
The Werewolf's Vampire Mate

What is love? Love has a lot of meanings. To scientists, it is something that arises as a result of hormonal changes in the human body. To philosophers, it Is something that is triggered in human consciousness when two souls connect. it means a lot of different meanings to different people. Love is happiness to some, it is pain, sadness, ecstasy. It is an emotion that cannot really be explained. It is something that is meant to be felt. You also choose to be in love. But that didn’t happen to me. I didn’t get the opportunity to pick who I wanted to explore these crazy feelings with. It was chosen for me. I had no choice but to love him and he had no choice but to love me. Our love story is the strangest but also the most beautiful ever told. This is our chosen love.

WagS · LGBT+
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"What is that?'' I point to the ceiling.

Eleanor shrugs, her eyes furrowed in confusion. I run over to the door and push it roughly. Blue and Rex Look up immediately I walk in.

I ignore them and look up at the ceiling. These writings traced all the way to the top of the ceiling. How did we miss this?

What the fuck? 

"What is that?'' I ask Blue because he is the only one that would understand these things. He is the only one that should be able to read it. His eyes move up to the roof and he opens them wide immediately.

"Fuck, that wasn't there before. How did I not notice that?''

"What is that?'' I ask him again.