
The Werewolf Neighbor

A romantic love story. Dear Lancy Today is my 100th day with you. Thank you for having me in my life.

s011524 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter One

I am a guy who does not have the past; well, literally, I do not have the memory of when I was a human being. Perhaps it was far away; since I have the memory, I am a ghost.

I call myself a phantom, which is better—not that scary, right?

If you ask me how it feels as a phantom,? Well, I don't want to let you down. The truth is, I was fucking scared in the beginning, and it was such a horrible thing! It is a new world, and it is natural to feel cautious and very scared when I face unfamiliar and unknown things. I don't think you can do better than me.

Human beings are born scared, so they cry. Luckily, I am no longer crying because the phantom cannot cry. For me, it is such a hard thing to do. If you ask why, first, I think it's because I don't have my memories, and all my confusion, hesitation, sorrow, and happiness are gone. Additionally, well, I don't know what happened before I died; I can't find an excuse to cry. If you ask, is it a good thing? Well, there is something unconvinced too; I am very dull now. It was not until I was burned by the sun that I realized that ghosts cannot be exposed to the sun. I deeply regret my reckless behavior. But soon, I met my kind who taught me a lot of useful common sense about ghosting, which was very useful, and I am very grateful to them. However, this encounter is very short-lived, and they will soon be taken away by the gods of death.

Yes, it's real. The god of death with the sickle in your mind took them all away without mercy. If you ask me, what about you? Sorry, I am nobody, don't seem to be on the list of the God of Death. I was nervous at first, but then I discovered that not all ghosts will be taken away. The God of Death is very professional and will check the list. I, who was probably an insignificant person in life, will be anonymous even in death. The God of Death is also quite nice. Sometimes he chats with me about what the underworld is like and the system of the underworld. Yes, it is not easy for a ghost to be a human again these days. Under normal circumstances, I will listen quietly. If I am really curious, then I'll ask some questions, such as "Do people think of things in their previous lives before they die?"

"Um, usually not."

"Do people dream about their previous lives?"

"Well, dream is indeed amazing. But the situation you mentioned normally will not happen. You know, your soul, it's unbelievably pure, you will have a good life beyond. Do you still remember your name? "

"No, not at all."

"Oh, what a pity. Don't worry, I'll try to help you when I am free later."

To be honest, I am satisfied with my life now. I am not worried at all. And I am not eager to have a so-called life beyond. My life is so interesting that I give no thought to the past or the beyond. Besides I can not walk under the sunshine, it's not bad to be a ghost. So when the god of death comes and tells me he can not help me, I am very flattered. Later, he told me my issue would be solved soon. Honestly, I am willing to be a ghost, so I ask: "Could I just be a ghost forever?"

"Of course not! It is a bad thing. If you remain a ghost for a long time, you will become very weak in your next life."

Ah, so that's it. Then I would like to still be a human being. "Thank you," I said gratefully.

After that, about three or four days later, I saw a god of death, not the one I was familiar with, and then there was a light, very quick, darkness coming. And the last thing I remembered was a voice "Wish you a good life."

Until now, you think I am going to have a happy life again, right? I believe so. But very quickly, when I weak up, I was so surprised because I was still a ghost. Then the god of death, Beatrice, introduced herself in this way, such a nice god, asked me:" Would you mind living with another girl's life?"


Suddenly, a transparent glass cabinet appeared in front of my eyes. There was a sleeping girl inside. She had her hands folded on her chest, looking peaceful and beautiful.

"Is she dead?" I said hesitantly. I didn't quite believe it, because she looked as if she was just having a long dream from which she would never wake up.

"This girl's name is Lacey Green. She is sixteen years old. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor not long ago. Because the location of the brain tumor is too dangerous, there is no way to do a craniotomy." Beatrice shrugged and said indifferently, "So she is alive now, too. Waiting to die."

This is disappointing. I think what living people fear most is death. Lacey is still so young, but she has to endure the torture of the countdown to death, so powerless and unwilling.

I remembered a saying I heard, if you are not afraid of death, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"So?" I asked

"But one day, her soul disappeared," Beatrice continued, "but her name was not on the death list. She died when she shouldn't have died, which is not a good sign." Moreover, she paused, He winked at me and said, "This doesn't comply with our rules either."

"But, this doesn't mean she died," I said sadly.

Beatrice looked at me like I was an idiot, "It's certain that she won't come back, so" she suddenly said in a seductive voice, "Sign this agreement, and this body will belong to you." . Of course, until she dies." She didn't know when a roll of parchment suddenly appeared in her hand. Subconsciously, I took over the agreement. When I looked down, I saw that it was a strict agreement, and it mentioned that while I was using Lacey Green's body, I was not allowed to let other humans notice anything strange. "How about it? Is it suitable?" Her voice had a kind of trustworthy magic, and I replied, "I agree." Suddenly, there was a mark on the parchment, and Beatrice also signed her name, she is my guarantor of death.

"Okay, the agreement has come into effect. My dear, thank you for helping me solve a big problem." Beatrice put away the parchment, suddenly came close to me, raised his hand, and waved it in front of my eyes, "It's time for you to have a good sleep."

sleep? I haven't slept for a long time. But soon, the same light as last time appeared in front of my eyes, and then darkness fell. Then I felt the soft touch, I asked about the smell of dust, and I felt the heat of the sun. Sunlight? I didn't get burned! I struggled to wake up and I had become Lacey Green.

"You're awake" Beatrice's voice appeared in my mind.

"Beatrice" I blinked my dry eyes and my voice was hoarse, like the sound of grinding sandpaper.

"Good morning, Lacey Green. You have to work hard in your life."

I was amused by her witticism and nodded vigorously. I have been a ghost for too long, and now that I am a human again, I feel much heavier physically.