
Don't come close

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Eva walked out of her room after Tae Ming had left and called out to Yu Shao. The woman didn't answer due to the fact that she was in the servants quarters. Eva sighed when she got no reply. She walked around the huge house trying to find Lee Ming's room on her own. After walking for a while, she found a double door in a quiet and secluded part of the house. Though, the place was still beautiful and extravagant as every other part of the house was. She thought for a while before knocking on the door. And the next thing she heard was the bone-chilling cold voice of Lee Ming.

"Go away."

Eva squinted her eyes momentarily and opened the door anyways. Though she felt the danger signs coming from his voice, she didn't want to back down. She wanted answers from this man. Why did his sister say they were close?