
The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones )

What if Robb stark had a twin brother, what if this brother had a near death experience, what if in his final hours the Old Gods save him. When the Old Gods save Thorin Stark they also bless the whole Stark family. With a Robb Stark who understands politics and with a twin he can always count on how will the War of the Five Kings turn out. (When I first began this fic Thorin was meant to be the MC but as it evolved it seems I have made Robb the MC so I’ve changed the Synopsis to make that more clear.)

Telling_Tall_Tales · TV
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30 Chs

(17) Returning from the West

( POV Thorin Stark )

I sat in the ruins that where once Clegane keep when I got the raven from Robb. And not a day later we where marching back to Riverrun. I marched with seventeen thousand men behind me and on the road we reunited with the Karstark host who had returned from the Crag and Ashmark, both castles now in control of the King in the North.

Lord Karstark had suffered some losses the battles and his once eight thousand men where now down to seven. His host joined with my own and we continued the march to Hornvale. Hornvale was a mighty mountain castle and is the seat of house Brax but with Lord Brax drowning in the Tumblestone river during the battle of the camps and with both his heir and his spare being with Tywin Lannister's host in Harrenhal the castle's acting lord was only a ten name day old child.

I hid the majority of my host in the thick forrest that surrounded the base of the mighty mountain and every night I ordered the heads of the little Lords small folk catapulted over the castles high walls. It only took a few nights before the child couldn't take it any more and he ordered that the forces leave the castle and engage the Northern army.

The battle could hardly be called that, when the Brax guard saw the amount of men they where facing they correctly assumed that there was no chance of victory and many fled into the surrounding wood, only to be cut down by my own hidden men. When the Brax men charred our lined the Brax banner of a purple Unicorn on a silver field we showed them that Northern Unicorns didn't stay on flags.

After decimating the forces at the base of the mountains with a flanking charge from my men in the forrest we took the castle shortly after. The defenders fought hard for the castle and we lost three for every one of theirs but considering that the castle was almost empty after the battle at the base we still lost few men.

After the taking the castle I split the host yet again, Lord Karstark took fourteen thousand men from our combined host and was commanded to burn the lands between Deep den and Silverhill before joining with Lady Mormont and securing any keeps that had been taken by the North in the Westerlands. After the Keeps where secure he was to send out raiding parties all across the West but not to take any castles until ordered otherwise.

From Hornvale I marched down to Pinkmaiden with ten thousand men behind me and from Pinkmaiden I marched along the Red Fork until I reached Riverlands at last.


( POV Robb Stark )

I stood in the courtyard of Riverrun about to receive my brother. I have an important task for him to carry out. As well as a wedding. I stood beside my wife and Jon stood beside his own, all around me stood various lords some from the Vale, some the Riverlands and some from the North but there was one who stood out, a woman in chain and leather with a sword and axe strapped to her waist and the golden Kraken of house Greyjoy proudly displayed on her cloak.

Most of the Northern Lords wore armour while many of the Vale lords and Riverlords wore finery. I myself wore my armour I had Dawnbreaker strapped to my waist and the Crown of Winter sat atop my head. Greywind and Ghost sat together but the dragons seemed agitated, they never liked to sit still on the ground for very long. It was then my thoughts where interrupted by the thundering of horses as my brother rode into Riverrun.

He dismounted his Unicorn, he was wearing his fur, leather and dark steel armour and his bronze crown sat atop his head as Jon's and my own did. His black cloak billowed in the wind as he jumped down from his horse and he kneeled before me and my Queen. Though Fenrir the giant black wolf and Alduin just hurried to greet their brothers, as my own brother did shortly after.

"My King, My Queen." He said as he bowed his head to us both

"Brother." I replied with a smile as I embraced him, it had been near two months since we had last been in each other's presence. His beard had grown longer as he was away as my own had though mine lacked the braiding his had.

"It is good to see you." He replied as he embraced me back before he turned to greet Jon and his wife.

"Shall we continue this in my solar?" I asked Thorin and Jon and after getting an affirmative from both we retired to the solar.

"And what's so urgent that you had to call me from conquest of the West to come here." He asked me though I could hear no hostility in his voice only curiosity.

"It is time for you to marry brother." I replied

"And to who." Jon asked on his brothers behalf

"Asha Greyjoy." I said

"Asha Greyjoy, what does house Stark gain by such an alliance? The Greyjoy woman has no claim, after her father dies then Theon inherits and she has a crazy uncle out there somewhere." Thorin questioned

"But that's the thing brother, that crazy uncle, Euron has returned killed his Theon, Balon and tried to kill Asha, then he named himself king of the Isles." I told him and I could see him working out my plans.

"You mean to have me marry her kill this kinslaying Uncle and then name me lord paramount of the isles." He said

"No brother, you wont waste your life away on some worthless rocks." I told him and he looked at me confused so I explained what I meant.

"Now that Edmure is dead you are the heir to the Riverlands, but you won't rule from Riverrun, I mean to make you Lord of Harrenhal and as the first Lord of that castle was the King of Isles and Rivers I would name you the Lord Paramount of the Isles amd Rivers." I explained to him

"He might have Tully blood but he grew up in the North are you sure the Riverlords will accept this?" Jon asked

"Many will have wanted the title for themselves no doubt but after everything Thorin has done for them in this war they will accept it." I replied

"And when am I to marry?" Thorin asked me

"As soon as a wedding can be arranged." I replied

"And soon after you are to march to Seagaurd where you will sail with the combined fleet of the Riverlands, and the North. Our fleet along with the Ironborn loyal to Asha Greyjoy will engage Euron and his own fleet. The Gulltown fleet set sail weeks ago and by the time you engage the Ironborn from the front they should be engaging from the back you will crush them between the two fleets." I explained the plan to him.

"And what are we doing while this goes on?" Jon asked me

"We will be taking Harrenhal from the Lannisters, now that the main host has left to defend Kimgs Landing from Stannis Baratheon, Harrenhal should fall." I responded

"Now go introduce yourself to your future wife." I said to Thorin.


{ Authors Notes }

There we go I'm finally gonna have Thorin get married to Asha.

Here's what she looks like in this fic not in the show :

Thorin is gonna be the Lord paramount of the Isles and Rivers and his house seat will be Harrnehal because Harren the Black was the King of the Isles and Rivers.

I'll have them fix Harrenhal so it's not the shit hole that it is now