
Enemies die without even lifting a finger

Aperius watched on with a fierce glare as the reddish-brown furred werewolf took small strides towards the huge tree they were sitting on. His chest rose and fell heavily as he clenched his fist, the resentment within him suffocating. ...

The werewolf snout turned up slightly having caught a whiff but soon after he was interrupted by one of his subordinates howling to signal that they had found something. ...

The werewolf squinted its almond eyes and soon howled back, its snout pointing up to the full moon before springing away. Aperius exhaled as he watched the figure disappear into the forest.

He leaned the back of his head on the tree trunk and closed his eyes calming his mind. After that encounter, he didn't feel like closing his eyes to sleep. Even if he did close his eyes he would have nightmares anyway, so he didn't wake Vega to take on the second shift. ...