, but known shortly as Ken, he is the only child of Bruce the policeman and Helen a nurse.


Going late had always been a tradition, even with the alarm active, sometimes I set four alarms, yet still going late, is that even a curse? I have to be through before nine or else, I'll be screwed up, those lecturers, jack and his pack of bullies, those freaking bi***es, perhaps they are the reason I always go late, I don't know if I'm the only guy in the whole school. I've told my Dad several times to change me from that night mare school, but he always said. "Brittle stone is one of the best schools in New York, sure it's good for you". Like hell! That's not even convincing, even when I come home with dislocated face, it's not still enough to make them believe how much I hate the school, Maybe it's because my mum is a nurse, so treatment is free, I'm just excited, very soon I'll be a graduate, that will be so cool, anyways time to get moving


Ken was done in thirty minutes, he cleaned his body with a towel, donned a blue jean, a red shirt, and black footwear, his brown hair matched with his brown hair, about 7ft in height, he has an average manly physique. He exited his room, went down on the wooden step, and headed to the parlour. His mum was seated on the couch, with a pillow on her laps, to make her feel comfortable. She was watching a popular Telemundo TV show. "Morning mum" he greeted.

"Morning sweetie, always late huh?" She replied

" Not my fault," Ken said.

" Your breakfast is ready" She said

"No need, I'm late, where is Dad?"

"Your Dad has gone to work, he went early today, he said there's important work to do?"

"Ok then, bye" Kenneth said, he kissed his mum on her cheek, then left with a red black pack.

Kenneth was at the bus stop, he stopped a taxi, and hopped in, then the vehicle moved. Kenneth brought out his phone, it was Samsung s20, he inserted an ear piece and was listening to the melody of "Alan Walker Faded". After some minutes the taxi reached its destination, Ken walked out from the car, and paid the driver for his service. "Thanks man," the driver said.

"No problem".

Brittle Stone college, was one of the best in the city, it is the foundation of many successful men in New York, the school fees ranges from $90,000 - $98,000 each semester, luckily Kenneth's parents are working, and since he's the only child, it isn't much of a problem. The School was very big, with a large compound, it was painted harsh, and the gate of the school was pure black. Ken walked to the gate, he pressed the gate bell, then in short the gateman opened the gate, he was a little bit old, wearing a blue security uniform, and a black boot.

" Hey Frank," Kenneth greeted.

" Who else? if not the most popular late comer" the gateman said.

Kenneth giggled, then walked in and headed for the building. Kenneth was going to his class, and everyone standing in the school corridor were looking at him, he is one of the most popular students in the school, known for three things, he's handsome, very intelligent and a regular late comer.

Kenneth walked inside the class, which got everyone's attention, including the new female lecturer teaching biology. "Stop right there young man" she instructed, making Ken freeze.

"why are you coming now lecture is almost over, you have missed a lot." she said.

"Ummm....you see...I " Kenneth tried to explain, but his words was interrupted, by an uproar coming from the class "He's a popular late comer, that's how he rolls" Jack, king of the bullies said, as everyone broke into a serious laughter, Ken was really humiliated, this is one of the reasons he always comes late, to avoid these.

"Silence!" The lecturer instructed the class, her order brought silence to the class. "You can go to your Seat mister," she said. Kenneth walked slowly to his seat, he could still hear silent laughter, he sat down on his seat, next to Michael his best friend. "It never ends does it?" Michael asked. "It doesn't seem to," Kenneth replied.

"Let's call this a day students, but lastly, I would like to ask a question, based on our topic, who can explain to me the differences between respiration and photosynthesis?" She asked.

Everyone remained quiet. "No one?" she asked again. Then surprisingly Ken raised his hands.

"You?" the lecturer asked in surprise, he was not present during lecture, so how on earth could he know.

"Ok, go on" She permitted.

Kenneth stood up, he cleared his throat then "The principal difference, however, between photosynthesis and respiration is that photosynthesis utilizes carbon dioxide and water in the presence of light to produce glucose and oxygen, whereas respiration uses oxygen and glucose to power the activities of the cell." Kenneth said confidently.

"Wow, excellent," the lecturer said in a state of amazement.

The whole class clapped and cheered, the girls were the worst, they kept calling him sweet names, some of them were already wet, his super handsomeness and intelligence made him a perfect choice for any girl.

"I must say, you're really brilliant, can I know your name!" She asked, smiling.

"I'm Kenneth Bruce," Ken replied.

"Nice, I'm Mrs fortune" she said.

Kenneth smiled at her, the other boys were jealous already.

"I'm going to give a project assignment, you all will present to me, in a plane shit, the respiratory system of Bear, you'll submit it, first thing tomorrow, am I clear?" She asked.

"Yes Mrs Fortune" the class replied.

"Bye then" She said, leaving the class.

Next chapter