
The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones )

What if Robb stark had a twin brother, what if this brother had a near death experience, what if in his final hours the Old Gods save him. When the Old Gods save Thorin Stark they also bless the whole Stark family. With a Robb Stark who understands politics and with a twin he can always count on how will the War of the Five Kings turn out. (When I first began this fic Thorin was meant to be the MC but as it evolved it seems I have made Robb the MC so I’ve changed the Synopsis to make that more clear.)

Telling_Tall_Tales · TV
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30 Chs

(12) Toppling a Mountain

( POV Jon Snow )

I t has been a few weeks since my legitimisation and since then I've been hunting the Mountain through the Riverlands. I'm closing in now I can feel it, Robb tasked me with killing this monster so I will kill him, I will topple the Mountain if it's the last thing I do.

"Lord Stark perhaps we should stop for the night." Came the quiet voice of Roose Bolton. I looked to sky, it was still a few hours until sun down

"No we're close, he rode through the night he'll be exhausted it's the perfect time to strike." I commanded the Leech Lord

"Yes Lord Stark." He replied as he left he glanced fearfully at Parthunax, the Dragon disliked him as I do. Ghost came up beside me.

"He's close isn't he boy?" I asked and he licked my hand which I took as agreementI rode my Unicorn to the front and continued on I hoped to catch them before sundown.


It was nearing sundown when Ghost started snarling I'd had know him well enough to understand that means the mountain was so I told him to find him and I warged. It took only a few minutes for Ghost to catch up as he was going full sprint and what I saw was a giant man leading five hundred exhausted men. It was the time to strike I knew. So I called a halt and made my speech.

"Men of the North, the Monstrosity that Rides is near!" I called to them some seemed exited at the glory they will win others seemed afraid

"These Lannisters Cunts call us barbarians, I say we show them what Northern barbarians can do! Because Tywins Mad Dog has never fought a Wolf!" I shouted to the cheers of the men. I was never much of a talker not like Thorin and Robb but it seemed to have done the trick because a less people seemed afraid

And so we rode and soon enough we where upon them we took them from the rear tearing through many of them before they could mount a proper defence but the Mountains men rallied at the sight of their giant leader charging.

But we outnumbered them two to one and the Skagosi Unicorn riders had no equal in the seven Kingdoms except perhaps the Knights of the Vale but The Mountains men where little more than bandits, so they fell quickly.

The Mountain was a different story. He was a giant of a man even bigger than the Smalljon, the only man I've ever seen his height was Greatjon Umber himself and that man has giants blood running through his veins if you would believe him. I didn't know if I could beat him in single combat so I didn't risk it. I had Ghost rip out his horses throat then his own.

After the battle was over soon enough and I allowed the men to celebrate, after all they had toppled a mountain it was an achievement worthy of celebration. Though we had loses they where minimal we lost two hundred men mostly Boltons as well as Roose Bolton himself (who looks like Vladimir Putin in the show) he died to a stray arrow, it was extremely unlikely it seemed as if the Gods themselves had it out for him. I had the Mountains body Frozen by Parthunax so it remains intact and started the march back to Riverrun.


( POV Gendry Waters )

Me, Hotpie and Arry have been travelling with the brotherhood without banners for weeks now though we've been travelling as prisoners,I suppose it's Arya not Arry isn't it. Recently I've heard tales of the Mountain being killed by the White Wolf, at first I didn't believe it, but after hearing the tale five times from five different people you have to believe it.

We sat in some inn that belongs to the friends of the Brotherhood Arya has been trying to convince me to steal the boat by the river so we can sail to Riverrun. I think the idea is stupid, we don't even know how to sail a boa-


Suddenly the door crashes open and a giant white wolf charged through the door and runs straight to Arya and stands in front of her protectively the wolf was snarling at everyone in the room.

When the wolf ran inside Thoros and Lord Beric both unsheathed their swords and set them aflame most of the brotherhood grabbed their weapons but kept far away from the wolf. Thoros and Lord Beric approached carefully when they where in striking distance they raised there swords and swung but in stead of hitting the wolf, they hit a sword. A sword covered in blue fire.


( POV Jon Snow )

We where a week or so away from Riverrun when Ghost came to me, he seemed agitated by something eventually he began tugging my cloak as if he wanted to drag me somewhere, since I got Ghost I have learned to him always so I followed.

So me and fifty Skagosi rode after him and we eventually found ourselves by an inn that Ghost went inside so we went after him. When I went inside I found Ghost beside some boy and two men where approaching him with flaming swords. I unsheathed Frostmourne and it went up in flames, ever since the first time Parthunax breathed his blue fire on my sword it has retained the ability to ignite itself on my command.

I saw the two men swing their flaming swords but I was faster and blocked both with my sword. Acting quickly I slashed my sword out at them but both moved backwards in time. The one eyed man swung at me but I ducked under the slash and blocked the hit by the man in red. I kicked out at the one eyed man making him stumble then shouldered the red man, he staggered and I was able to cut him along his collar bone as he fell.

I turned just in time to block another swing from the one eyed man. The man in red tried to get up but I kicked him back down, then I was forced to take a step back as the one eyed man slashed at me with his flaming sword. I countered with a stab but it was deflected and by then the man in red had made his way to his feet.

I stared them down waiting for them to make a move, the one eyed man swung first and his blade was blocked the red man was second and his was blocked as well, I quickly countered with a slash and because he was slower due to the wound in his shoulder I hit, his sword arm was severed at the elbow his flaming sword flying through the air.

The one eyed man attacked with a ferocity that wasn't there before. He slashed I dodged, he stabbed I deflected, he swung I blocked, but he i noticed a flaw in his defence so I swung high and he blocked I grabbed my long dirk, Duskfang from my waist and stabbed it into his stomach he froze from the pain and when he did I hit him in the head with the pommel of Frostmourne and he dropped to the ground beside the man in red.

"Jon?" Came a hopeful voice I turned to see who had said that only to see Arya's face peeking over Ghosts giant figure. I ran to her leaving the defeated men on the ground.

"Arya is that you?" I said my voice wavering at the sight of my sister

"Yes" came her whispered reply almost as if she couldn't believe it was real.I scooped her up in my arms and held her tight,

"little sister are you alright?" I asked her

"I'm fine." She mumbled into my shoulder

"What are you doing here?" I asked her

"I was their prisoner." She replied and I felt fury fill me. I turned to my second, a minor lord from Skagos

"Round them all up and bring them before me. Now!" I commanded him my fury evident in my voice.

And they where all brought before me there was nearly twenty of them one being a young boy around twelve name days old, so I asked Arya who he was apparently he was a Dayne of Starfall, my cousin and the squire for lord Beric, the one eyed man. There where two other young men both Arya's friends, Hotpie and Gendry. So with those three removed I stood before the rest of them.

"You had my sister as your prisoner! You meant to ransom a Princess of Winterfell to my Brother King Robb Stark to fund your banditry." I spoke and a large man in a yellow cloak tried to object

"We are Kings men defending the innoc-" he began

"You had MY SISTER prisoner! And you will hang for it!" I shouted to the crowd that tried to struggle but their bonds where to tight

"But Jon you cant hang Harwin he taught us to ride." Arya pleaded

"Aye little sister he taught us all to ride, yet he held you as his prisoner." I said to her before turning to Harwin

"You wont hang Harwin, no I'm going to take your head myself." I said before telling one of the men to get me a block he was forced to the block and i unsheathed Frostmourne, I asked for his last words and he begged for mercy but his pleas went unheard. I raised Frostmourne high and in one clean swing brought the blade down and his head fell from his body.

"Leave the Dayne boy and Lady Stark's friends alone, but the rest, hang." I told my second before I took Arya aside to talk to her.

"You know why I had to do it don't you?" I asked her the same question father asked me when I first saw him execute someone

"Because he betrayed house Stark." She replied evenly, clearly she had been through a lot on her journey.

"But don you know why I had to do it?" I questioned her.

"No, Joffrey used an executioner and King Robert had one as well." She replied

"Because our way is the old way and if you can't look a man in the eye and hear his last words before you kill him then maybe he doesn't deserve to die." I told her and I hope she understood.

"Now let's get you home to your family." I said and at the mention of our family a smile spread across her face.


{ Authors Notes }

There we have a new chap

The mountain that fell

The pack is reuniting

Jon killed his cousins lord

And the brotherhood without banners lost its leaders and its best fighters

Hope you enjoyed