
The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones )

What if Robb stark had a twin brother, what if this brother had a near death experience, what if in his final hours the Old Gods save him. When the Old Gods save Thorin Stark they also bless the whole Stark family. With a Robb Stark who understands politics and with a twin he can always count on how will the War of the Five Kings turn out. (When I first began this fic Thorin was meant to be the MC but as it evolved it seems I have made Robb the MC so I’ve changed the Synopsis to make that more clear.)

Telling_Tall_Tales · TV
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30 Chs

(8) the Burning of the camp and the Whispering Woods

( POV Tyrion Lannister )

It all began so suddenly, I had been sitting in on fathers war councils since I returned from the Vale with the mountain clans, so I wasn't surprised that there was a battle, we knew they where coming but we thought they where a long way off. But they weren't

When the moon was high in the sky we where awoke by a war horn, followed by a roar, then the sounds of hooves then death. The sound of death was the loudest. I rushed outside of my tent my armour poorly put on and my axe in my hand but it was chaos.

Everything was burning but the fire was blue. And instead of it being unbelievably warm as it should have been with the Lannisters camp being aflame it was cold. So cold. All around there was Lannisters and Mountain clansmen dying to large men clad in leather and fur, wielding axes and torches alight with pale blue fire.

Then there was the mounted men. They rode on strange beast out of legend. There where large men in bronze armour riding Unicorns, but these weren't the unicorns from the stories I was told as a child no these where great beasts larger than stronger than most warhorses and armoured in bronze. They had a spiralled horn on their head that felled many Lannister men.

Then there the wingless dragons, great hulking green scaled beasts. They where the size the size of bears and they tore men limb from limb. Riding these great beasts where small men, not as small as me by any standards. They wore leather and wielded three pronged spears and small shields.

I danced around the battlefield trying not to get stepped on for only a few minutes until I saw him. He fought like a demon with his flaming sword, nothing like the quite boy I met in Winterfell. Jon Snow also danced around the battlefield but his was less stumbling more graceful where ever he went flame and death followed.

He swung his flaming and men died, his silent wolf was never far behind tearing men apart soon enough he was near me. He wasn't trying to get near me I knew from the surprise in his eyes when he saw me though that surprise quickly vanished when he was engaged by Bronn

They fought for a few minutes their swords a blur of steel and flame until Bronn made a mistake and Jon hit the left side of his face with his sword. It barely made contact his ear went flying off and the left side of his face became burned by the blue fire.

Once Bronn was lying on the ground he turned to me, he looked around and pointed to two large men and gestured for them to come closer. He turned back to me I tried to say something, I don't know what, I might have begged or shouted but before I could I was hit over the head.

"Grab the Imp we return to my brother." Was the last thing I heard.


( POV Jon Snow )

Our plan worked as I knew it would. It was a well thought out plan, me, Robb and Thorin spent days perfecting it. I was sent out with six thousand Northmen of the thirty thousand strong host. Two thousand where mounted Skagosi, three thousand where men of the mountain clans on foot. And a thousand where Cranogmen archers and Lizard-Lion riders.

Robb tasked me with keeping The Old Lion occupied while he marched to face Jamie Lannister. It is said that there is no greater scouts than the mountain clansman, who grew up in the mountains of the North. So I used my own scouts to kill Tywins so the only knowledge he had about our movements was days old.

We where to perform a night raid, burn everything in sight and retreat with as little causalities as possible. I had decided last minute to have Parthunax light a large fire that I used to light the torches aswell as my sword. We weren't expected to kill the Old Lion or capture any prisoners we just had to ensure they didn't out flank the main host.

That was until I came across the Imp. It was a opportunity I couldn't pass up so I grabbed him and sounded the retreat. No doubt the Old Lion will try to follow but we aren't following the main road we cut the the forrest and down the valleys. The Unicorns faced no difficulty with the terrain no matter how rough it became, and the mountain clansmen felt at home in the rocky forrest, the Westermen won't have that easy of a time.

At this pace I should reach Robb and Thorin before while they Marched to break the siege of Riverrun.


( POV Thorin Stark )

I was given command of the east flank. He gave me the Mallister, Umber and the Mormont men. Karstark was given the lead in the North with the remaining Northern cavalry. Robb himself was on on the west flank with the Rivermen remaining from the battle of The Golden Tooth, as well as the men of the Crossing left after the Storming of the Twins.

The trap was simple the Blackfish would ride out with his personal banner displayed and be sure to be seen by some Lannister scouts when Jamie Lannister realises that he may be able to catch the Blackfish he will ride out with his full cavalry force and give chase.

The Blackfish will lead the Kingslayer into a narrow valley in the Whispering Woods, it was then my part came in. I was to blow my horn to signal the charge. The Kingslayer would be surrounded, out numbered and taken by surprise it would be a massacre.It was then I heard the hoof beats in the distance I could see them I got my horn ready.


( POV Jamie Lannister )

I rode as fast as I could to catch the Blackfish. The Blackfish was one of the few threats left in the Riverlands, soon Riverrun would fall and Father would crush the Northern host camped outside the Twins, but the Blackfish he was the only one who could rally the Riverlands. I followed after into a narrow valley in the Whispering Woods and we where gaining gro—


Came the low sound that couldn't be anything but a war horn. It was a trap, I knew instantly. One second we where riding the next there where arrows flying, horses charging Lannisters dying and above it all was the Stark banner high in the sky, the Northern host was here slaughtering us not at the Twins.

I looked around the battlefield and knew instantly it was lost, there was no getting out I'd been outplayed I knew but if I was going to die then I might as well take the Stark boy with me. So I rode for the Stark banner though I didn't make it very far until I was falling from my horse. I got up and unsheathed my sword ready to cut my way through all these Northern barbarians.



I saw an arrow go though the neck of the Kingslayers horse. I saw him fall, get up and take out his sword. So I leaped from my mount unsheathed my own sword Kingmaker and began to advance towards him.

"KINGSLAYER! COME AND DIE!" I shouted at him he turned to me and I saw recognition in his eyes.

"You ask for death Stark" he said to me

"Death comes for us all and when my day comes I will face it with a sword in my hand, but today is not that day." I replied as I twirl Kingmaker lazily in my hand

"Now come and fight me Ser unless your are afraid of a boy half your age." That got him angry, good angry opponents are easier to beat

He charged me and swung his sword with surprising speed but it wasn't fast enough as my own sword lashed out to meet his and sparks flew as our blades clashed. He swung again and again he hit nothing but steel. I swung next but he blocked the strike my second swing was dogged and my third glanced off his shoulder leaving no damage.

He swung again I deflected this one and countered with a quick slash at his thigh that made contact. Due to his pain his next attack was sloppy so I ducked under the horizontal slash and stamped his wounded leg causing him to buckle. He fell onto his knees, he looked up and opened his mouth to say something but before he could I punched him in the face with my Weirwood hand."

All around me Lannister men whet dying or throwing down their arms. When the last pockets of fighting died down the men began to cheer Young Wolf and Bloody Wolf echoed in the valley as the Battle in the Whispering Woods came to an end.


( POV Tywin Lannister )

I stood in the wreckage of what was the Lannister camp all around there where the remains of tents and the ground was covered in what I at first thought was ash but is apparently snow. There was still blue fire burning in some parts of the camp and Lannister bodies littered the snow covered ground.

I had just been given a report by Kaven apparently we lost five thousand soldiers while the North lost only eight hundred and if that wasn't bad enough my son was one of those losses. His sell sword lost his ear and half of his face is scarred with frostbite, he shares a resemblance to the hound now.I stood in front of the only prisoner who knows anything some clan chief Brandon Norrey.

"So what is it you know." I demanded from the large fur clad man

"Ha you think you've only lost one son to the North then your wrong 'Old Lion'." He said

"What do you mean!" I demanded again though he just looked back defiantly

"You'll know any day now" he said and no matter how many times I questioned him he refused to answer.

"Hang him" I commanded Kaven

They took my sons, they mocked house Lannister I won't stand for it they will, hear me roar!


{ Authors Notes }

There you have it kinda feel bad for bronn

Next we got Riverrun

Ned with no head

And the King in The North

Thanks for reading