
Please let me kill him

"I spy with my little eyes something green," said a deep voice echoing in the thick forest.

"Oh, for the love of Zeus just stop. You are so annoying," replied a sweet voice with a hint of irritation.

"Oh come on. It's so boring. Playing games and chatting would make this journey a whole lot easier so bear with me. I spy something green," said the male voice his tone more enthusiastic than before.

"Seriously… everything is fuckin green in this forest. Miss, please let me kill him," replied the female voice with slight annoyance.

"If you kill me, you won't be able to get access to the Lycius pack so bear with it Hehehe," replied the male voice feeling somewhat smug.

This absurd conversation was between Merida and Vega who were at each other's throats throughout their journey in the dense forest.