
The Weredragon Mermaid

A tale was told about Myristian, a place like a beach where humans come to view the blue sea despite the warnings. Only a few came by. The Christian is a place where the destined soul meets and also a place where the destined soul is doomed. The crisis began in this very spot where love started. She thought he liked her but never knew she was bringing the enemy to her home in the sea to kill them all and enslave her. What will be the fate of the mermaid and were dragon?

SassyJen · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

Episode 2

"Mariah you do not talk to your father that way, it's disrespectful." Queen Adrenal her mother countered her and everyone looked down in silence.

"I am sorry father, but this is my emotional life we are talking about."

Her father had to end the ceremony for every mermaid to return to their homes. "Come with me child," he said calmly and he will never be so upset with his daughter.

They swam with each other and got to a spot.

"You need to get someone in your life, Mariah, it's our custom." He sounded serious but his daughter remains unsupportive of her father's suggestion.

"Father, I am aware of the custom and what it demands of me." She replied to her father with a polite attitude though it sounded a bit rude to him.

"Then you have to do what it's demanded of you, Princess Mariah." She looked at her father in shock, he only calls her by her title when he is getting upset with her and doesn't want to cooperate with what he has.

"Father, you need to give me more time, I want to marry someone I love, you love my mother and she does as well, I don't want a one-sided love."

Tears left her eyes and they dropped like pearls, she made her father sad and he ordered her, "I hate to see you cry, go to your room and get yourself together before speaking to me."

She swam faster to her room as she cried more pearls.

Queen Adrenal listened to their conversation and finally swam out to the king, "You were so hard on her."

"You don't have to remind me but it's for the best, we have pampered her so much but this time around, she needs to know the right thing to do." His voice sounded so serious and the queen decided to be careful with her choice of words.

"I know everything you do is for her future and Orlanx as well. She doesn't like the Western doesn't mean she won't accept other royal Princes of another kingdom and I know she will find love with them," she spoke with respect, letting out a smile and he found a good meaning to what she said.

"You are right my queen, we will accept lots of proposals from other kingdoms and on her birthday she will make her choice from them." Happiness and hope could be heard in his tone this time around.

"Exactly my point and lastly, our daughter is very beautiful, she has the eyes of the sea and a rare pretty tail, we can't just let anyone just have her."

The Queen boasted of her daughter's qualities and it made the king proud. They both continued with their discussion and swam slowly to their room to take a little rest.

Mariah stopped crying as she left the water coming out as a human-looking so pretty and skin so flawless.

"Damn, she is like a goddess." The boys around said and she smiled at it.

Mariah is used to the nice compliment she gets from people both in her world and in the human world as well.

She saw a kid crying bitterly, she bent low caressing the kid's hair, "Don't you cry anymore, I got a present for you." She handed over one of her pearls to her and the child stopped crying and immediately rushed to her mother.

The child's mother was shocked to see the expensive treasure in her child's hand, she inquired about her child who gave it to her, the child took her mother to the spot but Mariah already left.

Mariah love listening to Broan Adams's song, the man is blind but has a breathtaking voice.

She sat among the crowd listening to the music and this time around, he sang about meeting your true love, she couldn't control her emotions as tears left her eyes falling like pearls.

The man finished singing, she walked toward him saying, "Great performance, I cried listening."

"Mariah right? I am happy you came to watch me play, I hope someday, I get my sight back to be able to see the friend that is obsessed with my voice." she laughed.

"I need to go before my father notices I am not around." She added giving him some pearls as a gift to appreciate him.

"Mariah!!" He called her back and she turned to ask, "Is there something you wish to tell me?"

"Today is a special day where destined lovers meet, I know you will meet your soulmate today."

"I hope so but I don't believe words come true, see you again my friend." She replied, taking her leave fully.

"She doesn't sound or behave like a human, I wonder what exactly she is," Adam said to himself.

A man passed the spot Mariah sat down and saw lots of pearls, he went on his knees to thank good heaven for making him rich all of a sudden.

The worth of a pearl is enough to transform a poor man into a rich billionaire but they had no idea it's a tear from a mermaid.

The man took it to a trader who took it to check its authenticity and as usual, the trader lied to him by giving him the wrong price because he wished to gain as well.

"You are a liar, I know the worth, I am taking it somewhere else." The trader dragged with him and a pearl fell from his hands rolling forward until someone picked it up.

He stood up walking toward them and both men's jaws dropped seeing a handsome figure standing before them.

A man has attractive green eyes, short black hair mixed with green, broad shoulders, and perfect masculine body structure, tall as well, beautiful dimples, and a captivating smile.

"I guess this belongs to you." He said with his deep sexy voice and the person who brought it nodded like a fool taking it.

He left them and the girls around almost went insane seeing his cuteness. His name is Kendra, a weredragon.

Kendra and Mariah passed each other and a strange occurrence took place, they both felt weird walking in their directions.