
The Werewolf Neighbor

A romantic love story. Dear Lancy Today is my 100th day with you. Thank you for having me in my life.

s011524 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

[Dear Lancy:

I'm sure you didn't think that there could be vampires in this world, but yes, I'm surprised that vampires exist, when I've seen death.

It really shouldn't be.

But Lancy, have you ever thought that you would die from the fangs of a vampire? I think it must not have been, or you would not have thrown yourself away so quickly, so easily, and given up on life.

I had the pleasure of seeing two movies about vampires once upon a time, both very romantic romances, and I'm sorry to say that this is the only one I can remember, otherwise, I would have wanted to know what it was like for the humans in it when they were being sucked for blood.

But it was too sudden, I couldn't even think of all that, and the coldness of the fangs was only fleeting as it quickly pierced my skin and I could feel the heat draining away, which I didn't want, because I was now afraid of the cold, afraid of the cold, so I started to like the sun. I don't know if I'll ever be able to pen this diary entry again. Maybe not. I'm a little angry and a little aggravated. Was it the same for you then?

The wish to live a good life was destroyed, obviously just a small, ordinary wish, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Maybe I can't pray for you anymore. May you be at peace, dear, I hate to give you all the peace.

One prayer for you, last day.

Yours faithfully, Lancy.]

We had a great time in New York. Back home, Fox must have just rained, the cold wet air wrapped in the earth's fishy smell in my nostrils. The fatigue of the trip made me a little sleepy. I climbed into the car and closed my eyes and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

The small space allows me to feel at ease, sleep seems to be a messy dream. I like to dream, which makes me have a passion for sleep. Dreaming of a tree. I am familiar with every leaf of its veins and lines. It is a kindred dream.

But I woke up with a bump, my head knocked against Jacob's shoulder, and it hurt vaguely. I poked him hard in the shoulder, and it was my fingertips that hurt, it wasn't fair.

"What happened?" I picked my head up to look at him, my eyes still a little misty, but I could feel the proximity.

"Nothing.... Just now, something ran past." He wrapped his arms around my head, not letting me turn my head to look, and the burning warmth of his hand just traveled straight to my face.

I had a gut feeling it wasn't that simple because his voice was as hard as it had ever been, but with my head in his hands, my hands were all I could do to make a wild guess, "You didn't, uh, hit a critter, did you?"

Forks had a lot of unregulated wildlife, and the people of Forks loved the cute little creatures, I'd met a pair of lambs on my last drive to school, bleats and little horns that I loved.

Jacob didn't answer me, he just abruptly wrapped me in a hug, and I blinked in bewilderment, suddenly coming to my senses, it was so warm.

Only the car door behind me was pulled open and icy air rushed in. I tried to turn my head to look away, but Jacob's palm held my head down.

"James, we're in luck, meeting a little couple." It was a woman's voice, her tone was wanton, and I could feel her lingering gaze on me like a grim snake crawling behind me.

I could feel the strength of Jacob's hold on me increasing as he defended himself against the woman. I guessed we had met a mugger, or of course, a more dangerous being than a mugger, but it was strange that I didn't feel scared at all.

Perhaps Lancy's time had come? I thought so.

But how could Jacob... ... I couldn't think any further before I was dragged out of the car with a force that could break a bone, the night was so dark and the headlights so silent that I couldn't see Jacob's face, but I saw him trying to grab my hand, he jumped on me with all his might, "Lancy my God," I thought.

I couldn't see Jacob's face, but I saw him trying to grab my hand, and he lunged at me with all his might, "Lancy. Oh my God, I forgot to ask Beatrice what exactly the death was that Death had planned for Lancy?

Why did I see a pair of scarlet eyes?

There were many sounds in my ears, swallowing, the hissing of beasts, crashing, and the blood gradually left me. I was a little curious if the blood was shaped like a milk slice in a vampire's mouth because that's what the blood cells looked like in the biology book.

I couldn't see anything in front of my eyes anymore. Maybe my pupils were starting to get lax. Is this what it feels like to be on the verge of death?

"Lancy!" Maybe it's because I hallucinated before I died, I heard Alice's voice. I tried to blink my eyes, but I couldn't, I had no strength left.

What a pity, my little sweet cakes. I haven't made them yet.

"Carlisle! She's not going to last much longer!" Alice herself didn't know why she was able to control her instincts at that moment, but at that moment, she couldn't care about anything else when she saw Lancy collapsed in a pool of blood.

All that warm, fresh blood sent chills all over her body, and she was overwhelmed with fear, how she was afraid that Lancy would just turn into a cold corpse that would never smile at her again, never make her a snack, never quietly slip her a small snack, never smile and hold her hand and say that she would keep her warm.

She didn't want to lose all of that, and so she hated the alien vampire, when Rosalie and Jasper restrained her, Alice fought her way up, moving quickly to twist her head.

Vampires didn't have tears, and Alice looked at Carlisle in horror. She was afraid she would see Carlisle shake his head, and for a moment she even thought she would cry.

"She's lost too much blood," Carlisle was silent for a moment. "Alice, have you ever thought about having Lancy..." transformed into us?

Alice's handover Lancy's neck was trembling slightly. She looked at Carlisle pleadingly and said, "Carlisle, Lancy is afraid of the cold; she's afraid of the cold; I can't ask you to save her; she's my friend.

Lancy has told her more than once that she is an ordinary person; her biggest dream is to eat. Such a Lancy must not be willing to turn into a vampire.

She was Lancy's friend, so she respected her choice. It didn't matter. She could still be friends with Lancy for at least twenty years, maybe longer. Thirty years might be okay; they could still be friends for thirty years!

Was this where it was all going to end?

Carlisle tried to suck out the venom, but Lancy's heartbeat suddenly slowed down. Alice shook her head, her mouth repeating, "No, no, please, please!

Things were a little complicated at Emmett and Edward's end. Jacob had already turned into a werewolf when they arrived; the only-awakened werewolf was not yet in full control of himself.

A newly transformed werewolf is at his most violent; he is almost irrational and will only rampage without knowing how to use his power.

Edward tried to communicate with Jacob, only to find that he wouldn't listen at all, and he only lunged at James with ferocity. He and Emmett would only be mishandled if they tried to assist.

He seemed to view them as enemies as well, his icy pupils gazing at them without warmth.

The result of the coordinated chaos was James' escape.

Such an outcome was certainly not satisfactory, Jacob snarled, but that was not the most important thing right now as he stumbled over to Lancy, a few suppressed low growls escaping his throat, his eyes alert and defensive as he watched Carlisle.

[Jacob! It was Sam's voice, and Jacob turned around to see a black wolf slowly coming out of the woods, followed by several other giant wolves of other colors, Billy's superstitions, the legends of the Quileutes, the words Embry had once spoken—and as if there was a thread tying the scattered beads together, Jacob suddenly understood everything.

Werewolves and vampires were natural enemies, but the current situation was unique, interspersed with Lancy, an ordinary human.

"It was an stray alien vampire that attacked Lancy, and Jacob was transformed in this situation," Edward explained. "Carlisle is rescuing Lancy right now, helping her suck out the venom."

Jacob walked around anxiously, and Sam's attempts to call him over to the wolves were only met with a grumpy bark of warning.

"We have to get to the hospital right away to set up IV access to replenish the blood; it's too late." Carlisle sucked out the venom, his face serious.

Emmett and Jasper were left behind to make good; Jacob was going to follow but was stopped by Sam. [Jacob, you can't be in front of people right now.]

Get out of here; leave me alone! Jacob just wanted to quickly follow Lancy, but was caught off guard by the wolves getting in the way.

[Jacob, unless you can change back, we can't let you leave.] Sam stared at Jacob; he had been watching Jacob before, after realizing that he had the bloodline of a previous Alpha, but he misunderstood him because of it.

Lancy is my friend! As long as Jacob thought about the image just now, he deeply hated himself for not transforming a moment earlier; he would rather become such a monster than have Lancy get hurt.

He would rather turn into such a monster than let Lancy get hurt.

He had just watched Lancy being dragged out of the car; he hadn't been able to protect her; the self-blame and remorse almost drowned him, and now they were trying to stop him from seeing Lancy!

"Jacob, as soon as you can change back."] It was almost impossible for a newly awakened werewolf to control his transformation, so Sam had no worries.

But what he didn't expect was for Jacob to do it, right in front of his eyes, and in such a short period, he transformed back. Sure enough, a werewolf with a direct line of Alpha's did what no one else had done.

Jacob had no idea that this was something that shocked the pack as he hurriedly pulled on the pants Embry had thrown on and sped off to the hospital.

I must have slept for a long time because my eyelids were heavy and still almost glued together. Giving the description, it's the most intuitive feeling I can muster.

I was surprised that I wasn't dead. I felt very confused. Was I dreaming? I always have messed up dreams, but the near-death feeling was very real, and it wasn't a good experience.

I woke up in the hospital again, with this familiar, sterile water smell.

It didn't surprise me, but who had brought me here?

Was it Jacob? He's okay, I thought in a daze, I don't know...

The lack of strength in my body made me feel insecure, so I panicked. I tried to call someone before I realized that I had gauze wrapped around my neck, my neck... .... Neck?

The night became clearer, fangs, blood, Jacob's call. ... -My body shuddered, and I tried to clench my fists, hoping my body would calm down.

To calm down, only to be left limp with this feeling of powerlessness.

"Lancy!" It was Jacob's voice, he was safe, thank God, I sighed in relief.

But my eyes were still blurry as if fogged over, and I wanted to rub their eyes, but I couldn't pick up my hands.