
The Werewolves Mate

Picks. The new place where a stubborn and rude girl named Arabella Castro moved in. She was sent by her parents there because of her stubbornness. She doesn't have any idea that her life is about to change. Then, she met Maldix, who is a mysterious man that always saves her when she needs help and when she's in danger. And the moment they hold each other's hand, there's something strange going to Ara. She's starting to feel strange connections. The unexpected feeling is starting to take her sanity. An unknown sensation is running inside her nerve. He didn't know that she's a vampire. She didn't know that he's a Werewolf. They didn't know that there's a war between their pack. Can love defeat hate and be powerful enough to stop the endless war? Is LOVE even possible for a vampire and a werewolf?

Ms_Jane · Fantasy
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5 Chs

1. New Town

It's just 3:00 in the morning and it's still dark outside. Other people are still sleeping inside their houses, but here I am, packing up my things. My parents were sending me to a boarding school, and it's far away from here, which is the City.

I can't still believe that they will send me there. Maybe they had just enough of my attitude and don't want me anymore. Well, I can't blame them because I know it was also my fault.

Let's just say it's my punishment for being stubborn and rude. I don't care about my studies and sometimes I ditched class. I secretly leave our house at night to go to the party with my so-called friends. I don't have loyal friends, honestly. Those so-called friends of mine cannot be my real friends because they're stabbing me behind my back, but I don't care. I'm also stabbing their back so it's just a tie.

I'm a bitch!

My life has no direction. I just go to make fun and leave as nothing happened. And that's the reason I'm leaving this heavenly City and move to another place which is I'm not yet sure of.

I put all of my cosmetics in my pouch and place them inside my backpack. I'm just double checking my suitcase if I left nothing behind when suddenly I heard a knock on my door.

It was my Mom.

"Ara, are you done? Can I come in?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess," I replied.

I heard the door opened, so I turned in its direction to see my mom entering my room. She smiled at me and sat beside me. She touches my face with teary eyes.

"Please don't think that we don't love you, Ara. We're doing this because it's the best for you," she said while rubbing my hair.

"Yeah I understand, Mom," I answered.

We stared at each other and hugged. It's my first time going to a place without my family. I may be a stubborn woman, but I am weak for my family.

I heard my Mom is sobbing, so I look at her and touch her cheeks while smiling. Hiding what I feel inside and hoping they will change their minds.

"Don't cry, Mom. I'll text and call you every time," I promised her.

She just nodded her head and wipe her tears. I stood up and hold my suitcase. My Mom gave me my backpack while still wiping her tears. The Uber is already waiting for me outside. I asked my parents not to go with me because I don't want them to see me crying.

I need to prove to them I am strong. That I'll be okay without them beside me. I saunter down the stairs and thinking what kind of life is waiting for me in my new school? I'm thinking if there's a bar in there that holds a greeting party at night. In the living room, there's my dad watching his favorite sports, and didn't even dare to look at me.

I sighed. He's still mad at me and my stubbornness. I just look at him and opened the door. It's pouring outside because there was a storm. I don't like rainy days. It's so wet and muddy. And now it makes me feel so sad. It filled the atmosphere with sadness. I stared at our house for the last moment and when satisfied; I entered the car in front of me.

The driver looked at me like asking if I was ready to go.


I don't want to go. I want to go back inside and beg in front of my parents, but I decided not to.

I smiled at the driver and nod my head. He started the engine. The view of our house was getting smaller and smaller as the car continues to move forward. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep so I will not cry and I succeed.

I woke up to the sound of the birds coming outside the car. We're still moving, so I looked at my watch and realize that we're traveling for almost two hours already.

"Are we not yet there?" I asked the driver.

"We're almost there, Ms," he responded.

How far is that place?

It's almost 5:00 am and I'm feeling hungry. I look at the window to see the view of the place. There's a lot of trees everywhere and I can tell that we're not in the City anymore. It's not yet raining here, but the clouds are forming as if it's ready to rain. I'm still looking at the view when the car halted.

"We're here, " the driver said.

We stopped in front of a big house with a sign on its side.

The Picks House.

I read the sign and smirk. What a weird name. I opened the door of the car and stepped out. The driver was already outside the car and he also had my suitcase. I walked towards him and got my suitcase. I paid him and he thanked me.

He bowed at me and walked towards his car to leave. I am standing in front of the house and looking around the place. This place is kinda scary and so quiet. I walked towards the door and knocked. Soon, a middle-aged woman opened the door and looked at me with confusion on her face.

"Who are you?" she asked with a deep voice.

"I'm Arabella Castro," I retorted.

"Oh, you're the daughter of Mr. Erik and Mrs. Rose Castro?" she also asked.

I nodded my head and smiled. She opened the door wide so I can enter the house. Then grabs my suitcase and leads the way to my room. She stopped in front of a black door, which I think in my room. Cool, I love black. She unlocks it and enters inside it. She placed my suitcase beside the enormous dresser and faced me.

"This is your room, and this is your school schedule," she said while handing me the paper that she's been holding in her hand.

"Thank you," I said. I need a rest. I sighed.

She nodded her head and walked towards the door and closed it. I sat on the bed and remove my shoes. Then place my backpack on the chair beside my bed and lay down. My class start today at 8:00 am. I can't believe that my parents already enrolled me. I set my alarm and then closed my eyes and sleep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It's 7:30 am so I hurriedly go to the bathroom to take a bath. I wore a black T-shirt with a skull printed on it and black pants. All of my clothes are black. Then put some make-up on my face, but not too much. I just put on face powder, eyeliner, and lip gloss. I was leaving the room when I remember I didn't have any school supplies.

I shook my head and goes downstairs. There, I saw the woman earlier, cooking in the kitchen. So, I walked towards her.

"Ah hi, " I greeted her.

"Oh hi, you're awake already? Do you need something?" she asked while stirring the soup that she's cooking.

"Ah yeah, where is the school supplies store here? I don't have any school supplies and I can't go to school empty-handed," I explained.

She laughed. "Don't worry, sweetie. Just go to the school's office and they will give you everything you need," she answered.

I nodded my head and get a bowl of cereal. I dined it fast because it's almost 8:00 am. When I'm done, I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and go downstairs.

I said goodbye to the woman. I don't know her name yet. The school is just near this house, a walking distance. I reached the gate of the school and looked at the sign.

Picks high school.

So this place called Picks?

I entered the gate and planning to go to the school's office to ask for my school supplies: I was walking fast while my head was slightly bent downwards. I almost fell to the ground when I bumped into someone.

I looked at him and found out that he's glaring at me. I didn't apologize and just continue walking towards the office. As I reached the front door, I knocked, then opened it when I heard someone told me to enter. There was a woman inside it and gestured me to sit down.

"You're Ms. Castro right?" she asked me.

"Yeah," I responded.

"My name is Ms. Cara Aquino. I'm the Dean of this school. This is your school supplies and P. E uniform. On weekdays, you can wear any clothes you want but Saturday is P. E day. Hope you enjoy your stay here," she clarified to me while handing me the supplies and uniform.

"Thank you," I answered and flee.

I place my uniform inside the backpack given by the school, together with the school supplies. I looked at my schedule to see where is my room.

Room 1-A.

I look at the building beside the school's office and walk towards it. Then read each room's number to find mine. I was already on the Second Floor of the building and I saw my room number at the end of the hallway. I immediately walk to it.

Once I reached the door, I looked inside and entered. Some of my classmates were sitting on their chairs while others were talking with their seatmates. The teacher is not here yet. I sat at the back like when I was in the City. I have no plan to talk with someone or make friends.

I was just texting my mom to inform her I already arrived at Picks and the school. I also wore my earphones and listen to music. And I was sitting comfortably in my chair and waiting for my Mom to reply when someone pulled out one of my earphones. I looked at the girl standing in front of me. She's wearing too much make-up that makes her almost look like a clown. She's looking at me while chewing a bubble gum.

"Newbie huh," she said.

"Isn't it obvious?" I answered unemotionally.

She formed a smirk on her lips filled with red lipstick.

"You're brave, don't you know me?" she asked again.

Bullies. I rolled my eyes. What a waste of time.

"How am I supposed to know you if I just arrived here, idiot?" I retorted with the doldrums.

She got pissed off. She forced me to stand by pulling my T-shirt on the shoulder part.

"How dare you to talk to me like that?" she yelled that in front of my face. Her saliva went to my face.

Gross! I pushed her to keep a distance from me.

"Don't go near me, dude. Your saliva is going out on your mouth and it's gross," I said with a disgusted expression.

The entire class laughed at what I said and it looks like they watching us from the start. The girl's eyes widened and her face shows anger. She steps towards me and acting as if she's going to slap me. But I am not the person who is easy to deal with. Before her hands reach my beautiful face, I punched her in the face. Luckily, I hit her in one eye and gave her a black eye. She fell off the floor while still holding her one eye. She's looking at me with disbelief while my classmates are still in shock.

"Whore," I whispered and sat on my chair again.

They still looking at me. But came back to their senses when our teacher entered the room. They all quietly sit in their chair.

Acting as nothing happened.

"Good morning, class. I am Mr. Charles Suarez and I'm your biology teacher." He introduced himself. "Since we haven't known each other yet, kindly come forward and introduce yourself. One by one, please," he added.

My classmates introduced themselves. I didn't listen because I don't care at all. The girl that I punch is next. She stood up and face us. I was waiting for my teacher to notice her black eye and ask what happened, but he didn't.

"My name is Betty Johnson and I'm the daughter of the sheriff of this place," she said while glaring at me. As if she is saying those words directly to me.

I smirked. She is the sheriff's daughter. No wonder why she's a bully. Everyone fears her, but I'm not one of them. Being bullied is not in my vocabulary. She's done and already in her chair. Some of my classmates introduced themselves after that Bully Betty.

And now it's my turn. I am the last one, so I stood up. Then walked towards Mr. Suarez's side when I noticed that Bully Betty's foot is beside her chair, planning to slip me down. I smirked once again and continue walking, but before reaching Mr. Suarez's side, I stepped on Bully Betty's foot and she screams with pain. She's holding her shoes that I stepped on and glaring at me.

"Fuck you," she mouthed.

I raised my middle finger to her and licked it. She's still angry at me, but like the hell, I care.

"I am Arabella Castro. Be nice to me or else..." I looked in Bully Betty's direction." I'll make your life miserable as hell," I said while I formed an evil smile on my lips.

"Thank you, Ms. Castro. You may now sit in your chair," Mr. Suarez mumbled.

I nodded my head and walk back to my chair. Mr. Suarez was discussing and I listened. I studied this time and decided not to waste my time here. I want to change, but I will fight when I think I need to do it. Mr. Suarez is introducing biology to us.

"What is biology? The science which deals with the study of living objects and their life processes is called biology (Greek words, bios–life, logos–study). It covers all aspects of the study of living creatures as occurrence, classification, ecology, economic importance, external form, organization, internal structure, nutrition, health and other body functions, reproduction, life history, inheritance, and origin. Being broad–based and multi-disciplinary, the term biology is often replaced by the term life sciences or biological sciences." He explained. "Can someone tell me who is the father of Biology? Anyone?" he is asking us and no one was raising their hands. So I raised mine.

"Yes, Ms. Castro," he called my last name.

" Aristotle is the 'Father of biology," I answered.

"Very Good and who termed Biology?" he asked me again.

"Lamarck coined the term biology," I added.

"Wow! How did you know the answer?" He asked me again. The entire class is looking at me.

"I love reading books, Sir," I replied. It's true, even though I ditched class, I love to read books.

"Well, that's nice. Keep it up," he once again said.

"Thanks, Sir," I stated.

He just smiled at me and continue his discussion.

"There are three major branches of biology–botany, zoology, and microbiology. Botany is the branch of biology which deals with the study of different aspects of plants. Zoology is the branch of biology connected with the study of different aspects of animals. And Microbiology is the branch of biology dealing with the study of different aspects of microorganisms," He explained to us. "Now, who is the father of botany, zoology, and microbiology? Anyone from the class?" He asked us again.

No one's raising their hands again.

"Anyone? Who wants to answer?" he still waiting for someone to raise his/her hand. "No one? Really? " He sounds disappointed. Then he looked at me. "Ms. Castro, do you know the answer?" he's asking me and now my classmates looked at me, waiting for my answer. I rolled my eyes.

"Theophrastus is known as the father of botany. Aristotle is known as the father of Zoology. While Leeuwenhoek is known as the father of Microbiology." I answered.

"Very good, Ms. Castro." Mr. Suarez said and then looked at my classmates. "Please read a book and stop fooling around." he instructed. "Some of the main branches of biology are briefly discussed in the presentation." He added.

1. Taxonomy: It is the science of identification, nomenclature, and classification of organisms.

2. Morphology: It is the study of external form, size, shape, color, structure, and relative position of the various living organ of living beings.

3. Anatomy: It is the study of internal structure that can be observed with an unaided eye after dissection.

4. Histology: It is the study of tissue organization and structure as observed through the light microscope.

5. Cytology: It is the study of the form and structure of cells, including the behavior of the nucleus and other organelles

6. Cell Biology: It is the study of morphological, organizational, biochemical, physiological, genetic, developmental, pathological, and evolutionary aspects of cells and their components.

7. Molecular Biology: It is the study of nature, physicochemical organization, synthesis working, and interaction of bio-molecules that bring about and control various activities of the protoplasm.

8. Physiology: It is the study of different body functions and processes.

9. Embryology: It is the study of fertilization, growth, division, and differentiation of the zygote into an embryo or early development of living beings before the attainment of structure and size of the offspring.

10. Ecology: It is the study of living organisms about other organism and their environment.

11. Genetics: It is the study of the inheritance of characters or heredity and variations. Heredity is the study of the expression and transmission of traits from parents to offspring.

12. Eugenics: It is the science which deals with factors related to the improvement or impairment of race, especially that of human beings.

13. Evolution: It studies the origin of life and new types of organisms from the previous ones by modifications involving genetic changes and adaptations.

14. Palaeontology: It deals with the study of fossils or remains and impressions of past organisms present in the rocks of different ages.

15. Exobiology: It is the branch of scientific inquiry dealing with the possibility of life in outer space.

16. Virology: It is the study of viruses in all their aspects. The bell stopped him. The school is over. "Okay, class dismissed," Mr. Suarez said, then left the room.

My classmates are also leaving the room. Bully Betty glared at me while walking towards the room's door. I just dirty-fingered at her.

I was the only one in the room, so I went out. While walking, I wore my earphones again and was walking to the quadrangle of the school which is in the front of our building when someone just pushed me. I look at that person and realize that it was Bully Betty. Her friends surrounded me. They all looking at me with their fist closed. Bully Betty is in front of me, laughing like a demon.

"Are you ready to die, bitch?" she asked.

"I think you'll be the first one to die, whore," I replied and positioned my two fists towards my chest. I'm ready to fight.

Bully Betty signaled her friends to attack me. They attacked me one by one. I punched one of them and it fell. Two of them attacked me, so pulled the hair of one girl and kicked the other one. But I didn't see the fist coming and hit me in the stomach. I kneeled because of the pain and looked at the person who punched me. It was Bully Betty and now she's smiling because they hurt me. She signaled again for her friends to attack me. I was waiting for their punches and kicks, but I didn't feel it. I looked at them and realize that someone was standing beside me. It's the guy I bumped into earlier. He's standing in front of me like he's protecting me from them.

"Maldix, she's mine, so move aside,"Bully Betty said to that guy.

"Beat me first, then you can have this girl," he said in an icy voice.

Bully Betty shrugged her shoulders and gestured something to her friends. They attacked him, but his reflexes were fast and beat them all. Nothing left standing with her friends. Bully Betty runs with fear.

Then that Maldix guy turned to face me. He offered his hands to me and helped me to stand. But when our hands met, something was coming from his hands. It's like electricity and it's going into my hands. I immediately withdrew my hand from him.

"Are you okay?" he asked when he noticed I was holding my stomach.

"Yeah, thanks," I said while looking at his feet.

"Be careful next time, " he said and then walked to the gate of the school.

I looked at him once again and then walk. My stomach is still hurting because of the punch. I was walking slowly, and almost at the gate, when someone holds my hand and there was Maldix again. He holds my waist and looks like he's supporting me to walk.

"Can you walk?" he asked me again.

His face is so near to mine and I can smell his breath. He smells good and so handsome, especially when looking while we're this closed.

"Yeah, and our house is just near," I replied.

"I'll walk you home," He said. "It's not a question. I'll walk you home," he added.

I just nodded my head, and then we walked together.

"Care to share? Why did they beat you up?" he interrogated me after a momentary silence.

"I just punched Bully Betty earlier before our class starts," I said while looking at him.

"And Why is that?" he asked again.

I sighed. I don't enjoy talking, especially to someone I don't know who.

"She started it anyway. She's talking in front of me and I informed her that her saliva was spewing out on my face and it's gross," I added.

He laughed. "That's really gross," He agreed. "You're new here, right?" he then asked.

"Yeah, I just arrived earlier," I explained.

He just nods his head and stopped. I looked at him. It filled eyes with confusion.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

He gazed at me and smiled. "Ah, because we're already in front of your dorm?" he whispered.

"Fuck!" I bursted as I rubbed my forehead because of the embarrassment. "Ah, yeah... Thanks, Maldix!" I said while avoiding looking at him.

He laughed at me and answered. "It's okay. Go inside now," he said.

"Ah, how about you? Where's your dorm?" I asked.

It registered the shock on his face. What's wrong with my question?

"It's near in the forest," he responded.

Then he left me standing there. I looked at him walking away from me and before I went inside. I acted normal so they will not notice that there's something about me.

Inside, I saw the woman sitting on the couch and watching television.

"Hi," I greeted with a polite smile on the corner of my lips.

She faced me at direction and smiled.

"Hello. The food is in the oven and it's already hot, so eat it up," she mumbled.

I smiled and walked towards the kitchen and grabbed the food in the oven. It's lasagna, my favorite! I ate it up immediately and then washed the dishes after. I told her I'll go to my room now.

Once I entered my room, I put my backpack on the chair near my study table, which is in front of my window. I removed my clothes and took a bath.

After I get changed, I laid my body on the bed and think about what happened today.

From bumping Maldix to the time, he saved me.

That's not usual for me. I don't need someone to save me because I can protect myself, but earlier, when Maldix came to help me with those jerks, I felt safe. I don't know why am I feeling this but it's good.

And I fell asleep...


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Thank You for reading my story!!❤️