
The Weirwood Wolf ( Game of Thrones )

What if Robb stark had a twin brother, what if this brother had a near death experience, what if in his final hours the Old Gods save him. When the Old Gods save Thorin Stark they also bless the whole Stark family. With a Robb Stark who understands politics and with a twin he can always count on how will the War of the Five Kings turn out. (When I first began this fic Thorin was meant to be the MC but as it evolved it seems I have made Robb the MC so I’ve changed the Synopsis to make that more clear.)

Telling_Tall_Tales · TV
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30 Chs

(10) Jon Stark The White Wolf

( POV Brynden Tully )

My grand-nephew, the king gave me command of the Vanguard, he tasked me to lead the Rivermen who have joined his graces host and attack the northern camp, the White Wolf rode beside me, the Bastard of Winterfell that Cat was so worried would steal her sons birthright. He was a nice young lad who cared deeply about his family. I bore him no ill will and he is a proven warrior.

His grace would command the majority of the Northern cavalry from the west he would lead the charge. Some how my other grand-nephew had snuck into Riverrun and he was to lead the men out from Riverrun itself and catch the Northern camp between Rivermen and Northmen.The last camp was to be taken by the footmen under the command of Lady Mormont.

"My Lord, it's time." Jason Mallister I nodded and brought my horse around to the Snow boy.

"Light those fires of yours" my voice respectful as he is my kings brother

"Aye my lord, Parthunax Frostfyre." He said to his dragon, thats grown to the size of a large wolf, and he pointed to large fire pits that had been set up.

The dragon flew over the fire pits and breathed its cold blue flames. The men went to one of the fires and began to light there torches in awe. Jon Snow mounted his horse raised his sword above his head and his dragon lit it on fire as well, the men watched reverently as the boy slowly rode his Unicorn into position Wolf at his side, flaming sword in his hand dragon flying above him. They looked at him how they look at his brothers, like they where Gods. I rode up beside him and took out my own sword.

"For Riverrun! For the North!" I shouted and the men cheered we rode into the camp at full speed, the first men we killed where still asleep, they died burning in there beds, then we killed men grabbing there weapons. Then they tried to mount a defence but half dressed, tired leaderless men stand little chance against fully prepared men attacking with surprise.

The resistance didn't last long. I saw men from the west trying to cross the Tumblestone on rafts only to be hit by stones from the walls a of Riverrun they quickly sunk and drowned in the rushing river.

Then I heard the war horn that sounded his graces adult on the western camp and I saw the gates of Riverrun open and I knew the battle was won. And now I have to convince my fool of a nephew to bend the knee to Robb.


( POV Tytos Blackwood )

I stood on the battlements of Riverrun beside me was Thorin Stark, The Bloody Wolf. He showed up in my room last night letter in hand, a letter from his brother the King in The North, the letter said that I should have the men ready to ride out at the sound of his war horn.

And so I readied my men and I waited I saw the burning of the Northern camp and I had wanted to ride out then but the Bloody Wolf disagreed, he said that there was a plan and that I should follow it. The Wolves of War haven't lost a battle yet so I listened.

But now it was time Thorin Stark sent his raven out a few minutes ago then he turned to me and told me that we should ready the men to sally out, other southern houses might not know about wargs but we can trace our history back to the Firstmen the Blackwoods remember the tales of the old warg king, so I knew his information to be true.

So when the battle started the drawbridge was lowered, the gates opened and four thousand Rivermen rode out of Riverrun in full force. We crushed the Lannisters between a Northern host, four thousand strong our own men equal in number. The Lannisters where dead before they knew what was happening, it was a massacre.


( POV Jon Snow )

We sat in the great hall of Riverrun we where having a feast in celebration of the victory of the battle of the Camps, it was a crushing defeat for the Lannisters, with them losing eight thousand men the remaining four thousand running back to The Old Lion.

I sat beside my brothers at the high table we sat at the high table in a place of honour, Lord Edmure had tried to sit me lower down with the other lords but once the Blackfish mentioned that I was fighting by his side while he cowered in a Lannister cell allowed me to sit by my brothers.

The Dragons sat in the rafters as lords threw them looks of awe and fear, the Direwolves got similar looks where they sat at our feet. We where sat in our finest cloths of dark grey and black and on our heads sat our crowns.

The largest crown was Robb's, an open circlet of hammered bronze incised with the runes of the First Men, surmounted by nine black iron spikes wrought in the shape of longswords. There where two snarling Direwolves on the front and amber was set where the eyes would be.

Thorin's and my crown is much the same, a circlet of bronze, the runes of the First Men carved into it. They both had two snarling Direwolves on the front. The eyes of mine being ruby the other being sapphire. The colour of the eyes where the only way to tell the difference between our crowns.

Edmure got up from his seat and went to the venture of the hall. The lords stopped their conversation to pay attention to what he was about to say.

"My lords, in our time of need, when the Riverlands burned of King Joffrey's orders it was not Stannis or Renly who came to our aid." He said and I knew what he was going to say

"No it was Robb Stark! The Young Wolf! The King in the North! The King of the Trident!" As he finished he kneeled in front of Robb and all the other Riverlords did the same, they swore loyalty and named him King of the Trident

"You have named me King of the Trident, and I am grateful. But I have important business to address as King." Robb said to the Riverlords as he made his way to the centre of the hall after the lords returned to their seats.

"Jon Snow kneel before me." Robb said and as I did so Thorin walked to his side in his hand was Robb's sword Dawnbreaker. He offered Robb the sword and he took it.

"Jon Snow do you swear your loyalty and the loyalty of all your descendants to the Starks of Winterfell." Robb asked me as I kneeled before him.

"I swear it by blood and earth, by sea and sky, by bronze and iron, I swear it by ice and fire, on the Old Gods of the Forrest, my loyalty is yours now until the end of time." I swore my self and my descendants to the Starks of Winterfell.

"You kneeled as Jon Snow, now rise as Prince Jon Stark, The White Wolf, The Shield of the North, The Lord of Moat Cailin. He said to me as he placed the blade of Dawnbreaker on my shoulders. I rose to chants of White Wolf.

"Thank you brother." I thanked him

"Nothing less than you deserve." Thorin said to me while Robb just smiled before he turned to address the gathered Lords

"My Lords Tywin Lannister's Mad Dog, The Mountain that Rides burns my new Kingdom!From the Gods eye to the Red Fork! But a Mad Dog is no match for a White Wolf!" Robb said to the cheers of the lords

"Jon you are to ride out before the week ends with five hundred mounted Skagosi and Roose Bolton with five hundred of his own men, you will have the command." Robb said to me before he turned back to the lords

"My Grandfather is ill, it was why he didn't partake in the defence of Riverrun. Why uncle has asked that the Lords of the Riverlands come to the tourney that will be hosted to celebrate his life before he sails down the Trident." He said though I know the only reason Robb was allowing this tourney was so the Lords of the Riverlands that aren't present can swear fealty and he hopes his aunt Lysa will turn up and he can convince her to commit the Vale to the War.

After the battle I made my preparations to depart I would leave at sun down tomorrow, I had a mountain to topple.