
The First Victim Has Fallen

___________Xisuma's POV___________ 

'...except Scar. Scar, you are the first victim and please, reveal your role and take your seat on the couch.' 'What? No... I am dead?' 'Yes Scar' 'Really? Y'all had to?!' 'Ye'

'Fine. I'm the thief. Well, not. Somebody had the audacity to swoop my card away and now I'm here...' Scar pouts while standing up and walking towards the couch. 'C'mon Jellie, lets watch everyone now.' 

'Now, y'all can discuss on who you'll vote out. You gotta get rid of the werewolves somehow!' Ren announces.

'...Well, since no one is taking initiative, I'll step up for a bit.' Joe says. 'How about we just go around the circle, and everyone says what they noticed?' The hermits agree and Joe continues. 'I'll go first: I haven't noticed much interesting, but I have a person or two I'm suspicious of, but that's more of a gut. Cleo?'

'Same here, honestly. But yeah, it's a gut feeling, so that doesn't say anything.' 'Okay, False?' 'I thought I heard some noise to my right when the werewolves were busy, but that could've just been someone shuffling to sit comfortably, so I also have no clue.' 'Then Bdubs?' 'I didn't notice a single thing, because this big guy next to me was bumping their knee against mine the whole time!' 'What? If anything, you are the hyperactive guy here.' Doc retorts. 'Oh you!'

'Shut your lovely faces, you two. Spare your neighbourly bickering for some other time please...' Keralis intervenes. 'Thank you Keralis. Doc, what did you see?' 'Nothing much, except for the fact that Bdubs just gave me a reason to ...keep an eye on him.' 'Hey!' 'Okay next up... Etho?' 'Not much information on my part, the first round is always a bit of a guess.' 

"Huh, that's strange... Etho is usually really observant. Oh well" Xisuma thinks. '...-suma, Xisuma!' 'Oh, sorry Joe, got a bit lost in thought. But no, I haven't seen much' He quickly replies. "I am going to watch Etho for a bit though."

'Tango?' 'I don't know peeps, but I have noticed Impulse has been extremely quiet and introvert ever since we've got our cards, so that's maybe something. Impy usually is a calm person, but this quiet is top notch' Zedaph chimes in: 'You have a point. I thought so as well, but I brushed it off.' 'Okay Impulse, mind telling us why you've been quiet since the beginning of the game?' 

Impulse immediately starts defending himself. 'What? Me?! I was just listening and thinking and stuff. Why would it be me?' He rambles. 'Slow down, slown down. You're talking really fast.' Bdubs chuckles. 'Okay. But why am I a werewolf if I just listen. That I'm quiet for once doesn't mean anything!' 'Impulse. Do you have any other defence than: it isn't me?' Grian snickers. 'What... I-I... C'mon guys! Really?' 'You're really overly defensive now Impulse...' Tango says. 'No, I'm not, it's just... I'm trying to prove my point!' 'Okay it's Impulse, get him! Get him!' Grian laughs. 'Oh really?! Joe, move on to the next one please. And no, I haven't seen anything, but I'm suspicious of Tango and Grian now for obvious reasons.' 'Okay Impulse, sure.' Joe smiles. 

While Joe keeps asking everyone for any leads, Xisuma notices Grian and Etho exchanging several glances. A bit more than several, honestly. "Why are they doing that? What are those two up to?" he wonders. "Now they're doing it again!" Xisuma leaves it be, but then: "...wait a sec... they can't be werewolves, 'cause there are 3 of them. Knowing them, they'll want to win ...and they are with two ...How did I not see it earlier? They must be lovers! Oh, Xelqua curse the person who put these two together..." He silently groans. Epic. Just great. He was already a tad suspicious of Etho, and now this? 

'Okay, now that everyone has told us what they saw: Let's vote. On count of three, point towards the person who you think is most suspicious. One, two ...three' Xisuma absentmindedly points towards Etho. It's no use though, more than half of the votes go towards Impulse. When he looks around, he sees False pointing towards Etho as well. "At least I'm not the only one here..." He thinks, making eye contact with her.

'Alright Impulse, 11 votes towards you, you're out.' Joe announces. 'Oh god dangit. Fine. Here, I'm just a villager.' A few people groan in annoyance, and Impulse moves to sit on the couch with Scar. 

'Now' Ren says 'After this exhausting day –after all, losing your friend and family is never easy- the villagers go to sleep, fearing what the night may bring. Hermits, close your eyes. Another night falls, good luck, and pray you may open your eyes in the morning...'