
Say you love me

The sun rays peeked through the curtains and danced on Eva's face. She woke up due to the rays of light on her face. As she opened her eyes, she saw a tall figure sitting on the couch in the room, as if knowing she was going to wake up at that exact moment, Lee Ming walked towards the bed and ran his hands through her hair.

"Take your bath and get dressed. I'll be waiting for you in the car" He said coldy despite his soft actions.

Eva creased her brows in confusion before remembering that she had to meet with Lee's parents today.

But before she could answer, Lee Ming walked out of the room. Eva went straight to the bathroom and cleaned up. She went down the stairs and found Tae Ming stuffing some bits of food into her big hand bag.

She really hadn't seen Tae Ming for a while now because of being caught up with a special someone.

Eva studied her for a while and wanted to laugh but held her laughter until she could finally pose the question


Tae Ming who just noticed Eva, smiled immediately and said

"ohh..Hi Eva.. Well, since Mister Ming here, didn't want us to have breakfast this morning. It's better I stuff some snacks into my bag and eat on the way to my parents house"

"Ohh..." Eva responded

"Here you go" Tae Ming said handing some snacks to Eva.

"Thanks" Eva said smiling and the two walked out of the house to the car with a man with a dark expression in it.

Tae Ming knee why Lee Ming was all worked up. She knew the moment they walk into the Ming's Villa, their father will start spouting about Lee Ming getting married soon and Lee Ming hated that.

Tae Ming rolled her eyes at Lee Ming's dark expression and just said

"We won't take long there."

"Well, we won't if you both had already entered the car and we are on our way there" Lee Ming answered coldly.

Tae Ming looked at Eva and they both entered the car.

The drive was silent until Lee Ming glanced at Hwang Lu who was sitted in the passengers seat and Hwang Lu brought out a phone case out of a bag and handed it to Lee Ming. Lee Ming handed the phone to Eva.

"It's for you" He whispered in her ear.

Eva stared for him for a while and said

"Seriously?" and Lee Ming nodded

"I'll help you set it up" he said as he took the phone from Eva and in a few minutes, the phone was ready for her to use.

"Thank you" Eva said the moment he gave her the phone back.

"My pleasure" he replied

Eva started using her phone with dexterity, she had a phone before her family turned poor. So using a phone now, won't be a problem. Soon,she received a message from Lee Ming. She was surprised that he had already put his number into her new phone, and he saved it with "My sweet boyfriend". Eva was utterly shocked and speechless while Tae Ming just watched all the drama unfold right in front of her.

Eva read the message he had sent to her. "Do you like how I saved my contact on your phone?"

Eva glanced at the man beside her and replied the text "Absolutely not"

Lee Ming's face darkened as he glared at Eva before sending her another text.

"Well, keep it that way. Unless you want to get punished, change it"

Eva read his message and her mind recalled the time he left her outdoors and then the steamy scene that happened after and her ears turned red quickly.

"I can manage it" Eva replied to his text and Lee Ming smiled before texting again.

"Good girl".

They finally got to the Ming's Villa and everyone got down from the car. Lee Ming held Eva's waist tightly and she felt a current flow through her entire body.

"Are you nervous?" Lee Ming asked as he leaned down to her ear.

"A bit" Eva said.

"You don't need to Eva. Just relax" Tae Ming said as she patted Eva on her shoulder.

They walked into the house and the servants bowed before them.

Park Seo-min walked towards Lee Ming and shook his hand.

"Your father is in the dinning room waiting" Park Seo-min said.

Lee Ming, still holding Eva closely walked to the dinning room and saw his father sitting majestically as usual with his green orbs staring at the woman beside his son.

Sir Ming stood up from his chair and walked towards Eva. "You must be Eva"

"Good morning Mr Ming" Eva said as she bowed her head slightly.

"You are so pretty" Sir Ming as he pinched Eva's cheek lightly

"Thank you Mr Ming" Eva said releasing her most beautiful smile.

"Let's eat now and discuss later, shall we" Sir Ming said as they all sat on their chairs.

As Lee Ming was about to sit, a maid came to his side, before she could get three feet close to him, an invisible force pushed her and she landed in the floor on the other side of the room with a loud bang.

Of course, this wasn't the first time it happened in the Ming's Villa. When Lee Ming was little, he only had male servants attending to him because of this. Sometimes the servants gossiped about him. Some said he was cursed, some said he was born to be a gay and all other things were said. But all this didn't bother Lee Ming while growing up he didn't set his mind in having a woman but only to work, work and work.

But now, he needs to get married. Sooner than later. Yes, soon than later.

Eva stared back and forth at the maid who had just stood up from the floor and Lee Ming. The wall had a mark of the woman's back because of the impact the force had.

Sir Ming coughed loudly to clear the awkward feeling in the room as the servants helped the woman. Lee Ming sat on his chair and stared at Eva for a while and she stared intensely back at him with questions filled in her eyes. Lee Ming took out his phone and texted Eva.(L- Lee Ming, E- Eva). The two texted each other with their hands under the table, away from other people's view.

L-"Don't worry much about what you just saw"

E-"How can I not? When something just pushed that woman"

L-"I'll explain it to you once we get home. Just be relaxed"

E-"I'll try"

L-"That's my girl"

E-"Your girl?"

L-"Of course. You are my girlfriend"


L-"Why is she lost of words?"

The reason Eva was at loss for words was because she wondered how someone could be so cold and at the same time, sweet with words.

E-"Nothing really"

L-"Hmm...let's eat now"

After Eva saw his last message, she took her food and started eating slowly. She felt weird momentarily as she rose her head just to find Sir Ming and Tae Ming staring at her and Lee Ming. They must have known what was going on between them.

Eva only smiled at Sir Ming.

Few minutes later, Lee Ming noticed the way Eva drank the soup hungrily and said "You like it this much?"

"It's good but I'm cold, that's why I'm drinking more of it. To get heat" Eva replied.

The room was indeed cold because of the multiple air conditioners.

Lee Ming smirked as a naughty thought came to him. He slowly put his feet in-between Eva's legs due to the fact that he was sitting opposite her and she wore a skirt. Eva jolted and drew the attention of Sir Ming.

"Are you okay Eva?" He asked

"I'm great" Eva said forcing a smile.

*You wanted heat right, you'll get it* Lee Ming thought

He put his long leg between her once again until it touched her panties.

Eva bit her lips tightly. But Lee Ming didn't stop there.He started circling her private area with his toe. He was like a pro. Eva wanted to scream, she closed her legs and trapped his feet between them.

After a while, Eva released his legs then Lee Ming spoke to his father "I want to go to the bathroom but my leg hurts and I'll need Eva to help me up"

Eva's shot daggers at him with her eyes. But before she could say anything, Sir Ming had already given permission.

"Come on Eva. Help him up" Sir Ming said and Eva nodded slowly.

She stood up and walked towards Lee Ming. She helped him up to the bathroom. As soon as Lee Ming saw that no one else was there with them, he locked the bathroom door and turned around to Eva, staring at her like a hungry lion.

"Why are you looking at me like that and has your leg suddenly healed?" Eva asked sarcastically.

But Lee Ming didn't answer but held her waist and pulled her closer to him, leaving no space between them.

"Why don't we continue what we started at the dinning room" he whispered in his husky voice.

But before Eva could move a muscle, he slammed his lips against hers and kissed her slowly. He carried her, still kissing her and placed her on the bathroom sink gently. His hands found the hem of her shirt and he took it off in a glance and started massaging her breasts through her bra and Eva moaned into his mouth.

"Eva...say you love me?" Lee Ming said between the kisses and Eva responded in a muffled voice "Lee Ming, I love you"
