
The Werewolf Neighbor

A romantic love story. Dear Lancy Today is my 100th day with you. Thank you for having me in my life.

s011524 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter Seven

"You look like you're, like, excited today?" Jacob said uncertainly. My eyes widened. "That you noticed?" I surveyed him in amazement, clearly no different than usual, I rubbed my chin and narrowed my eyes, "You seem like you're sharp today, yo. "It's just a feeling, hey Lancy." Jacob reached up against my close face, "What are you doing?" "I'm confirming that it's Jacob, all right." I nodded solemnly and reached over to pull open the door to get in and start the car. "Hey, are you telling by the smell?" He pulled open the car door as well and sat up. "Who knows~" I hummed a little tune, but the corners of my mouth quirked up quietly. I did have fun; I hadn't shopped for clothes yet, but I knew that girls get happy when they buy clothes, and shopping was probably a gift for girls. "Lancy, what are you humming?" Jacob finally couldn't help but ask after listening for a while "A tune I was listening to last night; I think it's called Greensleeves; it's an English ballad yet." I thought about it for a moment and was sure that was the name Yu. "Maybe we were listening to a different Greensleeves..." I heard Jacob mumble in a low voice but didn't catch it. "By the way," I pulled out a list and handed it to Jacob after parking the car, looking at him solemnly as if I were explaining some important task. "I'm counting on you for this!" Jacob unfolded it and looked at me sideways. I guess he was watching me to see if I had gained any weight. "Lancy, I remember you making purchases just last week; are you consuming snacks too fast?" "Hee hee, Jacob, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" I giggled, trying to muddle through.

Jacob folded the list and put it in his coat pocket, helpless but indulgent. "I'll see you later. "Sure." I fished out a lollipop and handed it to him. Jacob shook his head and refused the lollipop as I unwrapped the colorful wrapper and stuffed the candy into my mouth. I hadn't really asked for clothes; I just wanted to come and feel like I was shopping, but I was wrong; the lights and the windows seemed to glow with the different styles of clothes. Before I came in, I really did not know that the original girl's clothes would have so many kinds and so many brands. See, my eyes were dazzled. Maybe I had seen it before. Just then, I did not pay too much attention. I walked into the mall, but it seemed to have walked into another world. Fox-gloomy sunshine seems to be the luxury of this town. I was supposed to buy thicker clothes, but I saw those dresses. How can my eyes not move? "But I can't wear them if I buy them. Do I keep them as a collector's item like Grandpa Eisen?" I mumbled, holding fast to the last line of pragmatism, never to be dazzled by pomp and circumstance. "No, no, no, no, maybe there will be a chance to wear it in the future." I was still struggling, but I knew clearly that there was no future for me. I closed my eyes in pain and wondered if Beatrice could save it for me and give it to me in the next life. No, wait, what if I was a boy in the next life? I sucked in a breath of cold air, for a moment a little unable to accept the fact that I had only just recognized. I was wrong; I'd never had any expectations of my afterlife before. It was true, because it was so long ago and nebulous to me as a spirit, and then I learned about the reformed judgment system of the Shinigami Realm and thought even less about my afterlife. Is it too late to think about it now? Well, I knew it was too late. I rubbed my forehead, almost forgetting that for me now, living in the moment was what mattered.

"So should I go get the dresses?" But which ones should I buy? All, all of them? Until then, I had never thought that the whole dress shopping thing would lead me to agonize in anguish. "Jasper, she's funny, isn't she? "A girl next to me couldn't seem to help but laugh out loud, and I had a hunch that she was talking about me. I looked sideways to see a delicate, petite, short-haired girl who was looking at me with a smile on her face, and my face abruptly reddened. "Hey," she volunteered, "do you need some tips?" "Maybe." The rest of the words in my throat stuck when I saw the rows of shopping bags in her boyfriend's hand, and my eyes widened as my mind marveled at her purchasing power. "You have pale skin, so you must look good in bright colors." "A denim jacket is a piece that won't go out of style, and I think this one is just fine." "Do you like baseball jerseys? Try this one." "A casual jacket looks good too. You can't go wrong with a sports net." A silk scarf might be a good choice. Do you like the pattern?" "I've just observed that this and this skirt are your favorites, aren't they? If I were to choose, I think you'd look better in this one. "I almost forgot that lace is the most elegant element. Ah, come on, try this skirt. I think I underestimated the enthusiasm of a girl for shopping; there was something about her that was strangely affinity that made it impossible for me to refuse any of her requests. So when Jacob found me, I was too tired to walk. "Why did you buy so much? Lancy, is this your style of shopping?" Jacob asked in shock as he looked at the shopping bags piled up in front of me.

- "I felt misunderstood, but I didn't even have the strength to wave my hand in denial. "So that's why you bought so much without realizing it? " Jacob listened to my explanation but still couldn't seem to understand the joy of a girl shopping. "It's like this...." I replied breathlessly as I slumped over the table. He, however, laughed out loud without conscience, and I glared at him as he unabashedly laughed at me, closing my eyes and turning my face away from me. "Can you still walk?" He asks me. I shook my head, feeling drained of strength; even my eyelids were heavy, my eyelashes fluttered, and I still couldn't open my eyes. I don't know how long it was, but I felt a warm hand pat my back "Lancy? Wake up... Jesus, how did you toss and turn to tire yourself out and fall asleep?" It was Jacob. "Uh... ...-" I responded in a daze, not really listening very well. "...... Let me carry you down." He said, pulling my arms up so that I was on his back. It's so warm—a steady stream of heat coming from his body—so being carried on someone's back is this kind of feeling? It's so stable and reliable that I won't worry about falling. I abruptly opened my eyes, and my chaotic brain cleared up by two points. ''Awake?" He noticed it too and looked at me sideways. "Mmm." I answered and tightened my arms, my voice muffled. "I'm not coming down, so just die. Jacob's voice was laced with laughter, "Lancy, I haven't said anything yet

"Okay, so what are you going to say?" I asked, thinking again, and mentioned, "I can't say I'm heavy. "Okay, I don't have anything else to say. "Jacob pulled the car door open and let me in. "Yah, Jacob, did you really just try to say I'm heavy?" I grabbed Jia's sleeve and stared. "I didn't say anything, Lancy." He suddenly gripped a handful of my hair, shutting the car door and going to the driver's seat. When it did come to the day school started, I didn't get up late, but I was in a bit of a trance; time seemed to, well, go by too fast. I wiped away the dense traces on the mirror and suddenly laughed. Every day was brand new for the short time I had. Breakfast was a toasted croissant, the fluffy texture of which made me squint, and today, still sunless and with a thin mist remaining, I took the little cookies I had baked yesterday with me and fired up my little pickup truck. I have to admit that over-expectation is not to be expected. Rationally, I know that, but inevitably, there was still something to look forward to, and I was disappointed and even more frustrated that I didn't seem to be adjusting to school as well as I thought I would. Yes, I'm talking about the cafeteria. With a thousand salads and fruits and the same old bread and burgers for the ages, I clenched my fists as if I heard something breaking. "Lancy, what's wrong with you?" Bella noticed my lost doldrums. I took a deep breath and asked, "Our school, can we bring our own lunch?" I'd rather get up early and make a boxed lunch than settle for the fries and fried chicken the cafeteria prepares. "Sure, babe, it's okay if you bring a little after-dinner dessert." Eric squeezes his eyes at me. "Want to set up an interview later? What about eating a balanced diet?"