
Help! What to do when my lover is crying.... urgent...

Lilith stared into those dark almond eyes that were looking at her fixedly with a hint of obsession. It was as though he was staring straight into her soul seducing her. She glanced fleetingly at his lips before staring back into those eyes. Just as their lips were about to touch, Lilith moved her face away slightly. That's because she heard Merida's voice coming from the hole asking, "Where is Lili... she has to see this. I didn't think we had such an unexplored place in the territory yet here we are."

Aperius kept his upper body lowered keeping at Lilith's eye level. Despite being rejected he still looked at the side of her face while biting his lower lip. The sound of Lilith's heartbeat amplified so much that it was beating in her ears. She cleared her throat and said, "Not here," her eyes glancing at the hole a few feet from them.