

__________Grian's POV__________ 

'I told you!' Tango gleefully says before plopping himself next to Impulse and Zedaph on the couch. 

Cub is the first to speak up: '...What? How?' 

Grian keeps silent. He is searching for words but failing miserably. What now? He'd hoped that Tango would make it until the end, so that he could keep his little secret. Gods, he's screwed. 

'I- uhm... does that mean that Grian's a werewolf?' Xisuma says, uncertain of what to do next. 

'Probably, yes.' Cub responds. 'So, we've got to vote him out, and then, we win.' 

'Alright.' Ren interrupts, 'Night falls, and with clear suspicions, but a small chance of survival, the last remaining Hermits fall asleep...' 


'Hermits, open your eyes. The victim of this night, and probably the last one, is Cub. Cub, go sit on the couch.' 

'Alright, I was a normal villager, good luck Hermits.' Cub sighs and goes to sit next to Scar. 

'Okay, so, now all we have to do is vote Grian out.' Xisuma says. 

'Yes, I'd say so too, but first, I want to know... why did you say that you were the little girl, Grian?' Cleo inquires. 'Tango wasn't even accusing you back then, but me.' 

'Well,' Grian starts, 'I wanted to protect you from getting voted out. You see, I'm the seer, and earlier I saw that you were not a werewolf, unlike Mumbo. So, I thought by protecting you and convince the others that Mumbo was a werewolf, I'd kill two birds with one stone.' 

'Fair, but why did you say you were the peeping girl instead of just telling everyone that you were the seer?' Xisuma asks. 

'If I told everyone I was the seer, you guys would maybe be convinced that Mumbo was a werewolf, but you still would suspect Cleo as well, which I didn't want. Besides, if you knew that I was the seer, I would be easily targeted. Not only by the werewolves, but by the villagers as well, because I knew too much. Saying that I was the little girl was risky, but in the long run, it would be safer.' Grian fires back. 

'But, if you're saying that I'm innocent and you are the seer. Does that mean that-' 

'-Xisuma is the last werewolf.' Grian finishes Cleo's sentence. 'Yes. X hasn't even been suspected once, while the solution was right under our nose.' 

Xisuma's eyes widen in shock. 'What- No I'm not... Well, now I'm absolutely certain that Grian's a werewolf!' 

'Then why would I give up a teammate of mine to protect someone innocent!?' Grian retorts. 

He quickly winks to Cleo, who does the same thing back, a grin growing on her face. X, of course, doesn't notice any of this, too busy trying to explain himself. 

'To put us on a wild goose chase! Look, Grian will win anyways, Cleo, because if you and I both vote for him, the voting ends in a tie and he has final say as the sheriff, but I want to at least get this right.' Xisuma argues. 

'I don't know X... what if you're the werewolf, like Grian said? He made some pretty strong arguments...' Cleo says. Grian can see that she's amused by Xisuma trying to get her on his side. He's going to be so mad at himself when he discovers that Cleo was the werewolf... Grian doesn't worry too much about Cleo voting for him. He'll win anyways. 

'I know! But still, why would Grian do something so risky as pretending to be the little girl?! Tango could've been lynched any time, and then he would've messed up badly. Lucky for him, it's too late now.' Xisuma replies. 

'Fair... I think I'm with you X. This hasn't been the first time that Grian seemed suspicious, so I'm going with my gut. Or at least, what's left of it...' The zombie hybrid jokes. 

'Thanks for that... mildly unsettling mental image, Cleo,' Ren chuckles, 'Now, let the last voting begin, shall we... three... two...' he pauses dramatically long. 

'C'mon Ren,' Cleo ushers, 'Let's get this over with, you dramatic man,' 

'nawww... I was just getting started...' Ren pouts. 


'Alright alright... three, two... one!' 

No surprise, both Xisuma and Cleo point towards Grian, while he points toward X. 

'Aaand, a tie. Well Grian, you're the sheriff, you have final say. X gets lynched?' 

'Jep.' Grian confirms. 

Xisuma reveals his card to be a witch, grumbling a bit he says: 'Congrats G, the werewolf has wo-' 

WE'VE WON!' Grian exclaims, interrupting Xisuma, 'CLEO WE'VE WON!' 

Cleo smirks: 'Stating out the obvious again G.' All the hermits are beyond confused. 

'Grian... what?' X inquires, 'What do you mean you AND Cleo have won?' 

'C'MON X, YOU CAN DO THE MATHS.' Grian is absolutely ecstatic. He throws his arms around Cleo, who immediately throws him off and onto the couch, Grian full on crashing into Tango, who locks him in his hold. 

'You'll pay for your crimes, G. Stealing my identity, how dare you!' Tango laughs while Grian tries to squirm out of his grip. 'DOESN'T MATTER, WE'VE WON EITHER WAY!' Grian cheers. 

'What do you mean?! We've ended in a tie!' Xisuma exclaims. 

'Oh shit,' Grian calms down a bit, 'I forgot to say... Ren, would you do the honours? You've known from the start.' He asks the moderator, who is grinning like crazy. 

'I would, Grian.' Ren replies, 'Ladies and gentlemen, dear Hermits, I want to congratulate the lovers on winning the game! Turns out, love indeed conquers all!' 

After looking confused some more, most of the Hermits are visibly connecting the dots. The few who are still confused, are left confused, because the others start cheering and bombing Grian with questions. 

'Okay mister G-man,' Tango teases, 'Now tell me your true intentions and why you had to give me an identity crisis in the midst of the game.' 

'Long story short. Cupid decided to put Cleo and I together. You accused Cleo, and if she were to get lynched, I'd die as well. I was just saving my own skin.' Grian shrugs. 

'But WHY, pray tell, did you have to say that you were the peeping girl?!' Tango presses. 

'What can I say... I like confusing people.' 

'Oh you!' And for the second time that day, Grian falls victim to a merciless tickle attack. 

Eventually, X asks about the glances and signals between Grian and Etho. 

Etho grins: 'Whaaaaaat? No idea what you're talking about X.'